Chapter 8

Despite the lack of evidence, the murmurs of cheating and deceit continued to circulate among the members of the club. 

For many of them, it was easier to doubt Dave's character than to accept that someone from a humble background like his, could defeat Jerry so effortlessly!

Jerry, who had been seething with anger and embarrassment, now found a twisted sense of relief in the crowd’s continued mockery of Dave. 

The accusations of cheating provided him with a convenient escape from the humiliation of his loss. 

As long as they continued to mock Dave, his pride remained somewhat intact!

"Did you see how he played?" another club member whispered to another. 

"No way someone like that jerk could beat Jerry without some kind of trickery."

"I know, right? It just doesn't add up," the other replied. 

"Jerry is one of the best. That guy must have done something sneaky."

Jerry, overhearing these comments, felt a smirk tug at the corners of his mouth. 

Though he had no proof that Dave had cheated, the doubt cast by the others was enough for him. 

He had no intention of defending Dave or setting the record straight.

"Well, Jerry," one of his friends said, clapping him on the back, "Looks like you were just unlucky today. Don’t worry, we all know that guy couldn't have won fair and square."

Jerry nodded with his smirk growing more pronounced. 

"Yeah, it’s just one of those days. I guess some people will do anything to win."

Meanwhile, a group of disgruntled onlookers began to scheme, eager to see Dave compete against Jerry once more, certain that a rematch would restore the natural order and humiliate Dave once again!

"That jerk got lucky," one of them muttered. "If he faces Jerry again, there's no way he can win, because the game will be stricter this time."

"Yeah, let's push for a rematch," another agreed. "We need to see him put in his place!"

Emboldened by their shared disdain, they approached Jerry, who was mingling with other club members.

"Hey, Jerry," one of the instigators began, "we think it’s only fair to have a rematch. It's another opportunity to see you win and to prove that the nonentity only won by being tricky."

Jerry’s heart raced. 

The last thing he wanted was another public humiliation. 

He couldn’t be sure whether Dave’s victory had been a fluke or a display of genuine skill. 

If it were the latter, losing again would only exacerbate his embarrassment!

Feigning a magnanimous demeanour, Jerry raised a hand to silence the growing calls for a rematch. 

"Look," he said with his voice calm and composed, "I understand why some of you want another competition. But I think we need to consider the bigger picture here."

The crowd quieted, listening intently.

"Everyone here knows that this cheat’s win was sneaky," Jerry continued, choosing his words carefully, "but rather than dragging this out and risking more controversy, I suggest we let it go. We don't need to put him through another match to make another mess of himself! Let's just let it go."

The crowd was momentarily taken aback by Jerry’s apparent generosity. 

Some of them exchanged confused glances, while others nodded, convinced by his reasoning.

"But Jerry," one of them protested, "we need to see if he can really beat you again. You see, there'll be no way to cheat this time. It’s about proving who’s truly better."

Jerry shook his head, maintaining his composed facade. 

"I appreciate your support, really. But sometimes, it’s better to show grace and move on. We don’t need to embarrass the jerk any further."

Ava and Hannah, who had been observing from a distance, were impressed by Jerry's words. 

Ava stepped forward with her eyes filled with admiration. "Jerry, that’s very kind of you. You’re showing a lot of class by not pushing for a rematch."

Hannah nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. It shows your true character, Jerry. You’re thinking of Dave’s feelings even after what happened."

Dave stood quietly to the side with a smirk on his face. 

He saw through Jerry’s ploy, recognizing the fear masked behind the façade of magnanimity, however, he knew he didn't need to defend himself. Jerry would soon end up ashamed. 

"I think Jerry’s right," Ava said, casting a disdainful glance at Dave. 

"There’s no need to drag this out. It’s clear that Jerry is the better person here."

Hannah chimed in with her tone tinged with condescension. 

"Dave, you should be grateful that Jerry’s being so understanding, if not, you'd have been thoroughly disgraced this time because I'm sure you'd fail without the chance to be sneaky. 

It’s more than you deserve after the way you behaved."

Dave wasn't moved by Hannah's words, instead, he maintained his composure. 

He knew that trying to prove that he was the one who won the competition would only fall on deaf ears. 

The crowd had already made up their minds, believing that it was Jerry who won the game, and Dave only sneaked his way into winning the competition!

Jerry, feeling a surge of satisfaction at the way things were unfolding, gave Dave a patronizing pat on the shoulder in sarcasm. 

"Don’t worry about it. We all have our bad days. Just focus on improving yourself, and maybe one day you’ll be able to compete..."

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