Chapter 4

The next morning, Mike was surprised to see two women enter the room with his suit. They greeted him, and he replied, causing the maids to look at each other in surprise.

"Good morning, sir," one of them said, still looking astonished. "We're here to dress you up."

Mike walked towards them to collect the clothes, but just as he reached out, the maids took one to three steps backward, counting out loud. Mike was taken aback. "What are you doing?" he asked.

The maid replied, "You told us to always keep a distance of one to three steps from you, sir."

Just then, Miss Evelyn entered the room. "Leave us, please," she said to the maids. They quickly departed, leaving Miss Evelyn to collect the clothes.

As she helped Mike into the suit, she explained, "Axel was a distant person, Mike. He never allowed anyone close to him. One of his rules was to never greet or reply to people's greetings. He liked to keep ahead of everyone."

Mike frowned. "That's a bad attitude. I'm not like that."

Miss Evelyn urged him, "Please, Mike, just act like him for now. We don't want people to notice any changes and start talking. Can you do that for me?"

Mike nodded reluctantly.

After he was dressed, Miss Evelyn reminded him, "You have a meeting with the prosecutor today, and there will be many reporters and press people. Have you memorized what I wrote for you?"

Mike assured her, "No problem, I've got it."

As he turned to leave, Miss Evelyn held his hand. "Remember, Mike, you're the older one, the rightful heir to this business. Your father, Mr. Douglas, worked hard to build this company. Please do everything in your power to maintain its image."

Mike smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Miss Evelyn. Everything will go well."

He stepped out of the house, he was met with a sea of heavily armed security personnel, all rushing towards him with a sense of urgency. The maids and security officers bowed to greet him, their faces filled with respect and admiration. Mike was astonished by the power of riches, he had never seen anything like it before.

He was led to a sleek, black car, its engine purring softly as it waited to whisk him away. The door was opened for him, and he slid into the plush leather seat, feeling like royalty. As they drove away, Mike couldn't help but take in the sights of the environment, marveling at the opulence that surrounded him. He had never thought he could have this kind of lifestyle, it was a far cry from his humble beginnings.

He thought back to all the times he had been rejected by companies, chased away by security officers, and now, here he was, being respected by all, and director of the biggest and richest company in the country. The irony was not lost on him.

As they approached the prosecutor's office, the tires of the car screeched, bringing them to a halt. The guards rushed out, taking their positions, as the chief security officer opened the door for Mike with utmost respect.

As Mike stepped out of the car, the security guards formed a tight circle around him, shielding him from the crowd. The place was filled with press, all clamoring to take his picture, their cameras flashing like a thousand tiny suns.

Mike stood tall, his shoulders squared, as he faced the sea of reporters. He knew this was just the beginning, and he was ready to face whatever lay ahead. With a deep breath, he began to walk towards the prosecutor's office, his entourage following closely behind.

Here is the continuation of the story:

As Mike walked towards the prosecutor's office, the reporters bombarded him with questions. "Is it true that you planned to run away to Las Vegas?" one of them asked. "Did you really embezzle the country's funds?" another one chimed in.

Mike stopped suddenly, looking around at the sea of faces before him. He took a deep breath, and then bowed his head in respect. The cameras zoomed in on him, capturing every moment.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he began, his voice clear and strong. "I stand before you today to address the allegations against me and the Rykard Empire. I understand that there have been questions about my character and the company's integrity. I am here to tell you that we take these allegations very seriously."

He paused, surveying the crowd.

"As the director of the Rykard Empire, I want to assure you that we have always operated with the utmost transparency and accountability. We have never engaged in any activities that would compromise the trust of our investors, stakeholders, and the public."

He took a step forward, his eyes locked on the cameras.

"I want to assure you that we are fully cooperating with the investigation and are committed to uncovering the truth. We will not let the actions of a few individuals tarnish the reputation of our great company."

He paused again, his voice filled with conviction.

"I want to thank our loyal customers, investors, and partners for their continued support during this challenging time. We will emerge from this stronger and more resilient than ever."

The cameras continued to roll as Mike finished his speech, his words hanging in the air like a challenge to those who doubted him.

As Mike finished his speech, an officer approached him and directed him inside the prosecutor's office. Mike followed, his heart pounding in his chest.

Inside the interrogation room, a man with a stern expression walked in. His name was Prosecutor Ryder, and he looked furious as he banged a book on the table.

Mike, who had been informed by the chief security that Axel used to call the prosecutor by his name directly, decided to do the same.

"Prosecutor Ryder," Mike said, his voice calm and confident.

Prosecutor Ryder's expression turned even more furious. "You! I saw you buying a ticket to Las Vegas, and the plane you boarded was the one that crashed! How the hell is it possible that you're alive?"

Mike pulled a small memory card from his pocket and handed it to Prosecutor Ryder. "This contains the list of many great and important political figures in the country," he said, his voice low and confident.

Ryder's eyes widened as he took the card. "What do you mean?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Mike smiled. "I think this will move you higher than those coming after you and the company. With this information, you can go up and become...the Attorney General."

Ryder's eyes gleamed with ambition. "The Attorney General," he repeated, his voice filled with longing. "The highest position a prosecutor can achieve in their lifetime."

Mike nodded. "Yes. And with this list, you'll have the leverage to get there. You'll be able to take down corrupt officials and bring justice to the people. You'll be a hero, Ryder."

Ryder's eyes remained fixed on the memory card in his hand, his mind racing with the weight of Mike's offer. He was torn, unsure whether to take the path that could lead him to greatness or to turn away from the temptation.

This could be the opportunity of a lifetime, he thought. The chance to become the Attorney General, to hold the power to shape the country's justice system. But it could also be a recipe for disaster, a slippery slope that would lead him down a road of corruption and deceit.

Ryder's thoughts swirled with anxiety, his heart pounding in his chest. He looked up at Mike, searching for answers, but Mike's expression was neutral, revealing nothing.

"What's the catch?" Ryder asked finally, his voice barely above a whisper.

Mike smiled, a small, enigmatic smile. "There's always a catch, Ryder. But I think you'll find this one...worth it."

Ryder's eyes narrowed, his mind working overtime to weigh the pros and cons. He knew that he had to make a decision, but he was unsure which way to turn.

The silence between them grew thicker, heavier, as Ryder struggled with his doubts. Mike waited patiently, his eyes never leaving Ryder's face.

And then, just as it seemed like Ryder was about to make a move, he spoke up, his voice firm. "I need time to think."

Mike nodded, his expression unreadable. "Take all the time you need, Ryder. But remember, this offer won't be on the table forever."

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