Cheated No More: The All-in-One System

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Cheated No More: The All-in-One System

By: WillyCatchFish Updated just nowSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 49 views: 102

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After being cheated on, Willy Morgan found himself in the midst of a fierce storm, only to gain an all-encompassing system that would turn his life upside down! Armed with eight extraordinary abilities, Willy swiftly secured his place in the world and embarked on a journey to become the wealthiest man alive. Divine blessings? Check! Precision sign-ins? Absolutely! Perfect lottery wins? Got those covered! Advanced technology? A must-have! Forecasting sudden riches? Easy! Unbeatable trades? You bet! Potent curses? Brilliant! Enhancing personal skills? Unstoppably powerful!

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  • Vinay Brahmbhatt


    Update?any time soon??

    2024-09-10 18:09:16
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49 chapters
The Deceitful Woman Who Took My Money—Wow! I've Got a System!*
"Olivia! Why are you doing this to me? For the past three or four years, I've given you everything! I've saved every penny, handed all my money over to you just to show you my sincerity! Why would you leave me for this man?!"The boy clung to the girl's hand, pointing at the fat middle-aged man standing beside her, his emotions completely out of control."Slap!"Willy Morgan looked on in disbelief as Olivia ruthlessly swatted his hand away."Don't touch me! Willy Morgan, let me tell you something! You're nothing but an ordinary college classmate to me! All the money and time you've spent on me mean nothing. The man I love is right here, Joseph Moore! So you'd better be polite to me and keep your hands to yourself!"Willy Morgan's eyes welled up with tears as he watched his girlfriend of three years fall into another man's arms."No! You're lying to me!""Lying to you? Who do you think you are? Do you really think you're worth lying to? Look at you—no skills, no money, already graduate
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The Mission Begins
Willy Morgan stood soaking wet at the entrance of the Fendi store."Sir, you…?""I just got drenched by the rain. I need to buy some clothes, preferably something I can change into right away. You know, it’s really uncomfortable when wet clothes stick to your body.""Oh, I see! Please come in." The sales assistant naturally couldn't turn away a customer, even though this one didn’t seem very well-dressed…"Darling, does this look good?" From a distance, Willy Morgan could hear Olivia's coquettish voice. Following the sound, he turned and found himself face-to-face with Olivia."Willy Morgan! I told you not to follow me! How dare you show up here!" Olivia shouted.Willy Morgan turned his face away, pretending not to hear, and continued browsing through the clothes."Are you ignoring me on purpose?!" Olivia stormed over to him, but Willy Morgan continued to treat her like she was invisible."Assistant, you’d better be careful not to let someone with only twenty or thirty bucks in their
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System Reward: A Ferrari Supercar
"Miss, this bag is priced at $264,000! You have a great eye—this bag's design and materials are top-notch. The color matches you perfectly, and the designer of the bag is the same as the one who created the outfit you just bought. Pairing them together will make you look even more youthful and radiant," the sales assistant's words brought a smile to Olivia's face."Darling, it's only a bit over $260,000. That’s not expensive! Buy it for me right now!" Olivia demanded from Joseph Moore in an entitled tone.Joseph Moore felt a surge of dissatisfaction. He hadn’t intended to spoil Olivia like a kept woman. He had only agreed to take her out for a meal and buy a few things because she seemed pitiful—just graduated from college with no job or savings. When Olivia had told him her ex-boyfriend was pestering her, his protective instincts kicked in. But now, seeing Olivia's insatiable greed, his anger flared.Meanwhile, Willy Morgan calculated that he was still $80,000 or $90,000 short of com
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The All-Purpose System
Willy Morgan couldn't care less about what others thought. He circled around the Ferrari supercar, growing more and more fond of it with each step. Glancing at the license plate, he was surprised to see that it read LA77777."What a badass license plate! Hahaha!" He took out the key and pressed it lightly, and the car's lights blinked twice. Willy hurriedly climbed into the driver’s seat."Hahaha, I've finally got a car!" It all felt like a dream to Willy Morgan—everything had happened so suddenly!"System! Are you really real?""Of course.""Praise the heavens! Hahaha!" Willy chanted as he inserted the key, ignited the engine, and with a roar, the Ferrari sped off.Driving through the streets of Los Angeles, Willy Morgan felt for the first time that life could actually be this exciting.Willy Morgan had grown up in an orphanage. Once he learned he was an orphan, he became hopeless about the future. Even though he had been bullied and humiliated since childhood, he chose to endure it
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The Car Got Scribbled On
“Waahhh! Mommy, please stop hitting me!” The child was bawling, his cries filled with anguish as his mother’s slaps landed on his bottom.“You made a huge mistake! Do you realize how expensive this car is? How could you be so careless!” The woman’s scolding left the child too scared to say anything, his tears streaming down his face.“Sir, I’m really sorry. Look at this car… How can we compensate you? It’s my fault! I wasn’t watching my child closely enough! I’m so sorry!” The woman apologized repeatedly, visibly shaken by the situation.Willy Morgan sighed in resignation. He knew that everyone living in this area was struggling financially. Forcing a poor person to sell their home or land to cover the repair costs of his car would be pushing them into a desperate situation, something he didn’t want to do.Willy asked the system in his mind, “System, does this car have insurance?”“The items provided to the host by the system come with a full package, including the highest level of in
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Orion Universal Group
“Draw the prize immediately!” Willy Morgan made his choice without hesitation. Suddenly, six gift box-like objects appeared in his mind, each one a different color and pattern. The first box had an image of some papers, the second had a drill, the third a cup of tea, the fourth a triangle, the fifth looked like a fruit, and the last one resembled a shirt.“System, what are these?” Willy Morgan asked.“Host, the system cannot disclose the contents. This is a lottery—you get what you draw!”Willy Morgan understood the rules. It was a random draw, and with his recent streak of good luck—even stumbling upon a system—he felt confident that whatever he picked would be the best!He closed his eyes and randomly pointed at one of the boxes. His finger landed on the first one, the one with the image of some papers.“Ding! Congratulations, Host! You have acquired 79% of the shares in Orion Universal Group Ltd.! The share transfer is in progress, please wait..
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The Largest Jackpot in History
Just as they were talking, Patrick Murphy arrived, rushing over with his bag in hand.“Sorry I’m late! Just as I was about to clock out, my annoying supervisor wouldn’t let me leave and made me stay an extra half hour with no overtime pay. It’s so frustrating!”“No worries, you’re just in time to order! Waiter!” Willy Morgan called out.“Whoa, Willy, what’s up with your outfit? You used to be so thrifty, and now you’re rocking Fendi? What happened?” Patrick Murphy adjusted his glasses in surprise.“It’s a long story! Hahaha! Let’s just eat and enjoy ourselves!”Willy Morgan loved hanging out with his three friends, drinking, chatting, and venting their frustrations. It felt real and honest. During the conversation, Willy learned that none of the three were having an easy time.Patrick Murphy was working as a designer, constantly pushed to work ove
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Online Livestream
Victoria Bell was stunned. Orion Universal Group was a well-established company in Los Angeles. How could someone so young possibly be its owner? However, since Willy Morgan had agreed to a verification, Victoria wasted no time and initiated the background check.The phone rang in the general manager’s office at Orion Universal Group headquarters.“Hello, this is Joyce, the general manager’s assistant.”“Hello, this is Victoria Bell, branch manager at Unity Savings Bank in Los Angeles. I’m calling to verify the identity of someone claiming to be the general manager or a shareholder of Orion Universal Group.”“Who are you inquiring about?”“The client’s name is Willy Morgan.”“What! You mean Mr. Morgan?!”“Yes, what is his position?”“He’s our big boss! Do not, I repeat, do not neglect him! He owns 79% of the company&rsquo
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Buying a Luxury Home
“Right this way, sir,” the Gucci sales associate said, leading Willy Morgan to the men’s section after noticing the Ferrari key in his hand. The associate assumed Willy might be a lesser-known celebrity and quickly guided him through the store for a shopping spree.Outside, Mr. Banana and Mr. Apple, the livestreamers, waited patiently with their phones pointed at the Gucci store entrance.Meanwhile, the livestream chat was buzzing with speculation:“Maybe he really is the car owner after all. He’s been inside for a while, probably shopping! This is Gucci, one of the top six luxury brands! Who could afford that without serious cash?”“I’m not convinced. Some people just like to window-shop luxury stores even if they’re broke.”“Are you talking about yourself?”“Mind your own business!”“It’s simple, just wait until he comes out. Mr. Apple, k
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The Level 2 System’s Blessing Button
The livestream chat buzzed with speculation and curiosity as Willy Morgan continued to make substantial purchases.“Streamers, no doubt about it—this guy’s the real deal. Dropping tens of thousands on clothes and skincare products like it’s nothing. It makes perfect sense that he’s checking out the best property in Los Angeles, Silver Lake Enclave.”“Clearly, you don’t know the prices at Silver Lake Enclave. The cheapest units there start at over $9,000 per square meter, and every apartment is over 1,000 square meters. That means even the lowest-priced units cost nearly $10 million! Los Angeles isn’t the capital, and it’s not some major financial hub. It’s just a second-tier city!”“I don’t buy it. He’s probably just tired and decided to rest in the sales office.”Mr. Apple and Mr. Banana were also engrossed in the discussion, eagerly participating in the livestream chat as they speculated about Willy’s next move.Meanwhile, Willy Morgan appeared to be resting with his eyes closed in
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