Son in Law Miraculous Comeback

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Son in Law Miraculous Comeback

By: Smiles OngoingSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 10 views: 122

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Antonio Smith would bend Heaven and Earth to live a happy life as a Son in Law with his Sickly Wife Camilla. As a poor Son in Law with no talents, Antonio is mocked by Camilla's family until one day everything changes with the Son In Law System. Armed with a New System that grants him quests to rise to the top, Antonio pushes to create the best life for himself and his wife Camilla.

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10 chapters
Chapter 1
Lavish lights shined down in the ballroom entrance. Within Sky City, one of the most memorable parties of the year was transpiring. Many eager would be attendees stood outside of the building, each one parading invitations both real and forged in an attempt to get in. All were wearing the finest outfits they could in the entire city to try to get in. Every regal and designer clothing store within the entire city had gone out of stock for the month because of this gathering!For such an esteemed gathering, only the finest of bodyguards would be tolerated. Atleast Five High Class Body Guards stood outside of the venue, surveying the premesis and carefully analyzing each would be entree. All of them would not be easily bribed or coerced into allowing a hooligan to enter. They had each served the Family within for atleast a dozen years."Let me in. Let me in please! I have a business Idea Mr West is going to love. This is a once in a lifetime opprotunity. You gotta let me speak to him!' A
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Chapter 2
Antonio Smith drove through Sky city, desperate to make it on time to The Wests big party tonight. He had narrowly avoided two traffic accidents already, and opted to drive a little slower. "You wouldn't...You wouldn't understand the lengths I'd go to for Camilla Jeffrey." Antonio solemnly said, his eyes fixated on the road forward. Jeffrey spoke in a more serious tone, "Antonio. Her disease has her like a goner man. You know that operation would break the bank for you. Ten million dollars. The freakin banks won't let you take a loan even with the worst rates in the world here! The Wests hate your guts and hers." Antonio shivered at Jeffrey's reminder of their situation."A man has to help his daughter in her time of need! Taylor West can't just let her die because she loves me!!!! Ever since she had this disease, all of her siblings have turned their back on us. A rare cancer that they hadn't discovered before. And yet despite all of these record breaking profits, they won't even so
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Chapter 3
The muscular body guard looked down at Antonio, recognizing his face immediately. "Antonio?" The bodyguard said to him, causing Antonio to look back at him with a hint of relief. "Yes! You recognize me from before right?" Antonio questioned to the bodyguard. He was wearing a pair of black sunglasses that hid the expression in his eyes, yet he could see his brow furl just a little. The head bodyguards body was chiseled from years of conflict. Antonio had heard rumors this man had served as former special forces for the nation they were in. The stern look on his face, and his unwavering demeanor spelled it out to him. "You can't be here. I know you keep coming here. But I made it clear nothing will change last time. Mr West wants me to kill you if you so much as attempt to come into this building." The bodyguards tone was firm and unyielding, but with a hint of concern. Antonio remembered the savage beating inflicted upon him by the West Family's bodyguards the last time he attemp
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Chapter 4
Antonio Smith pressed his hands gently against the dark wooden doorway. With a small creak the door had opened forth. Immediately the smell of alcohol and overly priced cigars leaked out to Antonio's senses. Before him a familiar sight was sitting down. Taylor West sat himself like a king. He was on a fancy antique chair that Antonio swore he paid quite a large sum of money for. The chair, like many things in Taylor West's life was overpriced. His wife stood by his side, haughtily waving around a glass of expensive alcohol and chortling like a harpy at another poor joke. Antonio couldn't see any chemistry between the two of them. He only saw two vile insidious people that had nobody who would tolerate them but each other. Taylor West had smooth white hair. His face was not chiseled and his hands unlike those who served him did not look rough. In fact, it was as if he never lifted a hand in years. His outfit consisted of a very deep navy blue tuxedo. It had every possible little det
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Chapter 5
Antonio Smith's body stood utterly frozen in place. He was unable to lift a muscle to do anything when the system suddenly showed him a new message. His eyes nearly popped out of his head reading what was on the screen."Welcome to the Son in Law System". The message remained on the screen, with a button beneath it that said [Continue]."Son in Law System? Don't tell me I've really fallen inside of a video game or something now!" Antonio Smith called out. He noticed nobody else who was frozen could hear him, and wasn't sure if his words were even properly escaping his mouth. Antonio Smith looked around the entire room and saw nobody else was remotely looking at the mysterious blue screen except for him.He attempted to move and found that he could move his arms and his legs again. He reached his hand out to the blue message screen that was now shining in front of him. Antonio Smith upon placing his hand, caused the screen to shine and expand itself. It disappeared in front of him, bef
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Chapter 6
"100 Trillion Dollars!!!" Antonio Smith was not able to believe the words that he was hearing right now. Just to be safe, he slapped himself two times across the face.SLAP SLAPOnce across the left cheek of his face and once again on the right. He even attempted to do a third one before the system interrupted him immediately. "Please do not hit yourself again. This is not a dream or your imagination. The Son In Law System will legally provide you with a special credit card to use for your transactions."The System began to load another loading bar, and within a few seconds it was complete and full! From the bar came a magical credit card that sprung out of the digital loading screen and landed perfectly in Antonio's hand. "Only you are able to use this credit card. If someone else attempts to grab or use it. They will not be able to see it, and it will reappear in your hand on command!" Antonio was shocked by the literal magic credit card the Son In Law System was giving him.But he
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Chapter 7
"A Gun? Taylor West was about to shoot me!" Antonio Smith called out, he guessed that Taylor West was about to make good on his threats for once in his life! He looked at how Taylor West was frozen in time, and seemed to be reaching for something. But there was no gun in his hand yet, and it did not look like there was a gun at all near him."But system, where was he going to get the gun from? I don't see a gun anywhere." Antonio did not understand what the system mean't by that. What other danger was there truly in Taylor West's mansion either? He did not think of Taylor West as someone who would have an extensive amount of dangerous people at a party like this.The older man's strange condition also caught Antonio's attention. He seemed weaker, more desperate and not like he had been in the past. While still mean and vile to Antonio, he had much more vitality than he demonstrated currently in front of him. While looking at Taylor, Antonio saw just a trickle of blood inside of Taylor
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Chapter 8
"I...I... I didn't know..!" Samantha blustered out to the nurse and Antonio. She was so nervous, what would they do to her for adding five million dollars for no reason at all to a patient's surgery! The nurse looked at her very sternly and then turned to Antonio. "I'm so sorry about that. She's new here and-"Antonio raised his hand politely to signal for her to stop. "It's okay. I don't think everyone is a rude harpy like her here." Antonio with money would never behave like Taylor West to others, an abusive piece of trash that looked down on everyone around him. The only people that deserved his scorn, were the real trash like the receptionist in front of him!Samantha stammered and was unable to say any other words, the nurse continued to speak to Antonio. "Doctor Camps is available in her office right now to speak to you about your wifes surgery. You just have to go down the hall and make a left." The nurse pointed to where Antonio needed to walk down the hallway. "Thank you." He
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Chapter 9
Antonio Smith walked directly out of Doctor Camp's office in a bit of a haste. He had begged God and everything for this moment for so long. The two had shared many tears from this disease, and their unhappiness would soon meet its end.Antonio walked into the hospital room Camilla was in. Gently, he placed his hand on her hand. "Camilla. I have returned with good news." She turned back to him, a tear running down her face. "One of the nurses...She told me that you had the money for the surgery now. Antonio...How...? Did my father help you with this?" Camilla weakly smiled at Antonio and took his hand. He debated how he would explain any of this money to her. "I can't just tell her I have a magical game like system called the Son In Law System. Even if she believed me, it's better not to know about these types of things..." Antonio raised his other hand to his chin, carefully weighing his answer to give his wife. "He did not help me at all. But I was able to get incredibly lucky. My
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Chapter 10
"Go Home? I am feeling pretty tired from today." Antonio took a deep breath in. This elevator was strangely going very slow. He didn't feel as if it had moved yet, and there was no dinging when it touched floors like it normally would. The elevator didn't look strange, and the area did not turn grey like that time when the Son In Law System first came to Antonio.Had the system stopped the very elevator itself? Antonio decided to ask the system, just to see what was the answer that it would humor him with. "System. Have you made the elevator stop to talk to me?" Antonio asked, but the system gave him an immediate answer."No. The elevator here is slow, and has not had maintenance in some time. "You can to start the next quest, but enjoy some of your own money first. You will want to peruse a change of clothes, as well as a few other necessities of your own choosing." The system window this time immediately disappeared after saying it's words, the window blinking out with a bright bli
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