System Reward: A Ferrari Supercar

"Miss, this bag is priced at $264,000! You have a great eye—this bag's design and materials are top-notch. The color matches you perfectly, and the designer of the bag is the same as the one who created the outfit you just bought. Pairing them together will make you look even more youthful and radiant," the sales assistant's words brought a smile to Olivia's face.

"Darling, it's only a bit over $260,000. That’s not expensive! Buy it for me right now!" Olivia demanded from Joseph Moore in an entitled tone.

Joseph Moore felt a surge of dissatisfaction. He hadn’t intended to spoil Olivia like a kept woman. He had only agreed to take her out for a meal and buy a few things because she seemed pitiful—just graduated from college with no job or savings. When Olivia had told him her ex-boyfriend was pestering her, his protective instincts kicked in. But now, seeing Olivia's insatiable greed, his anger flared.

Meanwhile, Willy Morgan calculated that he was still $80,000 or $90,000 short of completing his mission. So, he continued browsing and picked out two pairs of shoes, bringing the total to the required $300,000. Just as he was paying, he heard a commotion in the handbag section and couldn't help but smile.

"You bitch! What do you think you are, asking me for money to buy a bag?! I was already doing you a favor by buying that outfit worth $70,000 or $80,000! You’ve got some nerve!" A loud slap followed the outburst.

From the sound of it, Willy Morgan could tell that slap was far harder than the two he had received earlier. But he was determined to get even for those slaps in due time.

"Just use this card again," Willy Morgan handed over the same debit card he had used earlier.

"Yes, sir! I sincerely apologize for any offense caused earlier," the cashier said, quickly processing the payment.

Just as Willy Morgan finished paying, Joseph Moore stormed to the checkout counter with the outfit he had just bought for Olivia.

"Refund this! Right now!"

"No, darling, please don’t! I don’t need the bag, just don’t return the clothes!" Willy Morgan enjoyed the spectacle with great satisfaction.

"You slut! You think I’m your ATM? Do you really think I’m like that fool? I was only toying with you! Get that through your head!"

"Darling, I won’t ask for the bag anymore! I was wrong!" Olivia immediately adopted a pitiful and remorseful demeanor.

Seeing how pathetic his once-beloved Olivia had become, Willy Morgan lost all desire for revenge. She was no longer worth it; the experience had only served to lower his own standards.

As he walked past Olivia, carrying his purchases, he muttered softly, "How pitiful…"

Olivia watched Willy Morgan's back with a mix of hatred and regret.

As Willy Morgan exited the Fendi store, he was greeted by a familiar voice in his head.

"Ding, host has completed the face-slapping mission. Reward: $20,000, credited immediately."

"System, is this money legitimate?" Willy Morgan asked, still feeling a bit uneasy.

"Host, please rest assured that all money, assets, task rewards, and technology disbursed by the system are traceable and fully legal. You may use them without concern."

Relieved by the system's assurance, Willy Morgan decided to celebrate by finding a nearby restaurant and treating himself to a hearty meal.

After finishing his meal and stepping outside, Willy Morgan noticed a middle-aged man suddenly collapse on the ground. Shoppers and security guards quickly gathered around him.

"Are you okay? Wake up!" A security guard was trying to rouse the unconscious man.

Willy Morgan pushed through the crowd. He had once worked part-time in a hospital, helping with patient guidance, and had been trained in professional CPR.

"Everyone, step back and give him some air!" Willy Morgan commanded. He then pointed at a security guard and said, "Call 911 immediately!"

Willy Morgan called out to the man, but there was no response. Without hesitation, he positioned himself over the man and began performing chest compressions and rescue breaths…

After a few tense moments, the man suddenly regained consciousness, and the crowd collectively exhaled in relief.

"Sir, are you okay?" Willy Morgan asked.

"What happened to me?"

"You fainted, but this young man saved you. I've already called 911; the ambulance will be here shortly. I suggest you go to the hospital to get checked out," the security guard explained.

"Thank you so much, young man. I have a congenital heart condition. Just now, my heart felt blocked, and then everything went black."

"Did you have your medication with you?" Willy Morgan asked with concern.

"I forgot to bring it. Getting old makes you forgetful! What's your name, young man? I must repay you!" The man said, trying to stand up and reaching into his pocket.

"Sir, you should remain seated. Don’t move too much after a heart episode, especially don’t stand up suddenly. I don’t need any repayment; I was just passing by. You should wait here for the ambulance. I have things to do, so I’ll be on my way."

With that, Willy Morgan picked up his bags and walked away. The man watched him go, reflecting on how there were still good people in the world.

"Mr. Henderson! Are you alright?" Two people suddenly rushed over to the middle-aged man. After the security guard recounted what had happened, one of them headed to the security office to review the surveillance footage, while the other stayed with the man.

Willy Morgan reached the entrance of the Universal Shopping Center. The security guard there recognized him—it was the same young man who had been soaking wet earlier, now transformed into a confident and stylish figure. Although his hair was still a bit messy, he carried himself like someone who had just achieved something great.

"Ding, host has just been rewarded for helping a stranger. Additional system reward: a Ferrari sports car. Please check your inventory."

As the system finished speaking, Willy Morgan felt something new in his pocket. He reached in and pulled out a key with the Ferrari emblem, excitement bubbling up inside him.

"System, where’s the car? I’ve had my driver’s license for ages and even worked as a driver for six months! But I’ve never had a car of my own."

"Host, your car is in parking space A008 on level B3 of the Universal Shopping Center."

With the Ferrari key in his right hand and his Fendi shopping bags in his left, Willy Morgan hummed a tune as he made his way to level B3 of the parking garage.

Unexpectedly, he ran into Olivia and Joseph Moore again. Olivia was crying and begging for forgiveness, while Joseph Moore was cursing her loudly.

As Olivia struggled with Joseph Moore, she suddenly saw Willy Morgan walking toward a Ferrari parked across from them.

"Willy Morgan! You liar! You tricked me!" Olivia shouted in his direction.

Willy Morgan completely ignored her. This woman wasn’t worth any more of his time. These past three years were a mistake, and now, with the system in hand, he was destined to become a supreme tycoon and the wealthiest man in the universe. Olivia? She was nothing—just an ant!

Willy Morgan composed himself and stood before the sleek, red Ferrari. He wasn’t familiar with the model, but it was clearly a supercar. A grin spread across his face, and he couldn’t hold back his laughter as he caressed the car. "Hahaha! Ah! Hahaha! My darling, let me take a good look at you! My love!" Willy Morgan leaned over and kissed the car twice.

Passersby glanced at him, thinking to themselves, "Nice car, even the license plate is limited edition. This young man isn’t badly dressed either, but kissing a car like that? Could he be one of those car fetishists?"

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