She is gone !

Following the familiar route , Nero and Ted quickly rushed back with nervous expression on their faces.

"Vera , please be safe ". Nero prayed silently in his mind.

The indifference of the watcher made him to see this world in another light. The watchers weren't some heroes as many people envisioned them.

What happened made Nero to realize the importance of individual strength. If he had wnou6 strength to fight the mortal limit demon , he wouldn't be begging anyone to help him out.

Within himself, a burning urge to become stronger quickly grew as he silently vowed never to put himself in any situation where he would have to beg someone to rescue him.

He would rather die fighting than to beg any indifferent bastard for help.

Nero glanced at Ted who was following him from the back and sighed softly.

The indifference of the watcher must have shattered the heart of Ted who have always wanted to be a watcher.

"Buddy ....". Nero wanted to console Ted but Ted immediately shook his head.

"I'm fine ". He breathed heavily and said.

"Let's concentrate on rescuing Vera ". The face of Ted trembled slightly as he muttered those words with difficulty.

He was merely putting on a calm facade !.

"Alright ". Nero simple nodded his head and continued to run through the alley.

"Uhhh !!". Nero groaned painfully as he felt immense pain from his wounds but despite that he continued to run forward with all his strength.

It did not take much time before they arrived at their previous location and neither the demon or Vera could be seen.

Only dead bodies that littered the street and the aftermath of the numerous battles could be seen.

Nero hurriedly looked around the street and he determined that the figure of Vera was not among the dead bodies on the ground , he breathed a sigh of relief before he looked at the narrow valley on the other end of the street.

"She should have taken that route ". Nero pointed his finger forward and Ted nodded heavily as his chest heaved up and down.

The intense running had made him tired but his eyes still burned with fierce determination.

His fear of the mortal limit demon did not exist again as the only thought that existed in his mind was rescuing Vera.

"Let's go ". Nera took deep breaths as he calmed down his pounding heart that was beating intensely.

He took out an arrow and nocked it on his bow.

His eyes shone with sharp light as he stepped across the street with rapid steps into the valley while being followed closely by Ted who held his axe with both hands.

Numerous things scattered across the valley including death and body parts .

Blood splashed across the wall on both sides as claws marks could be seen on them.

Weapons of different types scattered across the ground and everywhere was looking gruesome.

Nero ignored the horrible smell coming from the valley and immediately ran forward with all his might while skillfully navigating through the fallen objects on the ground.

Bang !! the figure of Ted fell forward as he missed his steps. His body fell into the empty trash can beside the wall and Nero immediately stepped in his steps with exasperation written all over his face.

"A little help here ". The muffled voice of Ted sounded from the trash can as his legs kicked wildly in the air.

"Damn !". Nero cursed out loudly as he grabbed the legs of Ted and pulled fiercely.

Bang !! the trash can fell on the ground heavily and the body of Ted that was covered in dirt rolled to the side comically.

"Be careful next time !". Nero admonished Ted before he started running forward again.

"So smelly ". Ted frowned slightly as he removed the dirt on his head and body.

"Hey ! , wait for me !". Ted grabbed his weapon that has fallen on the ground and rushed after the figure of Nero.

Roar !! the roar of a demon sounded in the distance as Nero saw the outline of a figure in the distance but he could not determine whether it was the mortal limit demon or not.

He simply increased his speed , sprinting towards the figure with all his strength.

With each passing moment , the breathing of Nero became more laboured as he was gasping for breath but he gritted his teeth and ran forward.

The figure of the demon gradually became more clear and he seemed to be holding something in his grip.

"Vera !!!". Nero immediately roared out with red eyes as he saw the demon holding the figure of Vera in the air .

Vera was kicking wildly as her scattered hair covered her face.

With immense difficulty , Vera turned her face and Nero saw five claws marks that almost destroyed her face and mangled flash was hanging on both of her cheeks exposing the tissue beneath .

Blood covered her face and Vera opened her mouth slightly as she tried to utter a word but she could not due to the grip on her neck.

"Let her go , bastard !!". Nero screamed with tears on his eyes.

Gripping his bow with all strength , Nero stretched the bowstring to the limit as he fired the arrow on it.

Whoosh!! the arrow pierced through the air with immense force and rushed towards the body of the demon.

Dang !! Sparks erupted from the collision of the arrow and the body of the demon as the tip of the arrow broke and the arrow fell on the ground.

The demon looked at the direction of Nero slowly as he gripped gradually tightened .

"Noooooooo !!". Nero stretched out his hand helplessly as he watched the face of Vera turn purple as her neck was slowly squeezed tightly.

It was at this point that Ted finally rushed over and he saw the state of Vera but before he could say anything , a cracking sound resounded across the entire valley as the neck of Vera tilted to the side with her eyes bulging out from the sockets.

"Ahbhhhhhhhhh !!!". Nero screamed with immense pain towards the sky as he felt his heart shatter to pieces.

Anger , agony , all kinds of emotions rushed towards his head as he could not comprehend anything at the moment.

Only the picture of Vera being crushed to death kept replaying in his eyes again and again.

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