Chapter 4: A Feeling Of Ice.

The cold evening air slapped Adrian's hair back and forth as he walked inside the hall. The place was filled with wealthy people drinking and sharing jokes amongst themselves.

Adrian allowed his eyes to wander, taking in the festive mood that dominated the atmosphere. Ryan and Layla had put so much effort in organizing this party, evident from the heavy decorations and the majestic display of expensive dishes and drinks.

A surge of air escaped from his mouth as he released a gentle chuckle. Were those two really serious about moving on with their lives after what they did to him?

Did they really not care?

The only crime he had committed was getting married to Layla. Did he deserve to be nailed to the cross, suffer the most inhumane punishment, and betrayed because of that?

“Adrian?! What the fuck, you worthless piece of shit. Is that you?!” A feminine voice suddenly sounded behind him and he turned around with a frown.

Speak of the devil.

It was Layla. She was dressed in a beautiful gold dress that sitted perfectly on her curves. Her hair was packed up in a ponytail, but few strands popped up here and there, accentuating her round face.

She was gorgeous, but it was none of Adrian's business.

“Adrian…” Layla whispered as if it was a sin to speak out loud. She blinked first in confusion, then twice in surprise before taking a step back, her mouth hanging open. “Holy fuck…it's you! What are you doing here?”

Adrian smiled. “Good evening, that's the first thing most people would say.” He shrugged. “I'm not surprised though. You've always been so saucy,”

“Wh…who got you released? What strings did you pull? Or did you break out of jail like an insane thief?” Layla continued her questioning, unable to hide her confusion.

“Hi Ryan. It's been a while. Did you miss me?” Adrian smiled, ignoring her question, focusing instead on the man who had just joined them.

As expected, Ryan frowned in surprise, opened his mouth to speak when he stuttered, then snapped it shut, deciding that the unspoken words might make him sound like a fool.

“I heard about your party and decided to attend. Unlike you guys, I have a knack for appreciating people's success,” Adrian maintained his smile, pissing the couples off.

“You bastard, what silly games are you playing?!” Ryan gritted when he finally found his voice. Something about Adrian gave him the chills. There was this unmistakable change in aura surrounding him. If not, how could somebody who had lost everything a month ago be this expensively dressed?

Damn it, but Adrian's suit looked more expensive than his? Or did he steal it? He was not sure.

“I don't know how you got out of prison, but I'm going to do a criminal like you the favor of sending you back where you belong. You're not welcomed here as the mere sight of you is enough to make me puke,”

Adrian scoffed, throwing his head back. “Then what? Am I supposed to be scared? To run away and hide like a coward? Is that the image of me you want to see? The image of me cowering and begging like a worthless fool? It'd please you, wouldn't it?”

“Yeah, it sure would please the fuck out of me,” Ryan chuckled, before summoning the securities. “Throw this bastard out of my event and call the police while you're at it. He's a runaway criminal,”

Felix stepped forward to challenge Ryan, but Adrian held him back.

“Wait…! He has to do something before he leaves,” Layla interjected, bringing out a paper which she slammed on Adrian's chest. “It's divorce papers, you didn't sign the last one, remember?”

“Oh,” Adrian smiled calmly and signed the papers. He handed it over to Layla with a wink. “You'd regret what you just did, sweetheart,”

“Oh please, fuck you! Be grateful that I didn't serve you the papers in jail because I'd have paid the warden a huge amount to beat you up for stressing me all these years,” Layla spat. “Piece of shit,”

“It's time for my speech baby, let's go. No more wasting time on this idiot,” Ryan said. He scrutinized Adrian for a moment before he hissed. “I don't think of you as my brother. I never have and never will. I blame my parents for adopting a piece of scum orphan like you. Now they can't even face the public because of the disgrace you brought them,”

Sliding his hand around Layla's waist, they walked off.

Felix scoffed. “Are we going to stand and watch them insult you? Give me your order and I'll blast this damn party to the ground, making them regret ever running their mouth at you the way they did!”

Adrian shook his head. “Like I said before, Felix. I can take care of myself,”

Felix huffed, but didn't say another word as the they watched Ryan walk to the stage in careful steps.

Ryan grabbed the microphone, adopting a cheerful smile. As he stood on the stage smiling and grinning, he looked perfect, innocent, like he couldn't hurt a fly.

Adrian wondered if it was only him that could see the real man beneath that fake, disgusting smile.

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Thank y'all for your presence tonight. It really means a lot to me,” Ryan smiled as he shifted his gaze to Layla. “Shout-out to my beautiful wife who has been super supportive from day one. This event wouldn't be a success without her,”

The crowd cheered and Ryan waited for the noise to die down before he continued. “Before I go on with my speech proper, I'd like to invite to the stage a distinguished man of honor. A man of caliber and swag. Please join me to celebrate the one and only president of Nilean Group as he gives a befitting speech to grace this occasion,”

Excited whispers circulated across the room as people began to clap.

Ryan smiled in excitement, but his smile on his face dried up like a stagnant pool at the sight of the person walking towards the stage. What the fuck?! This bastard again?!

“Wh..what is he…”

He didn't get a chance to complete his statement when Adrian climbed the stage and took the microphone from him with a fake look of concern. “Ryan, are you alright? You look like a hungry clown,”

Ryan could not reply. Forget about the feeling of cold water being poured over his head, he felt like he was drowning in an ocean of ice. The feeling was suffocating, almost choking him.

His reaction didn't go unnoticed to Adrian who tried to hide his smirk as he turned to address the audience. “Hello ladies and gents. Hope you're enjoying the party? I'm super excited to be in your presence tonight to share in the joy of watching the wonderful couples repeat their vows,”

He paused, blinking slowly as if confused. “Love is beautiful, isn't it?”

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