Chapter 6: Cornered.

“Arggggh!! Fuck hell!” Ryan yelled, throwing a glass of wine against the wall and watching with satisfaction as it smashed into pieces.

“How…how did he get out of jail. He was supposed to fucking rot in there!” He heaved, his chest rising up and down. “Damn it, but I paid those stupid wardens enough money to make his life miserable. Now he's out?”

Ryan scoffed in disbelief, his mind refusing to erase the picture of how embarrassed he felt at yesterday's party. Not only had Adrian managed to get himself out of jail, he had also paraded himself like a king. Like someone untouchable.

He…looked different, like a fucking royalty.

“Fuck…! How could I not have known?!”

“Sir…here's the report,” A scared voice broke into his reverie and he turned around with a hiss to find his secretary shaking like a leaf in the winter.

It irritated him more.

“What is it, Rita? You've been standing there like a goddamn piece of paper for the past three minutes. Have you lost your tongue?!”

“The investors have scheduled a meeting, sir,” Rita said carefully, afraid of provoking her boss's anger.

Ryan took the report from her hand and glanced through it. He seemed satisfied with what he saw. “How is the public reaction to yesterday's event?”

“The PR have succeeded in taking down some of the mean articles. We're trying our best, sir,”

“Well, try harder! That's what you're being paid for, right?”

“Yes sir,” Rita nodded shakily.

“How about the president of Nilean Group? Have you been able to reach him? He has to know that what happened yesterday wasn't my fault, therefore he was wrong to withdraw his cooperation with my company. At this rate, other partners might end up withdrawing too,”

“We're trying to convince the media, sir. All of this would be sorted once I arrange a meeting with the president,” Rita explained.

“Get me every piece of information on Adrian Lancaster before the day's over. I want to know who granted him bail.” Ryan ordered to his secretary who nodded meekly before scurrying out of the room.

An hour later, Ryan walked into the room where he was to meet with the investors. For some reason, uneasiness clawed at him like a rat nibbling on leather. What he couldn't afford was the investors finding out about what happened yesterday?

His hard work of trying to persuade the investors for the past two weeks could not just go down the drain just because of a spineless orphan.

He entered the room after a knock but frowned at the empty room. None of the investors had arrived yet. His eyes shifted to his wristwatch and he saw that it was the agreed time for the meeting.

So why wasn't any of them here yet?

With a sigh, Ryan collapsed into an empty chair. He would wait for them to show up. He closed his eyes as a groan escaped his lips making him more aware of how badly he needed a good rest.

When he opened his eyes again, it was with a gasp. Damn it, he had slept off. Had the investors come and gone after seeing him asleep? He couldn't afford for that to happen as he needed their support for his company's wellbeing.

Bringing out his mobile phone, he made to dial a number when the television in the room began to play. Ryan looked on, first in surprise, then in horror at the video of him assaulting high school girls displaying on the screen.

The video played non stop and the volume was increased to the highest. “Wh–what is this bullshit…?! How is this playing?”

Frantic, he looked around him for the remote to switch off the video. Dread threatening to drive him crazy, he swallowed hard, hurrying to the screen to continue his search for the remote.

Thump. Beat. Thump. Beat.

It was like someone was playing a game of chess with him. A game he was definitely not interested in playing.

“Show yourself, you coward!” He yelled when he could no longer control the tightness in his chest.

The door opened at his words and Ryan stilled. The sound of the heavy boots as it entered the room resounded in his ears dragging out the suspense in the air. A lip thrill was heard followed by small, swift claps.

Thump. Beat. Thump. Beat.

Ryan turned around slowly with nervous, shaky breaths at the direction of the sound. Who had caught him? Oh, please, let it not be the investors!

His prayers were answered, but in a terrible way. The person walking towards him with a USB disk and a remote wasn't any of the investors, but his nightmare.


“Looking for this?” Adrian smiled, shoving the remote in the air. Then he frowned. “What is that look on your face? You look pale, white as a ghost,”

Ryan held his chest to steady his breathing. He gritted his teeth so loud and hard that his jaws ached. When he was calm, he stood up erect and shot Adrian a hard glare. “What the hell do you think you're doing?”

Adrian turned off the video before winking at Ryan. “You're welcome,”

Ryan scoffed. “How did you get your hands on that clip…? Were you planning to expose it in front of the investors? Yesterday's havoc wasn't enough for you, huh?”

“You should be grateful I haven't revealed this to the public,”

Ryan curled his fist willing himself to stay calm as he stared at Adrian who appeared unfazed, like a monster in disguise.

There was something in his eyes, something so livid that it made his heart lurch painfully.

“What do you want?” Ryan said.

There was a pause before Adrian spoke. “What I want? It's simple.” Crossing the distance between them, he whispered into Ryan's ears. “I want you to turn yourself in. Assaulting young girls is a crime that shouldn't go unpunished. Let's not even talk about the horror you put me through. All of that would be settled once you turn yourself in and serve your time,”

Time slowed in Ryan's world as his mouth went dry, like acid was being poured into it. There was a bitter sensation in the pits of his stomach that agonized him.

He hated this power Adrian seemed to have over him.

Leaning back, Ryan pushed him away as if doing that would clear some of the helplessness he felt.

“Or what?”

Adrian smiled. “Or else I might end up exposing this clip by mistake,”

There was a pause, then Ryan took bold steps forward, his gaze locking with Adrian. “You know what, fuck you. You want to play a game, then play on,”

“Is that a ‘no, I'm not turning myself in?’”

“Call it whatever you want, I don't care. Now, if you don't mind, I have something better to do,” Ryan hissed and walked away.

When he was past earshot, he made a call. “Speeden up your search on Adrian. Get me any fucking information I can use. Dig up his bloody past, do something!”

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