Invitation from the watchers (2)

"No !!, stop Ted !!". The face of Nero instantly when he saw Ted suddenly attack the watcher with his weapon.

But it was already too late to stop Ted as he had already reached the location of Nelson.

The surrounding watchers did not move from their position as they watched Ted attack Nelson coldly.

The hood they were wearing covered their faces and nobody knew what they were thinking.

Swoosh ! the axe tore through the air with immense force , speeding it's way towards the body of Nelson who was watching everything with slight amusement in his eyes.

"Attacking a ranked watcher is a death offense young man ". Nelson said in a reprimanding tone as he calmly extended his hand grabbed the falling axe smoothly.

Bang !! the fingers of Nelson gripped the edge of the axe and fine cracks immediately appeared on the axe.

The curved iron head was riddled with cracks and Nero watched the entire scene with his mouth wide open.

A human being with flesh and blood actually made cracks to app
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