Chapter 27

Maxime returned to Neo's rented house to avenge his mother's pain on Neo. With his heart still filled with anger and resentment, he walked with firm steps towards the door. However, when he opened the door, Maxime was shocked and disgusted. Neo's body lay limply on the floor, covered in maggots and a pungent stench.

Maxime's tears broke out seeing his father's terrible condition. All resentment and hatred instantly vanished, replaced by regret and deep sadness. "Dad..." he whispered bitterly. Carefully, he approached Neo and embraced his frail body.

"Tjoe used to come here to bring food and bathe Dad, but he hasn't come for a week now," Neo said in a weak and pained voice.

Maxime's tears continued to flow as he carried his father's body to the bathroom. Lovingly, he cleaned Neo's body of disgusting dirt and maggots. Every time his hands touched his father's skin, Maxime felt a deep sense of guilt. "I'm sorry, Dad," he said repeatedly between sobs.

After cleaning Neo's body, Maxime lai
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