
Min-joon took a deep breath and stood up, stretching his legs. The cold, damp basement had left his muscles stiff. Ji-woo, with her dark hair still in a messy bun and her small frame tense, slowly rose beside him.

"We should check if the coast is clear," Min-joon whispered, trying to sound confident. He didn't feel confident, but he knew they had to keep going.

Ji-woo nodded, her grip on the metal pipe tightening. "Yeah, let's go."

They made their way up the narrow staircase, the old wooden steps creaking under their weight. Min-joon led the way, his baseball bat ready in his hands. He pushed open the rusted door at the top, peeking out cautiously.

The street was eerily quiet. The moon cast long shadows, and debris littered the ground. Min-joon signaled for Ji-woo to follow, and they stepped out into the open, moving quickly but silently.

Suddenly, Ji-woo froze, her eyes wide. Min-joon turned to see what had startled her. A group of people emerged from the shadows, weapons drawn. There were about five of them, and they looked just as ragged and tired as Min-joon and Ji-woo.

The leader stepped forward. He was tall and muscular, with short-cropped hair and a scar running down his cheek. His eyes were sharp and calculating. 'This guy looks like he's seen a lot,' Min-joon thought.

"Who are you?" the man demanded, his voice low and commanding. "Are you infected?"

Min-joon shook his head, raising his hands to show he meant no harm. "Infected? No, we're not. We're just trying to survive, like you."

The man eyed them suspiciously. "How do I know you're telling the truth?"

Ji-woo stepped forward, her eyes pleading. "Please, we're not a threat. We were being chased by those green monsters. We just want to find a safe place."

The man hesitated, then nodded. "Alright, but don't try anything funny. My name is Hyun-soo. I'm a former soldier. We look out for each other here."

Min-joon and Ji-woo introduced themselves, and Hyun-soo relaxed slightly. He gestured for them to follow. "Come with us. We have a camp nearby."

As they walked, Min-joon noticed the other members of the group. There was a woman with short, blonde hair, carrying a shotgun. She looked tough and alert. A younger guy, probably in his early twenties, had a bow slung over his shoulder. He kept glancing around nervously. Two other men brought up the rear, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any threats.

Min-joon and Ji-woo glanced at each other momentarily, then decided to follow them.

They reached a small, hidden camp in an abandoned building. The group had made it as secure as they could, with barricades and traps set up around the perimeter. A fire burned in a makeshift pit, providing some warmth and light.

Hyun-soo sat down on an old crate and motioned for Min-joon and Ji-woo to join him. "You two got lucky running into us. Those green monsters are dangerous."

"What are they?" Min-joon asked.

"We've been calling them ghouls, but we don't really know what they are."

Hyun-soo sighed, running a hand over his scarred cheek. "They used to be people. When someone gets bitten, they turn into those things. It's like some kind of infection."

Ji-woo looked slightly surprised, her hand covering her mouth. "Are you Serious?"

"Yeah," Hyun-soo agreed. "We've lost a lot of good people to those monsters."

Min-joon felt a shiver run down his spine. 'No wonder they looked so human,' he thought. 'So is this whole thing some kind of pandemic?'

Hyun-soo leaned forward, his expression serious. "We're planning to head to an old military base a few miles from here. It's rumored to have supplies and weapons. We could use all the help we can get. You two in?"

Min-joon and Ji-woo exchanged a glance. They didn't have many options, and joining this group seemed like their best chance for survival. Min-joon nodded. "We're in."

"Good," Hyun-soo said, a small smile breaking through his tough exterior. "We'll leave at first light. Get some rest. You'll need it."

Min-joon and Ji-woo found a spot near the fire, grateful for the warmth. They sat down, leaning against the wall. The other group members kept watch, their eyes sharp and alert.

Ji-woo turned to Min-joon, her face illuminated by the firelight. "Do you think we can trust them?"

Min-joon shrugged. "Hardly, I've played games like these hundreds of times, I know better than to trust a random stranger. Although, Hyun-soo seems like he knows what he's doing. And we don't have a lot of options."

Ji-woo nodded, her eyes thoughtful. "I guess you're right. Hope this detour from initially going to the library won't be a mistake. I just hope this military base has what we need."

Min-joon looked at her, admiring her determination. 'She's always been strong,' he thought. 'I need to be strong too.'

As they settled in for the night, Min-joon couldn't help but think about their journey so far. They had faced so many dangers, but they had survived. And now, with this new group, they had a chance to find safety and maybe even fight back against the monsters that had taken over their world.

Min-joon closed his eyes, letting the warmth of the fire and the sounds of the camp lull him into sleep. He knew the road ahead would be difficult, but with Ji-woo by his side and the new system, he felt a glimmer of hope.


When dawn broke, the group gathered their things and prepared to leave. Hyun-soo gave everyone a quick briefing, outlining the route to the military base and what to expect.

"Stay alert," he warned. "We don't know what we'll find out there, but we need to stick together and watch each other's backs."

Min-joon tightened his grip on his baseball bat, feeling fear and. Ji-woo stood beside him, her metal pipe at the ready. They exchanged a nod, silently reaffirming their commitment to each other.

The journey to the military base was tense. They moved through the deserted streets, always on the lookout for any signs of danger. The sun was just rising, casting long shadows and adding an eerie feel to the already silent city.

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