The Ring of Power

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The Ring of Power

By: Julyanna AU. Updated just nowSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 51 views: 94

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Max arrives at school, trying to avoid his bullies, but is brutally attacked. Just as he is about to lose consciousness, his family ring begins to glow, absorbing his blood. A magical creature emerges from the ring, promising to help him get revenge on his attackers. With the new strength granted by the entity, Max rises determined to face his enemies. Together, they plan to demonstrate his true power. His system activates, and a new adventure begins.

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51 chapters
1: Max Rising: A New Force Awakens
The ring shone brightly again, its light had gone out as soon as the magical being had made its presence before Max, and now that it disappeared again, the intense glow reemerged from Max's ring. He felt how a current of energy began to run through each end of his body, repairing the damage that had been very noticeable to his physical and mental health, and filling him with an unknown and unrecognizable strength.The previously debilitating pain disappeared completely as if by magic, leaving in its place an incredible feeling of power and mental clarity that he had never had the opportunity to experience before.Max stood up, surprised by how quickly his body responded to his commands. He looked at his hands, expecting to see the scars from his wounds, however, they have disappeared, as well as the pool of blood that formed under his body on the ground.From the last fight, there has been no evidence left, it is as if everything had been lived in a dream, not even his clothes have be
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2: Welcome To The New World, and A New Life
Max's house is eerily silent when he returns from school. He arrived at an earlier hour than usual. He felt a mixture of relief and anger at the same time that he couldn't explain. The boy left his school backpack stored in the same place as always; He threw her on the floor, in the corner of the entrance of the house, where he stayed there until he felt like taking her to his room or until his grandmother scolded him to do it in case.So, when he got to his room, Max took off the ring, and put it on his desk, not paying much attention to the fact that the ring at that moment was nothing more than that; a simple decoration ring.That day, his last day of school without graduation, had been very exhausting, and he couldn't stop thinking about what life had in store for him from now on, that is, nothing. Without school, and without his routine, everything seemed very bleak for Max. His life would not be the same, and he only hoped that his grandmother could understand the reasons why he
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3: Defeating the guardians
“Welcome to our world, Max,” the most imposing figure among them said to the boy, she is a tall, thin woman with silver hair that fell to her waist. Her hair is straight, and her eyes are sky blue, these were the most beautiful eyes Max had ever seen in his life. “I am Lyra, the lead guardian of the Temple of the Ancestors, honestly, we have been waiting for your arrival for a long time. But finally, the moment we have longed for has arrived.Max felt a lump form in his throat, he became nervous, and no wonder, he was faced with something unknown about his reality.“Thanks… I guess,” he murmured, impressed by the commanding presence of Lyra and her companion. All of them exuded quite a strong aura and power.“This is the first step of your training,” Lyra continued, pointing towards the center of the training field which is a flat surface, and then, towers of rock began to rise from the ground one after another, all looking different sizes.Max watched that event with great surprise,
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4: Lava Enemies
Five years have passed since that day.Now, Max has become a completely different man, unrecognizable in the eyes of those who have known him before.Max had trained tirelessly under the guidance of the guardians, who took him in and treated him as if he were their son and not just another guardian or warrior.He has managed to perfect his skills, and given the position of the guardians, Max was already that warrior that Atería needed.His physique had changed drastically; Now, he is stronger, more agile, and more attractive than he ever was as a teenager. The ring that he always carried on his hand has become a very important amulet for his life. Thanks to that ring and his dedication; He has become a symbol of his power and determination.At this point in his life, Max was training in the lava terrain, a vast expanse of molten rock and searing heat. There is nothing green around it, there are no flowers, there are no trees, it is just pure black earth and hot lava.That day's traini
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5: Rise of Powers
The pressure took hold of Max, as the lava reptile approached him dangerously. His zigzag movement advanced faster, gaining speed on the lava humanoid and leaving it behind him.Max had to act, and soon. His protective shield began to fade, as if at that moment, his battery had run out and was beginning to discharge, asking for rest.The warrior would have to take up another defense strategy very soon if he wanted to survive.Max focused all of his energy on the ring again, and then, when his shield disappeared and Max saw the reptile's strong fangs emerge from his mouth and prepare to bite him, his body began to levitate in the air gently.Little by little, Max rose to the sky, leaving below the important creatures that tried to reach him, and it was impossible for them to catch him. That was when he knew exactly what to do; When the reptilian creature finished approaching him, remaining just centimeters away, about to grab him with its fine and sharp teeth, Max rose into the air, no
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6: Disobeying the rules
That night, Max is in his room, trying to sleep, but it was impossible for him to do so.The full moon dimly illuminated the room through the window that has no curtains.Every time Max closes his eyes, the same nightmare came back to torment him, as it did every night since he had come to that world to live with the guardians.Some nights used to be peaceful, others used to be terrifying because of those nightmares that Max couldn't control from happening. As soon as he closes his eyes, everything happens immediately; The same woman asked him for help to rescue her, and she did so with great terror.Furthermore, he used to see the face of a very pretty woman; white skin, honey eyes, and dark brown hair. Perhaps she is the most beautiful woman Max has seen up to that point in his life. He felt a connection with that inexplicable woman, he didn't know how to assimilate those feelings, Max had a slight feeling that he should help her in any way he could. However, he didn't know how to d
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7: The scorpion beast
Max felt an overwhelming vertigo as soon as he entered the portal.Opening his eyes, he found himself in a place that looked vaguely familiar, but at the same time, he seemed to feel strangely distorted.This world was dark and desolate, similar to the human world he remembered living in before becoming a warrior, but this world was in ruins.Max had not noticed it, but his clothing changed, he no longer wore his warrior robe like the same one the guardians wore, rather, now, he wore a leather suit attached to his body, it is a decorated black suit with red. Even on his head, he only wore a black mask that had been glued to his eyes.The buildings and other constructions of the city have been destroyed by an inexplicable force, everything was on the ground living among rubble, smoke and dirt. The sky is perfectly covered with black clouds. There are no signs of human life, only the echo of the wind howling through the empty streets.The air is charged with a sense of imminent danger.
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7: The scorpion beast
Max felt an overwhelming vertigo as soon as he entered the portal.Opening his eyes, he found himself in a place that looked vaguely familiar, but at the same time, he seemed to feel strangely distorted.This world was dark and desolate, similar to the human world he remembered living in before becoming a warrior, but this world was in ruins.Max had not noticed it, but his clothing changed, he no longer wore his warrior robe like the same one the guardians wore, rather, now, he wore a leather suit attached to his body, it is a decorated black suit with red. Even on his head, he only wore a black mask that had been glued to his eyes.The buildings and other constructions of the city have been destroyed by an inexplicable force, everything was on the ground living among rubble, smoke and dirt. The sky is perfectly covered with black clouds. There are no signs of human life, only the echo of the wind howling through the empty streets.The air is charged with a sense of imminent danger.
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8: The rescue in the cave
Max hit the red diamond with all his might, and the gem began to crack under the pressure of his fist. A bright, blinding red flash emerged from within the red diamond. That's when the scorpion let out one last roar before collapsing completely. Max fell to the ground on his knees, luckily, the blow to his feet was not hard, and it didn't hurt at all.Max took a deep breath, corrected his posture, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and relaxed the tension emanating from his body. The scorpion lay dead motionless at his feet, and for now, tranquility took over again.Max stepped back, watching as the scorpion's body slowly disintegrated into the air, until nothing was left of it.Suddenly, Max felt his legs give out, and he fell to his knees on the ground, exhaustion overtaking him, and he barely had time to register everything that was happening around him before losing consciousness.He woke up hours later, feeling the cold ground under his body. His vision slowly adjusted, and the f
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9: In serious trouble
"Hey! Max, here I am!", The desperate woman screamed, her body trembling with fear because of the height at which she was levitating without knowing what her final destiny would be.From what Max could tell, the woman is very pretty, despite her appearance. Her hair is brown, her eyes seemed to be clear although she couldn't see them precisely because of the distance. The woman's figure was clearly of a slim build, although at that moment she was wearing a white coat that was a little loose for her size.Upon seeing her, a deep chill ran through Max's body, he knew it, she is the woman he so longed to find.Then, Max ran towards the edge, quickly assessing the situation. The branch from which the woman was hanging in the air was very weak, although the woman did not weigh more than about sixty kilos, it is evident that the branch is so loose that with any movement, no matter how slight or rough it may be, The woman would end up falling to the bottom of the ravine.There was no time to
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