Return Of The Exiled Heir
Return Of The Exiled Heir
Author: Danny_writes
Chapter 001


“Who are you?! What did you do to me?” A woman screamed.

The next moment, Edward Anderson felt a hand hit his naked back hard, and he opened his eyes. 

There behind him, a woman looked at him with a mixture of disgust and hatred. 

The woman was exquisitely beautiful. Her delicate and smooth skin was akin to the most fragrant milk, sending out a luring odour.

“What have you done?” She cried again, hiding her body with the sheets. “You kidnapped me?! Who are you?”

Edward stared at her expressionlessly. “I did not kidnap you. You ran into me. Don’t you remember?”

Feeling her naked self beneath the sheets, Grace’s heart sank deeper and deeper. 

How could she, so noble and accomplished, stoop to have a casual affair with a wild man? 

She couldn’t bear it!

“Liar! Do you have no shame?” She spat. “What did you do to me?”

“We did everything last night.” Edward said calmly, “And you really enjoyed it!” 

“Liar! You rapist! I’m a responsible woman and—”

Grace wanted to defend her honour, but the memories of the night suddenly came back to her. 

Yes, she remembered!

She had been drugged during a business meeting with her father’s business rivals. 

She had sensed something wasn’t right and had managed to escape by tricking them, but she was already intoxicated. 

She ran into Edward on her way. 

He brought her to the hotel room, safe from the men after her and was ready to leave, but she called him back. 

It was she who threw herself at him and made them sleep together. 

Oh God!

Grace slapped a hand over her face. “I can’t believe I’ve done this.” 

She eyed Edward warily and felt even worse. 

She had not even slept with a high-status man but a common scoundrel. 

He spoke and looked like a rogue man, nobody of relevance. 

Grace wished she could just go back in time or make him disappear. 

Frustrated and enraged, Grace felt a mixture of emotions surging within her like a tidal wave. 

For a moment, she didn’t know whether to despise the person who drugged her, resent herself for bumping into a random man seeking for help, or detest the worthless man who rescued her and bedded her. 

She felt like she could explode with anger at any moment now.

“Come on. Don’t worry. I’ll take responsibility for what happened last night.” Edward rubbed his nose and offered.

Grace turned to him in anger. 

“You? Take responsibility? Who do you think you are?” 

She scoffed and shook her head. 

“Do you even know who I am?” 

She found it absurd that a man like him would dream of marrying her. 

“That’s not a problem,” Edward told her. “I’m a reputable man, and I can provide your needs. I’m responsible and well respected by many.” 


“Do you even have an education?” 

“Are you even qualified to stand in the same room with me and talk about marrying me?” 

Grace felt more disgusted, but she inhaled deeply and decided to stay calm. 

There was no point in losing her temper because of a brainless braggart. 

To her, he wasn’t worth her time. 

After all, she was the CEO of Carter Ventures, with hundreds of employees who respected and practically worshipped her. 

Why would she bring herself down for an ordinary man like him?

“I’m more powerful than you think,” Edward boasted. “If you marry me, it will be your best decision.”

Grace scanned him from head to toe. Disgust was obviously written in her eyes.

“No, that would be my worst decision yet. Do you think I’m that foolish?”

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