
Min-joon's mind raced, the system notifications flashing before his eyes while the surreal events unfolded around him. The silver-haired woman's calm demeanor contrasted sharply with the chaos they had just escaped.

"Who are you?" Hyun-soo repeated, his voice edged with suspicion.

The woman lowered her hands, her yellow eyes scanning the group. "My name is Eun-ha. I'm part of a resistance group formed to combat the growing threats." Her gaze shifted to the ashes of the spider. "We've been tracking that mutated spider for days. You're lucky we found you when we did."

Hyun-soo's grip on his knife tightened, but he didn't lower it. "Why should we trust you?"

Eun-ha took a step forward, her expression serious. "Because we're all fighting the same battle. The world is overrun with these creatures, and surviving alone is getting harder every day. We've established a safe zone where we gather survivors and resources."

Min-joon glanced at his companions, noting their varying expressions of ho
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