The Mission Begins

Willy Morgan stood soaking wet at the entrance of the Fendi store.

"Sir, you…?"

"I just got drenched by the rain. I need to buy some clothes, preferably something I can change into right away. You know, it’s really uncomfortable when wet clothes stick to your body."

"Oh, I see! Please come in." The sales assistant naturally couldn't turn away a customer, even though this one didn’t seem very well-dressed…

"Darling, does this look good?" From a distance, Willy Morgan could hear Olivia's coquettish voice. Following the sound, he turned and found himself face-to-face with Olivia.

"Willy Morgan! I told you not to follow me! How dare you show up here!" Olivia shouted.

Willy Morgan turned his face away, pretending not to hear, and continued browsing through the clothes.

"Are you ignoring me on purpose?!" Olivia stormed over to him, but Willy Morgan continued to treat her like she was invisible.

"Assistant, you’d better be careful not to let someone with only twenty or thirty bucks in their pocket touch clothes worth twenty or thirty thousand!" Olivia sneered, pointing at Willy Morgan.

Willy Morgan remained unfazed, continuing to pick out clothes that suited him. It wasn’t surprising that he was engrossed in the task—back in college, he had worked part-time to earn money, all of which he had given to Olivia after covering his own living expenses. At best, Willy Morgan had been a romantic, at worst, he was a "simp" who had been heartlessly abandoned after three years.

"Sir, every item here costs over ten thousand dollars. If you’re not really planning to buy, please don’t touch them. If they get dirty, we’d have to pay for the damages," the sales assistant finally said, unable to stand by any longer.

"Did you hear that, you poor wretch? Who gave you the courage to follow me into a place like this? Darling, that pauper is bringing us bad luck again!"

"I told you before! If I see you again, I’ll beat you up again! Didn’t you learn your lesson? Got a death wish?" Joseph Moore clenched his fist and approached Willy Morgan.

Willy Morgan didn’t even glance at Joseph Moore. He wasn’t worth the effort now that Willy had a system backing him up. Casually, he selected two shirts and two pairs of pants and handed them to the sales assistant. "Hold onto these for me."

"Putting on a show, huh? Do you think I don't know how much money you have?" Olivia sneered. Her words made the sales assistant hesitate, unsure of Willy Morgan's intentions.

"If you know everything, then do you know how much you’ve spent of mine over the past three years?"

"That was your choice! Look at your poor situation—no job, no background, not even parents. You should be grateful someone was willing to be with you! I must’ve been blind to waste three years of my youth on someone like you!"

"Olivia, in these three years, you’ve spent nearly two hundred thousand dollars of mine. Ha!"

"And you know it’s been three years? So what? Five thousand a month isn’t much. Do you really think you have the right to calculate a total?"

"You’re right, you’re right! So where’s that outfit your sugar daddy bought you?"

Willy Morgan continued browsing, not even sparing Joseph Moore a glance, nor did he look at Olivia as he spoke.

Olivia immediately shook the outfit in her hands in front of Willy Morgan.

"Look, this one is custom-made, seventy thousand dollars—more than you gave me in a year. Do you really think I’d stick around for a loser like you when I have someone like him?"

"Go pay for it then, and make sure you wear it right away to please your sugar daddy."

"Willy Morgan! Watch your mouth! He’s my darling!"

"Have you got your marriage certificate yet? Calling a man twenty or thirty years older than you 'darling'—his son is probably older than you, right?" Willy Morgan was now calm and completely in control, a far cry from the hesitant, newly graduated young man he had been just moments ago. This newfound confidence startled Olivia. On reflection, it made sense; Willy Morgan had worked all kinds of jobs over the past three years, meeting all sorts of people, so it wasn’t surprising that he could say something like this.

"You little punk, you’re asking for it!" Joseph Moore was furious. While he did have a wife and children and was just playing around with Olivia, being called out like this in public was unbearable.

"Sir, if you’re here to shop, please mind your words. If not, I’ll have to call security to escort you out," the sales assistant holding Willy Morgan’s clothes said, her tone growing cold.

"Are you deaf? This woman has been insulting me since I walked in, and you didn’t say a word. Is it just because she’s better dressed? I insult her back, and you threaten to throw me out? Know your place—you’re just a sales assistant! Who do you think you are to yell at me?" Willy Morgan’s commanding presence was nothing like that of a fresh graduate who could be easily pushed around. Instead, he exuded the authority of a high-ranking executive shopping in the store.

Another sales assistant, seeing that her colleague was about to clash with the customer, quickly stepped in to calm the situation.

"Alright, alright, sir, I’ll help you from here. Vivi, you go assist this lady."

"Pathetic wretch, I’m going to stay here and watch how you plan to pay for this!" Olivia sneered.

"Olivia, if you’ve got time, why don’t you go pay for your outfit first, then come back to watch the show?"

"Darling, he’s mocking me!" Olivia whined to Joseph Moore.

"Assistant, ring it up!" Joseph Moore led Olivia to the counter to pay, then stood by, ready to watch Willy Morgan make a fool of himself.

Willy Morgan took his time picking out clothes. The sales assistant behind him was growing more and more impatient, juggling over a dozen garments, but she kept her frustration to herself.

"Alright, let’s go pay, then I’ll change into something new. I’ll just throw away what I’m wearing now."

Hearing Willy Morgan’s words, the sales assistant hesitantly led him to the checkout. Olivia quickly rushed over, loudly declaring, "I suggest you call the police. This guy doesn’t have any money and is just messing with you!"

The cashier nervously scanned the items and then said, "Sir, that’s thirteen pieces in total, coming to $219,604."

"Charge it to this card," Willy Morgan said, handing over his Los Angeles bank card. The cashier, seeing it was just a regular debit card, immediately scowled. "Sir, this is disrupting public order! I’ll have to call the police!"

"Did you swipe the card? How are you going to report me? Since when can’t a debit card be used here? Are you saying that your little Fendi store is worth more than the Los Angeles bank? Maybe your parent company is, but you? Go ahead and swipe the card, clerk!"

"Hmph, let’s see what happens when your card gets declined!" The cashier reluctantly swiped Willy Morgan’s card through the POS machine, and Willy Morgan calmly entered his PIN.

A moment later, the receipt printed out!

Everyone around was stunned!

"No way! How could you have over two hundred thousand dollars?" Olivia screamed in disbelief.

Willy Morgan ignored her, pulling a few items from his purchase and heading to the fitting room to change.

Not long after, a dashing and handsome young man emerged, his whole demeanor transformed.

Willy Morgan walked up to Olivia and whispered, "There’s a bag at the back that’s just beautiful. It would suit your complexion perfectly. Why don’t you have your daddy—oh, I mean your darling—buy it for you?"

Olivia was momentarily dazed by Willy Morgan’s transformation. When she heard his suggestion, she couldn’t help but want to take a look—Willy Morgan always had a good eye, and she had really liked the small gifts he’d given her in the past. But that was all in the past now.

"Darling, I’m going to have another look inside!"

"I’ll go with you. Whatever you like, I’ll buy it for you!"

Joseph Moore’s words boosted Olivia’s confidence.

The two of them headed to the handbag section, where Olivia immediately spotted the bag Willy Morgan had mentioned, which indeed seemed perfect for her.

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