Chapter 7: You Have To Learn Manners.

“I have an appointment with the president. Is he in?” Ryan placed a hand on the counter while directing a curious look at the secretary.

“What's your name, sir?” The lady asked and as Ryan said his name, she made a quick call before directing him to the office where he was to meet with the president.

Ryan expelled a shallow sigh as he walked. If everything went well and he convinced the president of Nilean Group, then his company would gain back its reputation.

Not only that, Adrian would be labeled the instigator of the fight that day and even if he were to report the video of his assault to the police, nobody was going to believe him.

They were only going to accuse him of trying to shift blames.

He was an ex convict after all.

A sly smile danced at the corners of his lips as he knocked on the broad oak door. Upon permission to enter, he stepped into the fully furnished office and for some reason, goosebumps arrested his entire body. He swallowed nervously, feeling cold.

The president was seated with his back facing the door so that his face wasn't seen. If he heard Ryan's greeting, he didn't acknowledge it, instead he signaled with his hand for Ryan to go on.

Ryan fell to his knees at the opportunity.

“Umh…yes sir, my name is Ryan Sinclair. I came to rectify the unfortunate event that happened at my wedding renewal vow party. It wasn't my intention to disrespect your name nor was it my intention to disrespect your spokesman. However, the young man insulted me first and called me all manner of names for reasons best known to him,”

His voice lowered into a whisper. “Sir, I don't know what connections you have with Adrian, but he's not worth it. Intels says that he is an ex-convict and a criminal. He's not worth your trust. On the other hand sir, me and you have been business partners for years. Don't you think it's unfair that you cut off our relationship because of a criminal?”

As the words left his throat, Ryan leaned back with eyes closed in hope. He waited for president Milan to speak, but when there was no reply, he pushed his eyes open with an arched brow.

The silence in the air was thick, so thick that he could almost reach out and touch it. What was going on? Had the president gone dumb?

“President Milan…?” Ryan called out slowly.

Again, no response.

“Sir…I don't know if you heard me, but…”

The executive chair turned around in one swift move and the rest of the words dried off in Ryan's throat at the sight of the person in front of him. Damn, why does this bastard have to be everywhere?

Adrian scoffed. “I was enjoying your speech when you stopped. Go on,”

Ryan frowned, his tone deep with resentment and disdain. “W–hy are you here and why the fuck are you on the president's chair?!”

Quickly, he jumped to his feet. “You’re fucking monitoring my moves now? Where is the president?”

“Shouting like a madman wouldn't help your case, instead, it'd end up provoking me. Trust me, you don't want to be on my bad side,” Adrian tsked with a wave of the hand.

Ryan hissed as his brain did a quick flip flop. What the hell was happening? Why wasn't anything going his way since Adrian's return from jail? This was so frustrating and annoying.

His eyes glared arrows and if looks could kill, Adrian would be 12ft deep in the fucking grounds.

“Call me the president before I end up smashing your damn brain to the wall,”

“Why? So you could spit more lies about me?” Adrian chuckled. “You know, it sickens me to the very depth of my stomach to think that I considered you as my brother. Even in our childhood days, you showed me no kindness. Did you really need to go as far as backstabbing me and turning our parents against me?”

“Then an orphan like you shouldn't have been born in the first place,” Ryan said flatly. “My parents made the foolish mistake of adopting you. Since then, instead of focusing on their biological son, they made you the center of their universe. You made me feel like a fucking insignificant puppet to my parents. You stole my spotlight!”

“That's why you did it?” Adrian asked, his face calm. “That's why you framed and sent me to jail?”

Ryan raised his left palm, cutting him short. “I don't have the energy to deal with your bullshit. I'm here to see the president,”

“Oh, but he's right in front of you,”

Ryan frowned, then he hissed and marched outside. He met Felix standing by the door with a stoic face. “Excuse me, but I'd like to speak with the president instead of the loser inside there parading himself as a king? Call president Milan this instant and let him know I'm here,”

“I'm afraid I don't run personal errands for just anybody, Mr Ryan,” Felix replied flatly.

“Are y'all fucking blind?! Although I hate to admit it, the man in that office is just a piece of lowlife my parents decided to adopt. He has no connections or influential background as he is an orphan, so go ahead and make me understand what the hell he is doing in this reputable company?!”

“Do you think we're that stupid, Mr Ryan? Why would we allow a random stranger to waltz into this company and occupy the president's seat? I'm sorry, but you have to start using your brain,”

Ryan lowered a brow, opened his mouth to speak, then stuttered. “Ad…Adrian is the…president?”

“And now my mood is ruined because of you,” Adrian suddenly appeared at the door with a frown. “When you're ready to converse like a proper human, we can reschedule an appointment. Until then, you have to be taught some manners,”


Armed men rushed forward, their stance alert and posture ready to carry out the order. “Yes, sir!”

“Throw this man outside. He's not permitted to see me for the next two months,” Adrian ordered.

“Wait…but…” Ryan attempted to speak, but the words stuck in his throat as he was being hijacked and roughly handled by the men.

The next thing he knew was his buttocks landing painfully on the exit floor of the company and being warned never to step foot here again. The way he was thrown out like garbage to be disposed of earned him sharp cuts on his elbow.

Realization dawned on him like a secret portal opening and he groaned, struggling to his feet as tears escaped from his eyes.

This was pure bullshit!

“I promise you'll pay for this, Adrian!” He groaned again, his eyes darkening with fury.

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