Chapter 4

"An expert, that's who I am. A mystic physician who has several other skills..."

"Cut that crap, fool. Aren't you tired of being a shameless braggart?" Ava interrupted.

“There's no way I'm going to fall for you. You mark my words!”

“Come on. Who knows? You might find me charming and suitable. Don’t jump to a conclusion.”

Dave couldn't help but tease Ava, which made Ava even more furious.

“A street rat is even better than you, so quit dreaming!”

While Ava was still speaking, a white Rolls Royce vehicle pulled up in front of them, and a young, pretty lady clad in an expensive designer dress stepped out of the vehicle.

“Ava!” She said, waving her hands at Ava.

She was Ava's best friend, Hannah.

Hannah walked up to Ava and gave her a warm hug.

"Sweetheart, thanks a lot for picking me up," Ava said, and then, she gestured towards Dave.

“And this is the one I told you about.”

When Ava realized she couldn't avoid obeying her grandfather by marrying Dave, she decided to seek advice from Hannah, her best friend, who promised to help her handle Dave.

In fact, all this time, Hannah hadn't spared Dave a glance but treated him as if he were invisible.

From Dave’s cheap attire, Hannah had concluded that Dave and her best friend, Ava, weren’t a match at all.

Although Dave was good-looking, however, everyone knew, "good-looking" was nothing when compared with wealth!

She wondered if Dave had realized that he didn’t deserve Ava.

Well, it didn’t matter, if Dave hadn’t realized the fact, she would MAKE SURE he did realize by the end of the day!

"Don't thank me. I couldn't watch a queen like you rub shoulders, sitting together with a pig like this in public transport," Hannah sneered as she shot side glances at Dave.

"Or... Can a pig ride with queens?" Hannah squeezed her nose in sarcasm.

"Everywhere is sure going to stink," she added.

Ava felt a bit uneasy.

Although she didn’t like Dave, she hadn’t expected her best friend to call Dave a pig.

If she had a pig for a husband, wouldn’t that mean she was a pig's wife?

Struggling hard to chase that image out of her mind, she changed the topic, and introduced, “Dave, this is Hannah, my best friend.”

Dave extended his hand towards Hannah out of politeness.

However, Hannah stepped back and covered her nose as if she was facing a heap of poo.

“Nah, keep your stinky trotter to yourself.”

Unfazed, Dave replied with an expressionless look, "What if an emperor invites mere subordinates to ride with him? Will you come along?"

“Of course, I will, which girl won’t? But unfortunately, you aren’t that emperor.”

Hannah shot him a disdainful look and exchanged glances with Ava in disbelief.

They couldn’t believe Dave had the guts to compare himself with an emperor.

What a useless braggart and how shameless of him!

How could he talk so highly of himself when he obviously had nothing?

"You shameless jerk, don't you have any shame? What ride do you have anyway, maybe some creaky bike, and you even dare to invite us to ride?

How dare you even think of marrying someone like Ava who owns a vehicle like this!" Hannah said, pointing at the Rolls Royce.

"Have you ever seen such a car like this since you were born?

Isn't it clear enough that you don't belong to the same class as Ava?" Hannah scoffed, and then she faced Ava.

"Let's not waste any more time with this riff-raff. Hop into the car so that we get to the Cent Sports Club on time," Hannah said.

“We can’t let Jerry and the others wait for too long, or they will hang me,” she joked.

Without hesitation, Ava walked up to the passenger's seat.

Hannah faced Ava with her tone dripping with sarcasm.

"You know what? I changed my mind. Don't you think we should invite the “Emperor” Dave? I doubt if he knows what a club looks like."

"Of course, he's invited. Let's do the braggart some favour," Ava replied.

She hoped Hannah’s tricks would work.

If Dave followed them to the club, he would no doubt feel intimidated and unworthy of her, which would likely make him walk out of her life effortlessly.

Dave smirked and got into the car. He wasn’t at all affected by their words.

To Dave, these two were merely a pair of arrogant and innocent girls who still believed in fairy tales.

Hannah and Ava also took their seats at the driver's and passenger's seats as Hannah zoomed off to the club.

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