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By: Curly Green Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 16 views: 72

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Adrian hurried to shake his head. “I swear I didn't do it! I would never hit Layla," He turned to his wife. "Tell him, Layla, tell the truth! Why are you even doing this to me?” Layla looked up with teary, mischievous eyes. "Officers, that bastard threatened to kill me if I kept on insisting that he sign the divorce papers," Her sobbing grew louder. "I'm tired of this abusive marriage. Adrian is a monster!” "Officers, what are you still doing when you should be arresting this murderer?!" Adrian froze immediately as his body recognized that voice. He turned around slowly to stare into the burning eyes of his long-lost brother, Ryan. What?! Ryan was back after all these years? Not only that, he had called the police on him? Great news or terrible news? ****** Adrian's once perfect life comes crashing down when Layla, the woman he loved and cherished so much orchestrated a lie to throw him into jail due to the return of her ex boyfriend, Ryan. After enduring abuses and maltreatment in jail, Adrian is set free on bail by his wealthy grandfather. Now he is the richest man in the country with a net worth of over ten trillion dollars. Would he let his enemies go scot-free or would he make them pay?

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16 chapters
Chapter 1: Kicked Out.
"I'm sorry to bother you sir, but if you don't want to order something else, I suggest you leave. This table needs to be cleared for another customer,"Adrian looked up from his glass of wine to the waitress who was trying so hard to maintain a smile. He exhaled deeply, trying to recollect his thoughts."Sir…"Adrian didn't reply, instead, his eyes shifted to the papers in his slightly shaky hands. It was divorce papers that his wife, Layla had persisted him to sign for a week now.One might think that he should be grateful for an opportunity to finally get out of a toxic marriage where he wasn't receiving any peace of mind. But Adrian felt different. He felt that it was still possible for Layla to change the way she felt towards him.To Layla, their marriage was just a business merger between their families. He was not even the husband she was supposed to marry. She was supposed to marry his handsome, perfect brother, Ryan, but when he disappeared on the day of their wedding, she had
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Chapter 2: Grand Betrayal
Adrian opened his eyes slowly to find himself in a hospital room. Pain slithered through his forehead and he released a gentle groan.He tried to sit up, but waves of pain shot through his body and he groaned again. He stared down at his hand and noticed they were handcuffed to the bed."How did I end up here?" He winced, his question directed to no one in particular."I see you're awake, you son of a bitch. Next time you pull a trick like this on us, I promise we'll take you to a mortuary and deposit your useless body there," A police officer who stood by the side of the bed said harshly.And that was when the painful memories of how he had fainted began to click. Daily, the police would take him to a dark room and beat him up, urging him to confess to crimes he didn't commit.They'd tie him up, maltreat, and abuse him without waiting to listen to his pleas of innocence. In the end, when his body couldn't take the pain anymore, he passed out in the dark room and they brought him here
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Chapter 3: Fresh Start.
Adrian didn't know what he was thinking when he decided to enter a car with a total stranger. What if this was a plot by Ryan and Layla to kidnap him? Those two could go through hell just to make his life miserable.He scoffed.He was such a fool to have believed that they had a heart like normal people.From the corner of his eyes, he saw Felix look at him through the mirror with an emotion that suggested pity. He didn't like it when people pitied him."It's been ten years since you left home, young Master. A lot has happened since then. Now, your grandfather wants you home for good," Felix said, initiating a conversation.Adrian straightened in his seat with a curious brow. "G–randfather Milan?""Yes," Felix nodded."What's your relationship with him?” Adrian frowned. "And what does he want with me? He drove me out of his life like I meant nothing to him. Now he wants me back? Amuse me,"Felix was silent for a minute. "He's dying,""What?" "Stage four cancer," Felix replied. "He ha
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Chapter 4: A Feeling Of Ice.
The cold evening air slapped Adrian's hair back and forth as he walked inside the hall. The place was filled with wealthy people drinking and sharing jokes amongst themselves.Adrian allowed his eyes to wander, taking in the festive mood that dominated the atmosphere. Ryan and Layla had put so much effort in organizing this party, evident from the heavy decorations and the majestic display of expensive dishes and drinks.A surge of air escaped from his mouth as he released a gentle chuckle. Were those two really serious about moving on with their lives after what they did to him?Did they really not care?The only crime he had committed was getting married to Layla. Did he deserve to be nailed to the cross, suffer the most inhumane punishment, and betrayed because of that?“Adrian?! What the fuck, you worthless piece of shit. Is that you?!” A feminine voice suddenly sounded behind him and he turned around with a frown.Speak of the devil.It was Layla. She was dressed in a beautiful g
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Chapter 5: A Slap In The Face.
“What the hell are you doing?!” Ryan hissed, almost forgetting that he was in a public place.“What does it look like I'm doing? You called for the president, so here am I. Allow me to give my speech,” Adrian replied calmly. Ryan blinked once in surprise, then twice in anger. His eyes shifted to the audience and he could see their inquisitive eyes. He swallowed nervously, feeling like a fool.His hands curled beside him as horror spread over his face. What the hell was happening? No, he scoffed. This had to be a joke.“I'm going to give you two seconds to get yourself down from this stage, you delusional fool. You want to ruin my event, don't you?” Ryan said, but his voice came out weaker than expected.“I won't entertain any insulting words from you, Mr Ryan. Learn to address me properly since it is obvious we're not on the same level,” Adrian scolded, but Ryan could hear the mockery in his words. It was enough to piss him off.“Security!” Ryan yelled. “Throw this worthless fellow o
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Chapter 6: Cornered.
“Arggggh!! Fuck hell!” Ryan yelled, throwing a glass of wine against the wall and watching with satisfaction as it smashed into pieces. “How…how did he get out of jail. He was supposed to fucking rot in there!” He heaved, his chest rising up and down. “Damn it, but I paid those stupid wardens enough money to make his life miserable. Now he's out?”Ryan scoffed in disbelief, his mind refusing to erase the picture of how embarrassed he felt at yesterday's party. Not only had Adrian managed to get himself out of jail, he had also paraded himself like a king. Like someone untouchable.He…looked different, like a fucking royalty.“Fuck…! How could I not have known?!”“Sir…here's the report,” A scared voice broke into his reverie and he turned around with a hiss to find his secretary shaking like a leaf in the winter.It irritated him more. “What is it, Rita? You've been standing there like a goddamn piece of paper for the past three minutes. Have you lost your tongue?!”“The investors h
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Chapter 7: You Have To Learn Manners.
“I have an appointment with the president. Is he in?” Ryan placed a hand on the counter while directing a curious look at the secretary.“What's your name, sir?” The lady asked and as Ryan said his name, she made a quick call before directing him to the office where he was to meet with the president.Ryan expelled a shallow sigh as he walked. If everything went well and he convinced the president of Nilean Group, then his company would gain back its reputation.Not only that, Adrian would be labeled the instigator of the fight that day and even if he were to report the video of his assault to the police, nobody was going to believe him.They were only going to accuse him of trying to shift blames.He was an ex convict after all.A sly smile danced at the corners of his lips as he knocked on the broad oak door. Upon permission to enter, he stepped into the fully furnished office and for some reason, goosebumps arrested his entire body. He swallowed nervously, feeling cold.The presiden
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Chapter 8: Unexpected News.
Layla squeezed the glass in her hands so hard that it cracked under the pressure. Her brows quirked, and she inhaled the cigarette in her left hand before hissing out a puff of smoke.“What the fuck did you say Adrian did to you?”“How many times do I need to say it? You're beginning to annoy me,” Ryan said, his jaws clenched.Layla poured more brandy into the cup and gulped it down. The alcohol produced a tingling sensation in her throat causing her to bite down on her lower lips. “That son of a bitch,”“President Milan ordered his bail. They are connected somehow,” Ryan said, tapping his knuckles. He looked up with a scared look in his eyes. “We're doomed,”“If anyone is doomed, it's Adrian,” Layla replied, trying to shake off the odd feeling that enveloped her.Ryan chuckled bitterly. “His cooperation with my company has been cut off. The other partners are also threatening to withdraw if I don't restore my image within a week,”A dry scoff escaped his lips. “Now, Adrian has a copy
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Chapter 9: The Loss Of A Legend.
“Wh– what are you talking about? I…I have a sister?”Milan's eyes widened in determination. “You must find her, Adrian,”“But…”“One more thing Adrian, locate a secret safe in my private study and sign the documents there. You'll recognize it once you see it. The password is your birthday,”Adrian struggled to process what he just heard. First, he had an unknown sister and now his grandfather was asking him to sign some documents? His thoughts were distracted by the sound of his grandfather's hard cough. “Careful Pa,” he said, handing him a glass of water.“How was my sister kidnapped, and why don't I know anything about her?” “You were two years at that time and too young to understand anything,”“No information about the kidnapper?”Milan shook his head sadly. “I'm afraid, nothing,”Milan grunted, squeezing Adrian's hand in his warmly. “You're strong. You're a warrior. A survivor. You can do anything despite the challenges and obstacles faced. I believe in you,”Panic set in at th
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Chapter 10: Foul Play
Adrian cleared his throat. “Officers, there seems to be a misunderstanding and if you don't mind, I'd like us to resolve the issue amicably,” He sighed. “Not at the station. I have a lot of things to take care of around here,”“There’s no explanation to justify your shamelessness. Move it,” The head officer frowned, waving the document in his face.The act irked Adrian and he narrowed a brow in warning. “I won't have you speak to me negligently,” He paused to make sure his warning sank in, then continued. “Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to take a look at the will you claimed to be my grandfather's,”The lawyer hesitated for a minute, then he shook his head. “Let's talk at the station if you have any complaints,”Adrian scoffed without a word. He sensed foul play, but beneath his amusement, there was this deep anger lurking somewhere, threatening to explode. His eyes darted until they landed on Ryan. How did this jerk know anything about his inheritance? Was he responsible for his
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