Invitation from the watchers (1)

"huh !".

The eyelids of Nero fluttered slightly as Nero regained consciousness. He tried to open his eyes but his eyelids were feeling so heavy and from the little he could open , everything was looking blurry.

"Ahhh !". Nero felt a piercing headache as the sun shone on his face and couple with ye intense pain that was coming from his body.

It was as if his body was broken in several places and moving a muscle was extremely hard for.

His mind was blank for a moment before his memories started coming back in full force.

"Vera , Ted !". Nero said weakly as tears slid down from his eyes. He was breathing heavily as he tried to move from his position in his attempt to get up but a nerve wrecking pain made his face to warp.

"Seems like the kid is awake now ". A voice sounded in the environment but Nero could not see the person speaking because of his position on the ground.

"He is quite lucky to survive a blow from a mortal limit , a seventh evolution limit demon at that ". Another
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