The enraged Nero

" ". Ted paused in his steps as he looked at the scene with his mouth wide open. Tears started dropping from his eyes slowly as he stretched out his shaking hand.

His brain could not process anything at the moment as everything became completely blank. He felt his heart torn to pieces as he tried to speak but he could not mutter any single word.

His throat seemed choked with something as only empty incomprehensible sounds came out from his mouth.

The light in his eyes dimmed, losing its luster. The weapon in his grasp fell to the ground and Ted slumped to the ground while holding his head.

"Ver..ver..ra !". The body of Ted was shaking Intensely as he sobbed his soul out.

"Bastard !!". Nero looked at the mortal limit demon with red eyes as he took out another arrow and nocked it on his bow.

The only thought that existed in his mind was to fight the demon to death. The death of Vera stimulated Nero so much that he temporarily forget about the pain of his injuries.

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