chapter 3

"The man in the picture is Axel, your twin brother," the woman replied, her eyes locked on Mike's.

Mike's eyes widened in shock. "Twin brother?"

The woman nodded. "Yes, Mr. Douglass, the founder of the Rykard Empire, had twin sons. He lost one during a visit to an island for a charity event. He had a ghastly accident with his wife, and she died. One of the twin boys was also lost."

Mike's mind reeled as he processed the information. "You mean, I'm the second son that was lost?"

The woman nodded again. "Yes, Mike. You are the son that was lost. Mr. Douglass has been looking for you all these years, until he passed away."

Mike's eyes dropped, his mind racing with questions. "Where is Axel now?" he asked, looking up at the woman.

The woman's expression turned grave. "Axel had an accident while traveling to Las Vegas. We suspect a murder attempt. The company can't announce this to the world right now, as it might cause a withdrawal of many investors."

Mike's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?"

The woman hesitated before speaking. "The company is being accused of embezzlement and fraud. The prosecution office is investigating, and they want to arrest the company director. Axel was trying to run away from the country when he met with the accident."

Mike's eyes widened in shock. "Embezzlement and fraud? What's going on?"

The woman's expression turned serious. "That's why we need you, Mike. We need you to take Axel's place and save the company from ruin."

The woman's eyes pleaded with Mike. "Your father's legacy is about to crumble, Mike. You need to save it."

She pointed to the books on the table. "These contain the family's history, as well as everything about the company's business. You need to study them, to know how the company works and everything about the business."

Mike's eyes widened as he looked at the stack of books. It was a daunting task, but he knew he had to do it.

The woman held his hand, her grip warm and reassuring. "Once the company is stable, and the true suspect behind your brother's murder attempt is exposed, you'll be able to live as Mike again. And also as the son of the Rykard Empire."

She handed him a phone. "Study everything on this phone too. It will help you know about the life of Axel, as you'll be living as him for now."

Mike took the phone, feeling a surge of determination. He would do this. He would save his father's legacy.

The woman's expression turned serious. "Remember, Mike, no one should be aware of anything except for the chief security, Mr. Edward. He's the only one who knows the truth."

Mike nodded, his mind racing with the weight of the task ahead. He would have to be careful, to pretend to be Axel until the truth was revealed.

The woman's eyes locked on his. "You can do this, Mike. You have to."

Mrs Evelyn left Mike as she made her way outside the room, leaving Mike alone, checking out the pictures of his twins brother.

Miss Evelyn gazed out the window, her eyes locking onto a man dressed in a tailored suit. He was Reginald, the chief security officer of the Rykard Empire. His expression was stern, his eyes narrowed in concern.

"Do you think everything will go well, Miss Evelyn?" Reginald asked, his voice low and gravelly.

Miss Evelyn turned back to the room, her eyes drifting to the picture on the wall. It was an old photograph of two boys, identical twins, smiling and carefree. "I've never seen twins so identical," she whispered. "I believe everything will go well, and everything will be fine."

Reginald's eyes lingered on the picture before turning back to Miss Evelyn. "Do you think Mike can grasp everything overnight?" he asked, his brow furrowed.

Miss Evelyn's expression turned nostalgic. "I was here when the boys were born. Mike was always the brighter one, the one Mr. Douglas said was fit to carry on the family business." Her voice cracked as she continued, "It was painful for Mr. Douglas when he lost Mike in the accident 14 years ago. The boys were only 12 then."

Reginald's eyes narrowed. "How exactly did Mike disappear from the accident? What caused it?"

Miss Evelyn's gaze locked onto Reginald's, her eyes flashing a warning. "It's a family secret, Reginald. Forbidden for anyone to speak of it." Her voice was firm, but laced with a hint of sadness. "Let's focus on freeing the company from the mess it's in. That's our priority now."

Reginald nodded, his expression understanding. He knew better than to push Miss Evelyn on the matter. The past was the past, and some secrets were meant to remain buried.

Mike's eyes scanned the photos on the phone, taking in every detail of Axel's life. He saw pictures of business trips, meetings with influential people, and lavish parties. But one photo caught his attention - an old man with a kind face and piercing eyes. As soon as Mike saw the picture, a memory flashed through his mind, and a sudden headache struck him. He dropped the phone, wincing in pain.

As he stood up, the chirping of birds outside filled the air, which was stark contrast to the turmoil in his mind. His hand still throbbed from the handcuffs Mrs. Evelyn had removed earlier. He walked to the window, gazing out at the breathtaking view.

The Rykard Estate sprawled before him, a testament to the family's immense wealth and power. Majestic gardens stretched as far as the eye could see, with perfectly manicured lawns and exotic flowers. A fleet of luxury cars lined the driveway, glinting in the sunlight. Heavy security patrolled the grounds, their presence a reminder of the family's status.

Mike's eyes widened as he took in the sheer scale of the estate. He couldn't believe he was actually a part of this conglomerate household. A smile spread across his face, a mix of awe and excitement. He felt like a kid in a candy store, eager to explore every nook and cranny of this new world.

As he stood there, the warm sun on his face, Mike felt a sense of belonging he had never experienced before. He knew that his life was about to change in ways he couldn't even imagine.

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