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By: Omotayo OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 9 views: 113

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Mike's world shattered when he caught his girlfriend cheating with his best friend. The ultimate betrayal came after years of dedication and hard work to provide for her, only to be humiliated by his friend's wealth and status. In a fit of rage, Mike punched his friend and fled, but his escape ended in a brutal car accident. When Mike awoke, he found himself in the midst of the powerful and ruthless Rykhard Corporation, a family-owned conglomerate renowned for their wealth, influence, and unrelenting pursuit of success. To his astonishment, he bore an uncanny resemblance to Axel, the youngest son and direct heir of the Rykhard dynasty. As Mike navigates this treacherous new world, he must confront the dark secrets and rivalries within the Rykhard family. Will he thrive as the new Axel, or become a pawn in their deadly game of power and leadership? Can he overcome his past heartbreak and forge a new path, or will the Rykhard Corporation consume him whole?"

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9 chapters
Mike stood outside "Sweet Delights", his heart racing with excitement. The baker handed him the expensive cake he had ordered for Elysa's birthday. "Your cake is ready, Mike," the baker said with a smile. Mike handed over his card to pay for the cake, maxing out his balance. He checked his phone, hoping to see a response from Elysa, but his message was still unread. He shrugged it off, thinking she might be busy.As he stepped out into the pouring rain, he waited for a taxi, but none came. He decided to make his way to Elysa's house on foot. As he approached her house, he heard loud music and laughter. A knot formed in his stomach. He opened the door, and his heart sank. The room was filled with Elysa's friends, and they were having a blast. Elysa was sitting on Mark's lap, laughing and smiling.Mike stood there, soaking wet from the rain, and called out Elysa's name slowly. "Elysa..." The music stopped, and everyone turned to look at him. Elysa's eyes met Mike's, and he saw a flash o
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He got scared when he saw the bruises on his face from the punches. That's when he ran outside, dashing out of the house into the rain. As he stumbled out into the rain-soaked night, the bruises on his face throbbed with every beat of his heart. Panic set in, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he sprinted away from the house. The fog swirled around him, shrouding everything in a damp, grey mist. He couldn't see more than a few feet ahead, but he knew they were closing in.The sound of footsteps echoed through the fog, growing louder with every step. He pushed himself to run faster, his feet pounding the wet pavement in a desperate bid for freedom. But it was too late. A car burst out of the fog, its headlights blazing like a predator's eyes. He tried to dodge, but the car struck him with a sickening crunch, sending him flying through the air. Mike's body crumpled to the ground, his limbs splayed at awkward angles, as the car's impact sent him flying through the air. The sound of sc
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chapter 3
"The man in the picture is Axel, your twin brother," the woman replied, her eyes locked on Mike's.Mike's eyes widened in shock. "Twin brother?"The woman nodded. "Yes, Mr. Douglass, the founder of the Rykard Empire, had twin sons. He lost one during a visit to an island for a charity event. He had a ghastly accident with his wife, and she died. One of the twin boys was also lost."Mike's mind reeled as he processed the information. "You mean, I'm the second son that was lost?"The woman nodded again. "Yes, Mike. You are the son that was lost. Mr. Douglass has been looking for you all these years, until he passed away."Mike's eyes dropped, his mind racing with questions. "Where is Axel now?" he asked, looking up at the woman.The woman's expression turned grave. "Axel had an accident while traveling to Las Vegas. We suspect a murder attempt. The company can't announce this to the world right now, as it might cause a withdrawal of many investors."Mike's eyes narrowed. "What do you me
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Chapter 4
The next morning, Mike was surprised to see two women enter the room with his suit. They greeted him, and he replied, causing the maids to look at each other in surprise."Good morning, sir," one of them said, still looking astonished. "We're here to dress you up."Mike walked towards them to collect the clothes, but just as he reached out, the maids took one to three steps backward, counting out loud. Mike was taken aback. "What are you doing?" he asked.The maid replied, "You told us to always keep a distance of one to three steps from you, sir."Just then, Miss Evelyn entered the room. "Leave us, please," she said to the maids. They quickly departed, leaving Miss Evelyn to collect the clothes.As she helped Mike into the suit, she explained, "Axel was a distant person, Mike. He never allowed anyone close to him. One of his rules was to never greet or reply to people's greetings. He liked to keep ahead of everyone."Mike frowned. "That's a bad attitude. I'm not like that."Miss Evel
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Chapter 5
Mike stood up, his movements fluid and deliberate. He glanced at Ryder, who was still seated, lost in thought. Without a word, Mike turned and walked away, leaving Ryder to his deliberations.As he stepped out of the building, Mike was immediately swarmed by a sea of reporters, all clamoring for a statement. The air was thick with the hum of cameras and the shouted questions of the press corps."Mike, what's the latest on the investigation?""Can you confirm or deny the allegations of corruption?""Mike, how do you respond to the claims of wrongdoing?"But Mike remained silent, his face a mask of calm determination. He pushed through the crowd, his eyes fixed on the black sedan waiting at the curb.The chief security officer, a towering figure with a stern expression, opened the door for Mike and cleared a path through the throng of reporters.As Mike slid into the car, the officer leaned in, his voice low. "How did it go, sir?"Mike didn't respond, his gaze fixed on some point outsid
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chapter 6
Mike was mesmerized by the sight of the company's grandeur, resembling a presidential villa. He had never seen anything like it. As he took his seat, the chief security officer, Reginald, entered with a stack of documents. "Sir, these contain the names of key figures, shareholders, and the current situation of the company."Mike dove into the documents, requesting transaction records from the past 10 years. He believed that understanding the roots of the company's issues would help him turn things around. He spent the entire day studying, even staying overnight in the office.The next morning, Mike was still engrossed in the books when the secretary knocked and entered. "Sir, the director of one of our small branches is here to pay his respects."Mike stood up, gazing out the window, unaware that the director, Mark, had crawled into the room. Mark began praising Axel, thinking Mike was him. "Oh, great sir, your wisdom and leadership are truly inspiring. I'm honored to work under your
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chapter 7
Mark was about to start the engine when his phone suddenly rang, shrill in the silence of the car. He hesitated for a moment before picking it up, his eyes scanning the caller ID. He checked the caller ID and saw Elysa's name flashing on the screen. He picked up the call, his heart still racing from the encounter with Mike."Hey, how did your meeting with the company director go?" Elysa asked, her voice cheerful.Mark's mind racing, he replied, "Do you know who Mike's father is?"Elysa's tone changed to confusion. "Why are you bringing Mike into this conversation? What's going on?"Mark's voice rose in frustration. "Just answer me, Elysa! Do you know who Mike really is?"Elysa's response was calm. "Nothing special about him, Mark. He's just an orphan, a church rat who feeds on others' hard-earned income."Mark's voice was incredulous. "No, Elysa! You're wrong! Mike deceived everyone! He's the richest man in the country, the heir to the Almighty Rykard Empire!"Elysa's laughter was mo
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chapter 8
"How is this possible?" Elysa asked, her voice laced with disbelief. "Mike, the director of the company?"Mark shook his head, frustration etched on his face. "I'm just as surprised and frustrated as you are, Elysa. I'm in trouble now. I might actually lose my job and end up in jail because of this."Elysa's eyes widened in alarm. "God forbid, Mark. We have to think of something."Mark nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. "I know, I know. But what can we do?"Just then, Mark's phone buzzed with an incoming message. He glanced down, his heart skipping a beat as he saw the sender's initials - X."Not again," Mark muttered under his breath.Elysa's eyes narrowed. "Who is it?"Mark tried to brush it off, but Elysa's gaze lingered on his face. "Just a spam message," he lied.But Elysa's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Let me see."Mark hesitated, but Elysa's persistence he showed her. He handed her the phone, and she read the message aloud."'There will be a meeting tonight. Don't mi
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Chapter 9
Mike turned to take his leave from Uncle Scott, but before he could walk away, Uncle Scott's voice stopped him."Wait, Axel. I heard someone telling me that they found out where your second brother, Mike, is."Mike's heart skipped a beat as he turned back to face Uncle Scott. "What are you talking about?"Uncle Scott's eyes glinted with malice. "Do you think that if Mike returned, you can still claim to be the legal heir?"Mike paused, his mind racing with the implications. He knew that Uncle Scott was trying to scare him, to make him doubt his own claim to the company.But Mike didn't take the bait. He didn't say anything, just turned and walked away, leaving Uncle Scott standing alone in the compound.As he walked, Mike could feel Uncle Scott's eyes on him, boring into his back. But he didn't look back, didn't give him the satisfaction of seeing his reaction.Mike knew that he had to be careful, that Uncle Scott would stop at nothing to get what he wanted. But he was determined to s
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