Creed of the watchers : Tide of the demons

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Creed of the watchers : Tide of the demons

By: Supreme king OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 14 views: 182

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The endless night descends and terrifying calamity loomed the earth . They walk in the shadows , herders of humanity. Their sword fought for freedom and they were known as the rulers of the night. They live in the shadows and die in the shadows. They are the watchers .( Watcher's Creed ). Many years ago, the world of Terra was invaded by demons and the entire civilization fell apart. Humanity who were once at the top of the food chain were reduced to slaves and the struggle for survival began. A dying cancer patient from earth was reincarnated into this world and he vowed never to threw away his chance at second life. Looking at the Sky , Nero vowed solemnly. "Since this world lack a god , then I will be one !".

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14 chapters
The New world (1)
"My destiny is in my own hands ! . Neither man or demon can dictate my destiny ". ( Nero ) .*******"Ugh ! , Where is this place ?". The sight of Nero was very blurry as he waved his hands continuously , trying to clear his head. Wasn't he suppose to be dead ? .He could vividly remember his mother holding his hands and crying profusely. The agonizing pain that he experienced in his last moments was still vivid in his memories. He could remember falling into an eternal darkness and his consciousness drifting into a still void that he could no longer recall. Suddenly , he opened his eyes and everything seemed like a dream. "Ahhhh!!". A Large influx of memories suddenly bombarded his brain and he held his head in pain. His screams seemed to have alerted the people around him and the noisy place immediately became quiet. Nero Aurborn born in Norwood city to a single mother and an unknown father who his mother refused
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The New world (2)
Nero looked at the beautiful girl with a striking red hair in front of him with a slight smile on his face. Vera was one of their close friends as they all lived in the same district and they grew up together. Even though , Vera still had some baby fat on her face , her adorable face was complimented with emerald green eyes that shone like rubies. She was wore a simple gown that was already washed many times but it was still looking very clean despite it's aged appearance. "Can you stop calling me that ?". Ted immediately grumbled while immediately distancing himself from Vera who chased after him. "Where do you think you are going ?". Vera immediately caught up with Ted and pinched his puffy cheeks with both hands. " Oh , aren't you adorable ". Vera continued to pinch the cheeks of Ted while stretching those cheeks to form a V shape. "Vera , it's enough !". Ted protested in a whimpy voice but Vera completely ignored him. "Nero , please help me ". Ted looked at Nero with tear
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First encounter with the demons (1)
The sound of the bell made the expression of many people present to change drastically and immediately , everywhere became very chaotic. People ran towards different directions for their lives. Some people even abandoned their families, shops and belongings as they all scrambled for their lives. "The demons are coming !!! , the demons are coming !!". A young man wearing lose torn robes shouted loudly as he ran across the street with immense speed. The sudden change in the situation made Nero to be temporary confused as he did not know what to do. Should he run towards his house or run back to the school ?. "Quick !, grab some weapons in the weapon store !". Vera suddenly yelled out as she immediately sprang into action , grabbing a long sword on the weapon rack. " The nearest underground shelter is the located in the school and if we rush towards that direction , it would take several minutes and with the speed of the demons , we will be caught !!". Vera said hurriedly as she gr
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First encounter with the demons (2)
Everyone held their breath as they watched the massive figure of the demon gradually enter the restaurant. Creak !! fine cracks appeared on the door surface as the blood stained claw that gripped it excerted immense force on it. Grrrrrrh !!!The demon roared out with extreme bloodlust as it's massive figure stepped into the restaurant and the restaurant shook Intensely from it's weight. Standing nearly eight feet tall , the demon was covered with dark scales that glistened in the dark room and it had a reptilian head with massive teeths that were roughly positioned around it's jaw. It had one huge eyes on the center of it's forehead and it's claws were adorned with long sharp nails that were still dripping with blood. The demon also had a long tail with that was covered with scales and the tail had a spear like shape at the rear . The spear shaped tail was also dripping with fresh human blood and the tail was obviously a weapon used for slaughter. A single hexagonal shape co
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First encounter with the demons (3)
The arrow did not penetrate deep into the back of the demon as it had only gone a few inches deep into it's back. Black blood slowly dripped down from the arrow wound and was dropping on the wooden floor slowly. Roarrrrrr !! the demon felt a little pain in it's back and it roared out with murderous range. The demon turned towards the direction of it's assailant with glaring killing intent. It temporarily ignored Vera and Ted who were at one corner. "Nice shoot !". Vera complimented from her location while raising her clenched fist in the air. "Oops , I missed ". Nero narrowed his eyes as he lowered his bow slightly. He had initially targeted the eye of the demon but his shot deviated at the last moment and pierced through the back of the demon. The back of the demon was covered with hard scales and his shooting power was not strong enough to penetrate through the scales so he was looking for a vulnerable point like the eyes. Unfortunately , he missed. That attack also gave
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The death of the demon (1)
"Why am I so useless ?". Ted clenched his shaking hands tightly. Even the axe he was carrying almost fell from his hand due to extreme nervousness. "Take this !!". Vera used one of the tables to lift herself up into the air as she slashed her sword towards the back of the demon. Whoosh!! the tail that was about to attack Nero paused in the air slightly before it turned and pierced towards the figure of Vera. Clang !! the sword collided with the tail and Vera felt an immense force from the collision. Bright Sparks erupted from the center of the clash as Vera felt an immense force shudder through her body. Bang !! the sword was sent flying from her grip and her body was sent flying back , colliding with the tables and chairs on the ground. Nero used the opportunity to quickly collect the bow on the ground and immediately distanced himself from demon. He immediately nocked an arrow on his bow and widened his legs slightly , positioning himself for an accurate strike. Witho
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The death of the demon (2)
The tensed body of Nero moved with an explosive speed that was beyond his little body. He did what nobody expected at all !. He jumped !. Excerting force on his feet , the figure of Nero jumped up with all his strength into the air. The close combat techniques that he learned in his previous life immediately came to play in his mind . While in the air , his left hand quickly went to the short sword strapped to his waist and he drew the sword out with immense speed. The claws of the demon which had missed it's target shattered the reception desk, making it to break into two while leaving long claw marks on it. The figure of Nero rotated slightly in the air as his left hand pierced through the eye of the demon with extreme force. The sword shone with sharp light as it made it way towards the unguarded eye of the demon.Before the demon could react to the unexpected attack , the short sword had already pierced through the eyeball . Poof !! blood splashed in the air as the sw
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Mortal limit demon appears
"Atleast this will cover up your injury ". Vera got up from her kneeling position and patted Nero slightly on his back. Torn clothes were wrapped around the claws marks on his stomach and the injuries had stopped bleeding. The pain was still there and the wounds were still hot and quite itchy. "After the invasion , you need to visit the healer to avoid contamination ". Vera patted her blood stained dress as she picked up the sword on the ground and waved it slightly in the air. "Yeah but I have to survive till then ". Nero rolled his eyes slightly as he tried to stand up from the ground. "Ouch !!". Nero groaned painfully but he still gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground. Nero was looking really tattered with those roughly bandaged wounds and it was his shirt that was torn into several pieces to dress his wounds so he was currently shirtless with three rows of torn clothes roughly wrapped around his upper body. "My bow ". Nero stretched his hand towards Ted and Ted qu
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Looking for reinforcements (1)
Nero and Ted felt immense pressure shroud their bodies and their bones let out cracking sounds as they felt like they were carrying a heavy mountain on their shoulders. The immense killing intent that covered the entire environment made their bodies to shiver intensely and they felt like they were being stared by a ferocious beast. "Is this a mortal limit demon ?". Nero muttered with a pale face as he gripped his bow tightly. Beads of sweat could be seen on his face as he was currently under psychological pressure. Looking past the figure of Vera who was faintly blocking the demon , one could see a tall figure that was covered in dark scales and those dark scales glinted with sharp light under the sun. The different between the previous demon and the demon standing not quite far from them was not much in terms of physical appearance but the pressure brought by the mortal limit demon was too terrifying when compared to the slain slave demon. Two hexagonal symbols could be seen o
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Looking for reinforcements (2)
"Ted , we have to hurry and look for help !". The face of Nero showed extreme anxiety as they both ran through the dark alley , navigating their way through the several dead bodies and destroyed structures that littered across the ground. "Watch out !". Ted suddenly screamed and pushed Nero to the side . Bang !! part of a building fell to the ground and fragments of broken stones scattered across the ground , stirring up dust. Cough ! cough !! Nero who was pushed from the exact location of the fall was coughing loudly with lingering fear in his eyes. If he had been a second slower , his body would have been smashed into a meat paste . "That was a close call !". Nero breathed heavily as he looked at the fallen structure that already blocked part of the valley. "Thanks man ". Nero looked at Ted with gratitude in his eyes. "It's nothing ". Ted shook his head as he tried to climb over the obstacles that blocked the road. "Let me help you". Nero who was standing across stretched o
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