First Quest First System Reward

Min-joon tightened his grip on his baseball bat, feeling the weight of it in his hands. Ji-woo walked beside him, her dark hair still tied up in a messy bun. She looked small but intense, her eyes looking around their surroundings. The rest of the group moved quietly, each person alert and ready for any danger.

Hyun-soo led the way with his tall and muscular frame. The scar on his cheek made him look tough and experienced. He knew what he was doing, and they had to trust him.

As they made their way through the deserted streets, Min-joon noticed the buildings around them. They were crumbling, windows shattered, and debris scattered everywhere. It was a clear reminder of how much the world had changed over the span of a single night. This place used to be so full of life.

Suddenly, a soft chime sounded in Min-joon's head. He stopped, and glanced around to see if anyone else heard it. But everyone else kept moving, unaware.

'Seems it didn't happen like it did last time with Ji-woo.'

A message appeared in his vision, like a hologram: [First Quest: Protect the Group from a goul encounter. Reward: Skill: Mana Enhancement.]

Min-joon's heart raced. A quest? From the system? The idea of getting a reward for completing a quest was exciting, but also daunting.

'I have to protect everyone? Isn't that a bit overkill?'

Hyun-soo turned back, noticing Min-joon had stopped. "Everything okay?" he asked, his eyes narrowing in concern.

Min-joon nodded quickly. "Yeah, just thought I heard something."

Hyun-soo frowned but didn't push further. "Stay alert. We can't afford any mistakes."

The group continued, and Min-joon glanced at Ji-woo, who gave him a reassuring smile. He couldn't let her down.

They moved through an alley, the shadows long and menacing. Min-joon kept his senses sharp, ready for any sign of trouble. The quest on his mind, pushing him to stay vigilant.

'If the system gave a quest now, out here, it simply means we will soon be encountering monsters.'

After a few more blocks, Hyun-soo raised his hand, signaling everyone to stop. "We'll take a short break here," he said. "Everyone stay close and keep an eye out."

Min-joon and Ji-woo found a spot to sit, leaning against a wall. Min-joon couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, his nerves on edge. This quest is serious.

Ji-woo looked at him, concern in her eyes. "You seem tense," she said softly.

Min-joon forced a smile. "Just trying to stay focused. This place gives me the creeps."

Ji-woo nodded, her expression understanding. "We'll get through this. We always do."

Before they could relax further, a noise caught their attention. It was faint, but unmistakable – the sound of growling. The group tensed, weapons at the ready.

Hyun-soo motioned for everyone to stay quiet. "Stay low and be ready," he whispered.

'Bingo.' Min-joon thought, as he felt his heart pounding. He had to protect them. He gripped his bat tightly, preparing for whatever came next.

A figure emerged from the shadows, its skin green and eyes glowing. It was a ghoul, just like the ones that had chased them before. Min-joon felt a surge of fear but forced himself to stay calm.

"There's only one," Hyun-soo said quietly. "We can handle this."

The ghoul snarled, its movements jerky and unnatural. It spotted the group and charged, teeth bared. Min-joon stepped forward, his bat raised, ready to strike.

Hyun-soo and the others joined him, weapons at the ready. The ghoul lunged at Min-joon, but he swung his bat with all his might, hitting it square in the chest.

The ghoul stumbled back, and Hyun-soo quickly moved in, slashing with a knife.

Ji-woo stood beside Min-joon, her metal pipe in hand. "Watch out!" she shouted as another ghoul appeared from the side.

Min-joon turned just in time, swinging his bat again. The ghoul was fast, but Min-joon managed to hit its head, sending it crashing to the ground. He did it.

Hyun-soo finished off the first ghoul, then turned to Min-joon. "Good job," he said, a rare smile crossing his face. "Let's keep moving. We need to stay ahead of them."

Min-joon felt a rush of pride. He completed the quest. The message from the system flashed again: ["Quest Complete. Reward: Skill: Mana Enhancement."]

He felt a strange sensation, like energy flowing into his body. It was warm and tingling, filling him with strength. He suddenly knew he could draw upon this energy in a fight, making him stronger and faster.

'This is incredible.' he thought.

Ji-woo noticed the change in him. "Are you okay?" she asked, her eyes wide with concern.

Min-joon nodded, a grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, no big deal, don't worry."

Ji-woo looked puzzled but didn't press further. "Let's keep going then. We can't afford to stay here."

The group continued their journey, Min-joon feeling more confident with his new abilities. He stayed close to Ji-woo, ready to protect her and the rest of the group. This is just the beginning.

They reached the edge of the city, the military base visible in the distance. It was a daunting sight, the tall fences and guarded towers reminding them of the challenges ahead.

Ji-woo glanced at him, her eyes filled with seriousness. "We're almost there," she said. "Let's finish this."

Min-joon nodded, his grip on his bat steady. They were in this together, and they would get through it, no matter what.

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