Infinite Leveling In The Apocalypse

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Infinite Leveling In The Apocalypse

By: Zurbluris OngoingSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 15 views: 218

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The crimson moon, marked the descent of chaos. Min-joon, a gamer used to virtual worlds, found himself thrust into a horrifying reality. Monstrous beings, echoes of nightmares, swarmed through dimensional tears, devouring everything in their path. Humanity crumbled, and the world reduced to a wasteland. But in the despair, Min-joon awoke different. A mysterious system awoke within him, promising power beyond measure. Unlike others, shackled by a finite pool of experience, Min-joon possessed the ability to level infinitely. Each kill, each encounter, fueled his growth. He wasn't just a survivor - he was a paradox, a beacon of hope in the encroaching darkness. As he carved a path through the ravaged city, the truth clawed its way to the surface. The apocalypse wasn't a random disaster – it was a twisted game, orchestrated by a malevolent entity known as the Architect. Furious and a desperate yearning to bring things back to how they used to be, Min-joon decided he would get strong enough to kill a being that would have otherwise been considered a god. Why don't you follow him in his journey and find out how he goes about doing it?

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15 chapters
Crimson Dawn
Min-joon slammed his fist down on the keyboard, feeling frustrated. Another raid wiped out. Ten hours wasted, the only reward a growing ache in his back and a dull throb in his forehead. He glanced at the clock on his monitor - 3:14 AM. His reflection stared back, dark circles under his blue eyes etching themselves permanently into his pale skin. His messy black hair looked like a crow's nest after a particularly aggressive squirrel attack. 'Ramen again?' Min-joon thought as he sighed, pushing back from his chair. His empty stomach rumbled as he did. He stretched, popping his knuckles one by one, a satisfying crack echoing through the silent apartment. The only sound besides his own was the whirring of the computer and the occasional distant wail of a police siren. Stepping into the cramped kitchen, he grabbed the blue packet of instant noodles. The microwave hummed as he filled the cup with water, the smell of sodium and processed cheese already filling the air. As he waited, he t
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Awakening The System
Min-joon pressed his ear against the apartment door, listening for any sign of movement. Silence. He glanced at Ji-woo, whose face was pale and drawn. "Think it's safe?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.Min-joon shrugged. "Hard to say. But sitting here won't get us anywhere." He took a deep breath, the stale air filling his lungs. he grabbed a bat from a corner and with a nod, he grasped the doorknob and twisted it slowly. The door creaked open a sliver. He peeked through the gap, his heart hammering in his chest.The hallway was empty, bathed in the strange red glow of the moon. Min-joon slowly pushed the door open wider, his grip tightening on the doorknob. "Alright," he whispered, waving his hand for Ji-woo to follow. "Let's move."They crept out of the apartment, moving silently down the hallway. Min-joon's eyes darted back and forth, scanning for any sign of danger. The silence was unnerving, broken only by the sound of their own footsteps.They reached the fire escape a
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First Battle; First Item Drop
The red moon cast an crimson glow over the rooftop, bathing Min-joon and Ji-woo in its light. The blue interface shimmered in Min-joon's vision, a clear indicator of the extraordinary events that had just unfolded. "So, let me get this straight,""You have a… system in your head now? And it lets you level up… forever?" Ji-woo asked, finding it a bit hard to believe. Min-joon nodded, still trying to wrap his mind around it all. The information overload had been staggering, but the core concept was clear – he could become stronger, infinitely stronger, by defeating enemies. "It sounds crazy, I know," he admitted, "But look." He placed his hand in her forehead and focused his mind, and the blue interface flickered, displaying his current stats:[User: Min-joonLevel: 1HP: 100/100MP: 50/50Strength: 5Agility: 7Intelligence: 8XP: 0/100]"See?" he pointed at the screen. "Level 1, zero experience points. A total newbie." Ji-woo squinted at the floating interface, she could see it,
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Under the Red Moon
The worn leather bracer felt cool against his skin as he strapped it onto his arm. It wasn't much to look at, but the +1 defense boost felt significant, a nice improvement. Looking up at Ji-woo, he saw a hesitant smile creep onto her face. "Alright, Mr. Level-Up-er," she called down, "Come on back up before another one of those things decides to join the party."Min-joon chuckled, the sound a little shaky but genuine. Scrambling up the fire escape, he rejoined Ji-woo on the rooftop. The red moon was still hanging ominously in the sky, but it seemed a little less frightening now. He had faced a monster and emerged victorious. Maybe there was hope after all. "That was…" Ji-woo started, searching for the right words. "Crazy. And terrifying. And somehow… cool?"Min-joon grinned. "Cool is definitely not the word I'd use, but yeah, definitely crazy and terrifying." He held up the worn leather bracer. "At least I got a souvenir for my troubles."Ji-woo knelt beside him, examining the brac
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Against The Ghouls
Min-joon stood at the edge of the rooftop, his body tense, gripping the baseball bat so hard his knuckles turned white. The two ghouls on the adjacent building moved quickly, their green skin glowing under the red glow of the moon. He could see their sharp, clawed fingers clutching the edge of the roof as they prepared to leap. Min-joon glanced at Ji-woo. She was crouched low, her dark hair still pulled back into a messy bun, her eyes wide and locked onto the approaching creatures. Her small frame seemed even more fragile against the backdrop of the chaotic city. Despite the fear in her eyes, she held a broken piece of metal pipe in her hands, ready to defend herself. 'We have to do this,' he thought, trying to summon courage. 'We can't back down now.' "Ready?" Min-joon asked, trying to sound braver than he felt. His voice was calm, but his heart pounded loudly in his ears. Ji-woo nodded, her grip tightening on the pipe. "Ready as I'll ever be.” As the first ghoul leaped towards
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Into The Depths
Ji-woo's sudden grin caught Min-joon off guard. 'What is she thinking?' he wondered, watching as she scanned their surroundings with newfound determination. "What is it?" Min-joon asked, tightening his grip on the bat, ready for whatever she had in mind.Ji-woo pointed towards a fire escape ladder that snaked down the side of their building. "If we can get down to the street, we might be able to lead them away and circle back around to the library from another side."Min-joon glanced at the ladder and then back at the ghouls. The idea had merit. The street below was dark and littered with debris, offering plenty of cover. But it was also dangerous, with unknown threats lurking in the shadows. He hesitated, weighing their options. "Alright," he agreed finally. "But we need to move fast. Once we're down there, we run and don't look back until we're safe."Ji-woo nodded, her grip on the metal pipe tightening. "Got it. I'll go first, make sure the coast is clear."Before Min-joon could
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Silent Confessions
Ji-woo's expression was one of slight disappointment. "Really?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.Min-joon felt a bit defensive. "Hey, you were the one who asked, so you don't get to act like I said something weird."She looked away, pouting a little. "I just thought... maybe there was something else. Something more meaningful or... I don't know, personal?"Min-joon shook his head. "No, not really. Why do you ask? What are you curious about?"Ji-woo let out a long sigh, her shoulders slumping slightly. She seemed to gather her thoughts before looking at him again. "Min-joon, do you have any experience with romance?"Min-joon blinked in surprise. "Love?" he asked, not sure he had heard her correctly.She nodded, her gaze steady. "Yes, love."He scratched his head, feeling even more awkward. "Not really. Why are you asking me this now?"Ji-woo's cheeks flushed a light pink, and she turned to face him more fully. "What would you do if a girl confessed her feelings to you?"Min-joon felt a r
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Min-joon took a deep breath and stood up, stretching his legs. The cold, damp basement had left his muscles stiff. Ji-woo, with her dark hair still in a messy bun and her small frame tense, slowly rose beside him. "We should check if the coast is clear," Min-joon whispered, trying to sound confident. He didn't feel confident, but he knew they had to keep going.Ji-woo nodded, her grip on the metal pipe tightening. "Yeah, let's go."They made their way up the narrow staircase, the old wooden steps creaking under their weight. Min-joon led the way, his baseball bat ready in his hands. He pushed open the rusted door at the top, peeking out cautiously.The street was eerily quiet. The moon cast long shadows, and debris littered the ground. Min-joon signaled for Ji-woo to follow, and they stepped out into the open, moving quickly but silently.Suddenly, Ji-woo froze, her eyes wide. Min-joon turned to see what had startled her. A group of people emerged from the shadows, weapons drawn. The
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First Quest First System Reward
Min-joon tightened his grip on his baseball bat, feeling the weight of it in his hands. Ji-woo walked beside him, her dark hair still tied up in a messy bun. She looked small but intense, her eyes looking around their surroundings. The rest of the group moved quietly, each person alert and ready for any danger.Hyun-soo led the way with his tall and muscular frame. The scar on his cheek made him look tough and experienced. He knew what he was doing, and they had to trust him.As they made their way through the deserted streets, Min-joon noticed the buildings around them. They were crumbling, windows shattered, and debris scattered everywhere. It was a clear reminder of how much the world had changed over the span of a single night. This place used to be so full of life.Suddenly, a soft chime sounded in Min-joon's head. He stopped, and glanced around to see if anyone else heard it. But everyone else kept moving, unaware.'Seems it didn't happen like it did last time with Ji-woo.'A me
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Another Quest?
Min-joon felt the strange energy of his new skill moving beneath his skin as the group approached the military base. The imposing structure loomed ahead, a grim reminder of the world they now lived in. The base was surrounded by tall, rusted fences and guarded towers, though it looked abandoned now. He exchanged a look with Ji-woo, whose determination shone through her fatigue."Stay close," Hyun-soo ordered. The rest of the group nodded, moving in tighter formation.As they neared the gates, Min-joon couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. His eyes darted around, scanning for any sign of movement. The base was quiet, too quiet. They had learned to distrust silence; it usually meant something was waiting to spring."Do you think it's safe?" Ji-woo whispered, her grip on the metal pipe tightening.Min-joon shook his head slightly. "Safe isn't a word that means much anymore," he replied softly."But we have to keep moving."The group crept through the gate, Hyun-soo at
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