The New world (2)

Nero looked at the beautiful girl with a striking red hair in front of him with a slight smile on his face.

Vera was one of their close friends as they all lived in the same district and they grew up together.

Even though , Vera still had some baby fat on her face , her adorable face was complimented with emerald green eyes that shone like rubies.

She was wore a simple gown that was already washed many times but it was still looking very clean despite it's aged appearance.

"Can you stop calling me that ?". Ted immediately grumbled while immediately distancing himself from Vera who chased after him.

"Where do you think you are going ?". Vera immediately caught up with Ted and pinched his puffy cheeks with both hands.

" Oh , aren't you adorable ". Vera continued to pinch the cheeks of Ted while stretching those cheeks to form a V shape.

"Vera , it's enough !". Ted protested in a whimpy voice but Vera completely ignored him.

"Nero , please help me ". Ted looked at Nero with tears filled eyes and Nero chuckled softly at the plight of Ted.

Ted and Vera were extremely close even though they use to fight everytime and Ted was secretly in love with Vera even though he denies it constantly.

"Alright Vera , it's enough !". Nero said with authoritatively and Vera pouted while withdrawing her hands reluctantly.

Nero was the only person she feared somewhat even though she can still chose to go against his orders when she is in her stubborn state.

"We need to start going back ". Nero looked at the empty class and said slowly.

"It's already getting dark and moreover , am feeling very hungry already ". Nero touched his flat tummy and yawned.

He walked out of the classroom and was immediately followed by Vera and Ted.

While leaving the school premises , Ted was complaining loudly to Vera at the back.

Nero looked around the school premises and discovered that the structure of the buildings here were extremely crude and roughly built.

The majority of the people attending school here were commoners so it was not a surprise that the buildings here were poorly constructed.

Along the way , Nero saw many people wearing leather armour with different kinds of weapon strapped to their waist or back.

The entire sight of a medieval city completely amazed Nero who continued to look around with interest.

As they left the school environment , they entered a bustling area that was filled with many vendors selling different items.

Weapons , food and other items were displayed in different shops with people yelling out in loud voices.

The lower part of the city were mostly inhibited by commoners and the law here was quite chaotic.

"I feel like Nero have changed ". Ted complained to Vera .

"When I mentioned about my goal of becoming a hero , the look of disdain on his face was very prominent and discouraging ". Ted said in a loud voice.

"Our dream have always been to become a watcher and then become a hero ". Ted sighed softly and said.

Vera looked at the sad Ted and did not know how to start consoling him.

"Ted , you don't need to be sad ". Nero stopped in his steps and looked back.

"Get out of the way lad !!". A voice roared out in front of Nero as an old man pushing a wooden cart almost collided with him.

He quickly evaded his body as an awful smell shrouded the whole environment.

The man was carrying the broken and incomplete human bodies in that cart.

The sight of it was quite disturbing to Nero as his face immediately became pale.

The sight of the mutilated bodies made him want to vomit.

The torn body parts and the maggots that feasted on the already decaying flesh was quite a disgusting sight to behold.

"Adjusting won't be quite easy ". Nero muttered faintly as he adjusted his breathing back to it's normal state.

The difference between this world and his former world was enormous.

He needed time to completely adjust.

The expression of Ted and Vera was extremely normal because they were used to such sights.

"They must have fallen to the claws of the demons outside ". Vero looked at the cart and said pitifully.

Many adventurers tended to leave the city and slay demons. They could exchange many resources with the number of demons they kill.

However , the success rate was extremely low as many had fallen outside the city wall.

Leaving the walls of the city was extremely risky as one could be attacked by demons any Moment.

The closet city was about miles away and it would take close to two to three days to get to it while traveling on foot.

"I need to end the tyranny of the demons !". Ted clenched his fist and said solemnly.

"The imperials could not defeat the demons so what makes you think that you can ?". Nero looked at Ted and shook his head slightly.

The little guy was still very naive !.

"You should focus on surviving first and leave the hero stuff first ". Nero was still talking when his eyes sighted an object on the ground.

He bent down and picked the object from the ground.

The object turned out to be a necklace with a green crystal embedded in the center.

"I will sell it when I have time ". Nero nonchalantly put the necklace in his pockets as he continued to walk forward.

"No matter , I will be a hero that will save people from the demons !". Ted clenched his fists tightly and said stubbornly.

"The world is darker than you imagine ". Nero did not bother to argue again as he was already thinking about his future.

Since he was given a second chance at life in this extremely dangerous world , he was not going to risk it by becoming the so called hero.

First , he needed to become extremely strong in order to survive in this world where strength is respected.

"My fate depends on the awakening ceremony". Nero muttered slowly.

The level of his talent will determine his future ! .

After walking through the market environment for more than thirty minutes , they were already nearing the district where they were leaving before a loud bell sounded sounded.

Dong !! Dong !! Dong !!

The Bell sounded seven times and the expression of Nero changed drastically because he knew what the ringing of the bell signified.

The demons had invaded the city !!

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