Chapter 2

"Master, since you just arrived, I'm sure you'll need a place to stay. That's why I prepared the top mansion in Prestige Estate. Here is the access card. Please accept it," Carl said, bowing his head in respect while presenting the card.

"Also, here is Bovsa's Platinum Card, with a credit limit of 500 million dollars. You can use it at any Fenson store and also at fuel stations owned by Kevton's Chamber."

Dave smiled in appreciation.

"That's very thoughtful of you," he said.

"Master, I've also prepared a special world class restaurant, Feldman, not far from here where you could have a good breakfast before leaving for home," Carl informed.

Dave looked at him a bit surprised.

None of the nine leaders of The Great Empire had ever given him such a gift, so Dave felt it was good to reward Carl for his kind gesture.

"Carl Mullen, what will you have me do for you?" Dave asked.

Carl decided to take advantage of this opportunity with Dave.

He had found out that Dave was the mystic physician who was widely talked about but only a few knew it was Dave!

"Master, my youngest daughter is gravely ill. Despite efforts from various physicians, her condition continues to deteriorate. She has become extremely frail, unable to eat properly. I earnestly request your presence to treat her."

"That's no problem." Dave promised.

"Thank you, Master," Carl smiled in satisfaction.

"Is there anything else I can help with?"

"Help me find a teenage girl."

"Consider it done at your request, Master."

Carl bowed in respect, and then he added, "Master, I've prepared a special welcome banquet at Prest Garden, along Rican way. It will be holding by 6 pm this evening."

"I won't be there," Dave answered sharply.

"Cancel it," he instructed.

Dave was wary of drawing unnecessary attention at public events, so he knew it was best to cancel the banquet!

However, Carl was taken aback by Dave's sudden decision to cancel the banquet.

He had assumed Dave would agree to attend so that he would be able to honor Dave and establish a closer connection, but now with the cancellation, he felt powerless to do anything more.

"Oh, Master. It would have been such a honour to have you at the banquet."

"Maybe some other time," Dave replied casually, dismissing Carl.

Once Carl had departed, Dave instructed his chauffeur to drive him to Feldman Restaurant, the world-class restaurant Carl had already arranged for him.

There, Dave enjoyed an exquisite and mouth-watering breakfast before continuing with his day.

After his meal, he directed his chauffeur to take him to the Dexters' mansion in Flavour Hills.

His godfather, Dylan Duke, president of Utah Group, one of Gadreston's largest business conglomerates, had instructed Dave to meet Gordon Dexter, the patriarch of the Dexter family.

Dylan had told Dave that Dave's fiancee was from the Dexter family.

Although Dave wasn’t interested in fulfilling a contract marriage, he still decided to take a visit to the Dexters first.

However, as soon as Dave arrived in front of the Dexters' magnificent mansion, he suddenly bumped into a young fair lady with smooth and succulent skin.


The lady was inquisitive to find out whom she had just bumped into.

Her brows furrowed in anger when she noticed that it was Dave!

"Are you stalking me now? Didn't I tell you to steer clear from me?"

Dave furrowed his brows in surprise when he suddenly realized that the lady that had just bumped into him was the same person he had a one-night stand with at Gallagher hotel.

"Of course, I didn't come here for you. I came here to look for my fiancee..."

"Fiancee?" Ava reiterated in surprise.

Had this shameless braggart missed his way?

How could a low-life like him talk of looking for his fiancee in her family's mansion?!

Before Ava could say anything more, Dave asked, "Do you know anyone by the name Ava Dexter? She's the one I've come to look for."

At the mention of Ava's name, shockwaves ran through her body.

Could Dave be the "so-called fiancé" her grandfather always spoke of?

Of course, it couldn't be possible!

Eager to confirm her suspicions, Ava's frown deepened, and she shot Dave a look of disdain before asking, "Are you Dave Collins?"

Dave nodded slowly, also puzzled by how Ava knew his full name.

He hadn't divulged any personal information about himself during their encounter the previous night.

"Uuuh?" Ava's disbelief was palpable as she gave Dave an even more condescending look.

How could this low-life and nada be her fiancé?!

In her eyes, Dave was a shameless braggart who pretended to be something he wasn't.

"Never! I would rather die than marry a deadbeat loser like you!" Ava spat out with her voice dripping with contempt.

Almost immediately, a baritone voice echoed from behind them.

"Dave, my grandson. It's good you're here."

It was Gordon Dexter, Ava's grandfather.

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