Into The Depths

Ji-woo's sudden grin caught Min-joon off guard. 'What is she thinking?' he wondered, watching as she scanned their surroundings with newfound determination.

"What is it?" Min-joon asked, tightening his grip on the bat, ready for whatever she had in mind.

Ji-woo pointed towards a fire escape ladder that snaked down the side of their building. "If we can get down to the street, we might be able to lead them away and circle back around to the library from another side."

Min-joon glanced at the ladder and then back at the ghouls. The idea had merit. The street below was dark and littered with debris, offering plenty of cover. But it was also dangerous, with unknown threats lurking in the shadows. He hesitated, weighing their options.

"Alright," he agreed finally. "But we need to move fast. Once we're down there, we run and don't look back until we're safe."

Ji-woo nodded, her grip on the metal pipe tightening. "Got it. I'll go first, make sure the coast is clear."

Before Min-joon could say anything, she was already heading for the ladder. He admired her bravery, even though it often meant she acted impulsively. 'She’s got guts,' he thought, following her to the ladder.

Ji-woo started down, her feet moving quickly but carefully on the rungs. Min-joon waited until she was halfway down before beginning his descent. The metal was cold and slick under his hands, the ladder creaking with each step. He glanced back at the rooftop, catching a glimpse of the ghouls leaping towards the building.

"Hurry," he whispered urgently, picking up his pace.

Ji-woo reached the ground and immediately crouched low, scanning the street for any signs of danger. Min-joon jumped the last few feet, landing beside her with a thud.

"Come on," Ji-woo urged, pointing to a narrow alleyway that led away from the main street. "If we can get through there, we might lose them."

Min-joon nodded, and they sprinted towards the alley, their footsteps echoing off the crumbling walls. The city around them was filled with abandoned cars and rubble, once a metropolis, now a silent graveyard.

As they reached the alley, a bunch of guttural growls erupted from behind them. Min-joon glanced over his shoulder, his heart sinking. The ghouls had spotted them and were closing in fast, their green skin almost glowing in the moonlight.

"Keep going!" he shouted to Ji-woo, who was already darting into the alley.

The narrow passage was cluttered with trash and broken glass, forcing them to move cautiously but quickly. Min-joon could hear the ghouls' snarls growing louder, their heavy footsteps pounding on the pavement. 'We can’t outrun them for long,' he thought, panic rising in his chest.

Ji-woo skidded to a halt as they reached the end of the alley, a high brick wall blocking their path. "Damn it," she muttered, looking around for another escape route.

Min-joon scanned the area frantically. There was a rusted metal door to their right, slightly open. He pushed it open, revealing a dark, narrow staircase leading down.

"This way," he said, grabbing Ji-woo's arm and pulling her inside. "Hurry!"

They stumbled down the steps, the darkness swallowing them. The air was damp and cold, the faint smell of mold lingering. Min-joon’s breathing was ragged, his heart racing as they reached the bottom.

"Where are we?" Ji-woo whispered, her voice trembling slightly.

Min-joon looked around, squinting in the dim light. They were in what seemed to be an old storage basement, filled with dusty shelves and forgotten crates. 'Not exactly a safe haven,' he thought, but at least it was shelter.

"Let's just stay quiet," he whispered back, moving to hide behind a stack of crates. "Maybe they’ll pass us by."

They crouched in the shadows, their bodies pressed against the cold concrete wall. Min-joon listened intently, straining to hear any sounds above the pounding of his own heart. The ghouls’ snarls echoed faintly from outside, but it seemed they hadn't followed them into the building.

Ji-woo leaned closer to Min-joon, her breath warm against his ear. "Do you think they’re gone?" she asked softly.

Min-joon shook his head. "I don’t know. We should stay here for a while, just to be safe."

Ji-woo nodded, her eyes wide and uncertain in the darkness. They sat in silence for what felt like hours, the oppressive quiet of the basement pressing down on them. Min-joon could feel the tension in his muscles, his mind racing with a thousand thoughts.

In the cold, dark silence of the basement, Min-joon and Ji-woo sat with their backs against the wall, catching their breath after their narrow escape. The tension in the air was palpable, but the immediate danger seemed to have passed. The faint sound of distant snarls and the occasional scrape of claws on concrete kept them on edge.

Ji-woo broke the silence first, her voice soft but clear. "Min-joon, do you have any regrets?"

Min-joon turned to her, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

She looked down at her hands, playing with a loose thread on her sleeve. "I mean, if we die now... is there anything you would regret? Anything you wish you had done?"

Min-joon frowned, considering her question. 'I know things are looking bad,' he thought, 'but does that mean we should just give up on surviving?' He hesitated, then said, "I don't think we should just accept that we're going to die, Ji-woo. We shouldn't just roll over and die like dogs."

Ji-woo sighed, shaking her head slightly. "That's not what I mean. Stop being such a dumbass and just answer the question."

Min-joon blinked at her bluntness, feeling a bit awkward. He rubbed the back of his head, ruffling his hair in the process. "Sorry," he muttered. 'Guess I misunderstood,' he thought, feeling a bit embarrassed.

He took a deep breath, trying to think seriously about her question. "I guess... thinking about it now, I would've liked to become one of those national championship online game players. You know, the ones who play in those massive stadiums and win big. Life would be good, and I'd be famous." He glanced at Ji-woo, wondering what she would think of his answer.

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