Infinite Leveling In The Apocalypse
Infinite Leveling In The Apocalypse
Author: Zurbluris
Crimson Dawn

Min-joon slammed his fist down on the keyboard, feeling frustrated. Another raid wiped out. Ten hours wasted, the only reward a growing ache in his back and a dull throb in his forehead. He glanced at the clock on his monitor - 3:14 AM. His reflection stared back, dark circles under his blue eyes etching themselves permanently into his pale skin. His messy black hair looked like a crow's nest after a particularly aggressive squirrel attack.

'Ramen again?' Min-joon thought as he sighed, pushing back from his chair. His empty stomach rumbled as he did. He stretched, popping his knuckles one by one, a satisfying crack echoing through the silent apartment. The only sound besides his own was the whirring of the computer and the occasional distant wail of a police siren.

Stepping into the cramped kitchen, he grabbed the blue packet of instant noodles. The microwave hummed as he filled the cup with water, the smell of sodium and processed cheese already filling the air. As he waited, he took a look out the window. The usual cityscape of glittering skyscrapers was coverd in a strange, ominous red glow.

'Red tide?' Min-joon thought as he frowned. Dust storms weren't uncommon in the city, but this looked different. The red hue seemed almost… unnatural.

Shrugging, he popped open the ramen packet and dug in. Spicy, salty – just how he liked it. Even instant noodles tasted good after an all-night grinding session in 'Realm of Asgard'.

Suddenly, a loud shriek could be heard echoing in the distance. Min-joon almost choked on his noodles, jumping back from the counter. His heart hammered in his chest. Another scream, closer this time, followed by a massive roar.

he felt panic grip his heart. What in the world was that? He grabbed his phone, fingers trembling as he dialed his best friend, Ji-woo.

"Ji-woo, pick up, pick up!" He muttered, the dial tone sounding like a death knell. No answer.

Another ear-splitting scream, closer still. Min-joon's apartment was on the tenth floor, but the bloodcurdling noise seemed to come from right outside his window. He slowly crept towards it, his hand reaching for the curtain. With a deep breath, he yanked it open.

what he saw practically froze the blood in his veins. The red glow wasn't a dust storm; it was the moon, an bone chilling red orb hanging low in the sky. The city streets below were a scene of utter chaos. People ran screaming, some clawing at their faces, others tripping and falling over each other.

And then, Min-joon saw it. A monstrous creature, unlike anything he'd seen so many times, even in the most outlandish video games, chasing after the crowd. Its skin was a sickly green, pointy ears and mischievous yellow eyes. It had a small bloody axe in it's left hand, it was a goblin, here and in the flesh.

It let out another ear-splitting roar, sending chills down Min-joon's spine.

He watched, mesmerized by horror, as the creature ripped a man in half with its bare hands. Bile rose in his throat. This wasn't a video game; this was real. This was a nightmare.

A loud crash from the hallway jolted him back to reality. It sounded like someone was trying to break down his door. Panicking. He scrambled back, knocking over a chair in his haste.

"Who's there?!" he shouted, his voice hoarse with fear.

The hammering on the door grew more frantic. Then, a voice, ragged and desperate.

"Min-joon! It's me, Ji-woo! Let me in!"

Min-joon raced to the door, throwing it open. Ji-woo stumbled in, gasping for breath. Her dark hair was plastered to her face, and her usually bright eyes were wide with terror.

"What's happening?" she choked out, leaning against the door to catch her breath.

Min-joon pointed a shaking finger towards the window. "Look!"

Ji-woo turned, her eyes widening in absolute horror.

They stood there for a moment, the only sound their ragged breaths and the distant screams echoing from below.

"What... what do we do?" Ji-woo whispered, her voice barely audible.

Min-joon stared at her, feeling a strange calm wash over him in the chaos. He'd spent countless hours surviving in virtual worlds, facing impossible odds. This, somehow, felt strangely familiar.

"We survive," he said, his voice surprisingly steady. "We find somewhere safe to hide, and we figure out what the hell is going on."

Ji-woo looked at him, a look of hope sparking in her eyes.

They heard a roar again, and it sounded like it was coming for their apartment.

They gave each other an intense look and immidatly slammed the door of the apartment.

Just as they did the next couple seconds they started hearing banging.

They scanned the cramped apartment, their eyes desperately searching for a hiding spot. The meager furniture didn't look like it would be any good. Min-joon's gaze landed on the small walk-in closet tucked away in the corner of his bedroom. It wasn't ideal, but it was the only option.

"There," he said, grabbing Ji-woo's arm and pulling her towards it. The closet was barely big enough for both of them, their bodies pressed together uncomfortably.

"It's not gonna hold if that thing decides to come looking for us," Ji-woo whispered, her voice trembling slightly.

"Maybe not," Min-joon agreed, "But it's better than nothing." He reached for a stack of old clothes and blankets piled high on the shelf above them, pulling them down and creating a makeshift curtain over the open doorway.

The hammering on his door continued, but it sounded distant now, muffled by the clothes. Through the thin barrier, they heard a guttural growl, followed by a loud, sickening crunch. Min-joon's stomach lurched. He squeezed Ji-woo's hand, feeling the cold sweat on her palm.

Silence fell again, heavy and suffocating.

"What was that thing?" Ji-woo asked in a hushed voice. "Did you see it?"

Min-joon shook his head, his heart still pounding against his ribs. "Never seen anything like it. Looked like something out of one of those monster movies you're obsessed with."

Ji-woo scoffed, though the sound lacked its usual humor. "Ha ha, real funny. Maybe they just jumped genres. Went from cute alien invasion to flesh-eating nightmare."

A weak attempt at humor, but it at least broke the tension slightly. Min-joon felt a smile tug at the corner of his lips.

'There she is,' he thought. 'Always trying to stay positive, even when the world seems like it's ending.'

They sat in silence for a while, the only sound their own ragged breaths. Every creak of the building, every distant crash, sent shivers down their spines.

Suddenly, Min-joon's phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out cautiously, the screen casting a soft blue glow in the darkness. It was a message from an unknown number. He frowned, hesitant to open it.

"Who is it?" Ji-woo whispered, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"I don't know," Min-joon replied, his voice barely a murmur.

He debated with himself for a moment, then with a deep breath, clicked on the message. It was short and mysterious:

"Go to the rooftop. Safe haven. - The Watchers."

Min-joon stared at the message, his mind racing. Safe haven? The Watchers? Who were they?

"What is it?" Ji-woo asked, leaning closer to see the screen. Min-joon showed her the message.

"Rooftop?" she said, uncertainty in her voice. "Are you kidding? That thing is probably everywhere."

"Maybe," Min-joon admitted, "But staying here won't do us any good. At least on the roof, we'd have a better view."

"And maybe we'd get eaten by something else up there," Ji-woo countered, her voice filled with fear.

"Look," Min-joon said, trying to sound more confident than he felt, "We don't have many options. We can either stay here and hope it doesn't find us, or we can try to get to the roof and see if this message is legit."

Ji-woo chewed on her lip, her face pale in the dim light.

'We need to get out of here,' Min-joon thought. He'd spent years honing his survival skills in countless online games. Maybe, just maybe, those skills could translate to this real-life nightmare.

"Alright," Ji-woo finally said, her voice resigned. "Let's go see if these 'Watchers' are real or just playing a cruel joke."

Min-joon felt a wave of relief wash over him. He squeezed her hand. "Good call. Now let's be quiet."

They crept out of the closet, moving like shadows in the darkness. Min-joon tiptoed towards the living room, listening intently. The silence was deafening. The pounding on the door had stopped completely. Had the creature moved on?

He peeked out the window. The red moon cast an crimson glow on the city streets. The chaos seemed to have subsided somewhat. He saw fewer figures running in panic, more motionless bodies littering the ground.

A cold shiver ran down his spine. They needed to get out of here.

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