Chapter 5

Mike stood up, his movements fluid and deliberate. He glanced at Ryder, who was still seated, lost in thought. Without a word, Mike turned and walked away, leaving Ryder to his deliberations.

As he stepped out of the building, Mike was immediately swarmed by a sea of reporters, all clamoring for a statement. The air was thick with the hum of cameras and the shouted questions of the press corps.

"Mike, what's the latest on the investigation?"

"Can you confirm or deny the allegations of corruption?"

"Mike, how do you respond to the claims of wrongdoing?"

But Mike remained silent, his face a mask of calm determination. He pushed through the crowd, his eyes fixed on the black sedan waiting at the curb.

The chief security officer, a towering figure with a stern expression, opened the door for Mike and cleared a path through the throng of reporters.

As Mike slid into the car, the officer leaned in, his voice low. "How did it go, sir?"

Mike didn't respond, his gaze fixed on some point outside the window.

The officer nodded, his expression unreadable. "Very well, sir. Where to?"

Mike's voice was low and even. "The company."

The officer nodded, his eyes scanning the surrounding area before closing the door behind Mike.

As the car pulled away from the curb, the reporters and camera crews were left behind, still shouting their questions into the void.

The sedan glided smoothly through the city streets, the only sound the soft hum of the engine and the occasional crackle of the radio.

Mike's face remained impassive, he hidded his thoughts  behind a mask of calm. But his eyes betrayed a hint of tension, a sense of anticipation for what was to come.

As the car sped through the city, Mike's mind began to wander back to the events that had led him to this moment. He thought about how he had stumbled upon Axel's secret, the one that could change the course of history.

It was no secret that Axel was a player in the world of the powerful and exploited. He was known to rub shoulders with billionaires, politicians, and celebrities. But what no one knew was that he had a secret weapon - a vast network of information that allowed him to keep tabs on them all.

Mike had been tasked with investigating Axel's personal life, to see if there were any vulnerabilities that could be exploited. He had obtained Axel's phone records, and begun to sift through the countless texts and emails.

At first, it had seemed like the usual mundane communications - conversations with friends, family, and colleagues. But then, Mike had noticed something strange. A series of cryptic messages, sent to and from a mysterious number.

Mike's curiosity had been piqued. He had dug deeper, using his skills to uncover the identity of the mysterious number. And what he had found had shocked him to his core.

The number belonged to a shell company, one that was linked to some of the most powerful people in the world. And the messages...the messages were a catalog of secrets, a collection of dirt and blackmail material that could bring down empires.

Mike had realized, with a start, that Axel had been collecting this information for years. He had been building a arsenal of secrets, a weapon that could be used to control and manipulate the powerful.

As Mike delved deeper into the messages, he had felt like he was uncovering a treasure trove of secrets. He had seen names, dates, and events that had made his blood run cold.

And now, as he sat in the car, he couldn't help but wonder what other secrets lay hidden. What other bombs was Axel waiting to drop?

Here's the continuation of the story:

As they arrived at the Rykard Business Empire, the secretary hurriedly opened the door for Mike. He stepped out, and his eyes widened in surprise. The sea of faces before him was a blur, but he noticed the bodyguards and dignitaries, all of whom seemed to be wealthy, powerful, and old enough to be his father. They bowed like servants greeting their king, welcoming him with reverence.

Mike's feet seemed rooted to the spot. He couldn't move, his mind reeling with the contrast between his past and present. He thought of how people used to treat him like he was nothing, and now, they were bowing to him like a king. His eyes welled up with tears, but he managed to keep his composure.

The chief security officer, Reginald, whispered gently in his ear, "Sir, please keep walking. Axel doesn't normally greet these people. He always walks away."

Mike took a deep breath and began to move forward, but then he stopped and turned to face the crowd. "From now on, no one should bow for me again," he declared, his voice firm. "It's an order. Everyone must follow it. You are workers, not servants."

The crowd was mesmerized, unsure how to react. As Mike walked inside, one of the older workers whispered to another, "Did he really just say that? Wasn't he the one who demanded we bow to him whenever he arrived?"

Another worker chimed in, "I don't know, but something seems off about him today."

A third worker cautioned, "Don't fall for his trick. He might be trying to buy a good image for himself with the reporters following him around."

The whispers spread like wildfire, with everyone wondering what Axel is up to.

As Mike walked through the office, the workers scrambled to present themselves in the most organized and efficient manner possible. They thought he was Axel, and they knew how demanding he could be.

One worker, Mrs. Jenkins, was particularly nervous. She had accidentally misplaced an important document earlier that morning, and she knew how much Axel valued punctuality and attention to detail.

As Mike approached her desk, Mrs. Jenkins' hands trembled as she tried to cover up her mistake. But Mike noticed the missing document and asked her about it. Mrs. Jenkins broke down, expecting to be fired on the spot.

"I'm so sorry, sir. I'll do anything to make it right. Please don't fire me. I'm the only one providing for my family since my husband passed away," she begged, tears streaming down her face.

But instead of anger, Mike's expression softened. "Mrs. Jenkins, everyone makes mistakes. It's how we learn from them that matters. Please, correct your error and move forward. You won't be fired."

Mrs. Jenkins was stunned. She had never seen Axel show such compassion before. She knelt down, tears of gratitude streaming down her face. "Thank you, sir. Thank you for understanding. I won't let you down again."

Mike smiled and helped her up. "I know you won't, Mrs. Jenkins. Let's focus on moving forward, together."

The other workers watched in amazement as Mike showed empathy and kindness to Mrs. Jenkins. They couldn't believe their eyes. Was this really the same Axel Rykard they thought they knew?

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