The All-Purpose System

Willy Morgan couldn't care less about what others thought. He circled around the Ferrari supercar, growing more and more fond of it with each step. Glancing at the license plate, he was surprised to see that it read LA77777.

"What a badass license plate! Hahaha!" He took out the key and pressed it lightly, and the car's lights blinked twice. Willy hurriedly climbed into the driver’s seat.

"Hahaha, I've finally got a car!" It all felt like a dream to Willy Morgan—everything had happened so suddenly!

"System! Are you really real?"

"Of course."

"Praise the heavens! Hahaha!" Willy chanted as he inserted the key, ignited the engine, and with a roar, the Ferrari sped off.

Driving through the streets of Los Angeles, Willy Morgan felt for the first time that life could actually be this exciting.

Willy Morgan had grown up in an orphanage. Once he learned he was an orphan, he became hopeless about the future. Even though he had been bullied and humiliated since childhood, he chose to endure it all. Things only started to change when he met Olivia, the first girl who had ever approached him willingly during college—though that, too, ended badly.

"The Willy Morgan of today is no longer the Willy Morgan of yesterday! I will completely transform myself!!!"

After driving around for a while, Willy returned home. Parking the car downstairs, he turned around and looked at the run-down apartment he rented, which starkly contrasted with the bright red Ferrari supercar.

Back home, Willy took a shower, hung up his new clothes, and then fell into a deep sleep.

He slept until evening, then ordered a super seafood platter—a luxury he’d never allowed himself before—and ate it with great satisfaction while chatting with the system.

"System, what functions do you have? Can you explain them in detail?"

"Host, the system is an all-purpose type with many features. Please close your eyes and feel the control panel in your mind."

Following the system's instructions, Willy closed his eyes and soon saw a high-tech control panel in his mind. On the screen, eight circular icons revolved around a larger central icon.

The central icon displayed the word "Level," with a series of small numbers underneath it. Currently, it read 112/20000.

The eight surrounding icons were labeled with words like Blessing, Lottery, Skills, Check-In, Prediction, Exchange, Curse, and Technology. However, all of these icons were dim except for the Prediction button, which was brightly lit. In the upper right corner of the main control area was an exit button, while the lower left corner had a Self-Protection feature button.

"System, I see that some buttons are dimmed, meaning they aren’t activated yet. What does that mean? And what does the Level button in the center represent?"

"The Level button tracks the system’s progression. As the host’s spending increases, the system gradually levels up from level 1. With each level up, the surrounding feature buttons will activate, making the system stronger and more complete. Currently, the host is at level 1, with an experience of 112/20000. Once the experience reaches 20000, the system will level up."

"Got it! This system is perfect!" Willy Morgan excitedly looked at the eight surrounding buttons and decided to click on the Prediction button.

"Ding! Host has activated the Prediction feature. The prediction result is about to be refreshed!"

This was Willy Morgan’s first time using a system feature, so he was full of anticipation!

"Ding! On March 22, 2034, the winning numbers for the Super Lottery are 03, 06, 15, 21, 23, 32 - 11. The total prize is $1.14 billion, the largest jackpot in history! Please make the most of this opportunity, host!"

"Holy crap! The system just gave me the winning numbers for the Powerball! A $1.14 billion jackpot! I need to figure out how many tickets to buy…"

"Ding! The system is currently at a low level. Host is advised to upgrade the system tomorrow."

"Understood, System!"

Willy Morgan was so excited he barely slept the entire night, finally dozing off around 3 a.m.

He slept until noon the next day, then got ready, putting on the Fendi clothes he bought the day before. He planned to find a lottery shop, buy the tickets, and then focus on spending money to upgrade the system!

As he walked downstairs, he noticed a crowd gathered around his red Ferrari. Willy was puzzled—why were so many people surrounding his car?

Before he got close, he overheard a woman saying, "Your kid drew all over that car! You really need to control him!"

"I… Little Timmy! Look at what you've done!" 

Willy’s heart sank. Could it be that the Ferrari, which he had just received and cherished like a treasure, had been doodled on by some brat?

Quickening his pace, he pushed through the crowd, only to be dumbfounded by what he saw.

"Damn it! My car!!!!"

The side of the Ferrari was covered in drawings—flowers, clouds, trees, and strange little figures—all scrawled with a water-based marker by a young child.

"The owner’s here!" someone in the crowd announced.

"Sir! Is this your car?" a woman asked nervously.

"Yes, it’s mine. What happened to it?!" Willy Morgan said, displeased.

"I'm so sorry! My child didn’t know any better. I wasn’t watching, and he drew all over your car! Please, tell me how much it’ll cost to repair—we’ll pay!" the woman apologized, her face full of anxiety.

"This car must be worth a few million. Your kid drew on it like that—selling your house might not even cover the damages!" a man in the crowd commented.

"What?! That expensive?!" The woman was stunned.

"This is a famous brand—a Ferrari, and a sports car no less! You don’t see many of these on the road. But, car owner, why did you park such a nice car here?"

The woman was speechless. She quickly grabbed her child, pushed him down by the neck, and made him kneel in front of Willy Morgan. The child, frightened, burst into tears.

Willy Morgan was speechless. He looked at the child, who was about three or four years old, too young to know any better. The fact that the mother had stayed and waited instead of running off showed she had a strong sense of responsibility. Willy Morgan wasn’t the type to push someone too hard, and seeing this, his anger subsided.

"Waahhh! Mommy, stop hitting me!" the child wailed as his mother spanked him repeatedly.

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