Creed of the watchers : Tide of the demons
Creed of the watchers : Tide of the demons
Author: Supreme king
The New world (1)

"My destiny is in my own hands ! . Neither man or demon can dictate my destiny ". ( Nero ) .


"Ugh ! , Where is this place ?". The sight of Nero was very blurry as he waved his hands continuously , trying to clear his head.

Wasn't he suppose to be dead ? .

He could vividly remember his mother holding his hands and crying profusely. The agonizing pain that he experienced in his last moments was still vivid in his memories.

He could remember falling into an eternal darkness and his consciousness drifting into a still void that he could no longer recall. Suddenly , he opened his eyes and everything seemed like a dream.

"Ahhhh!!". A Large influx of memories suddenly bombarded his brain and he held his head in pain. His screams seemed to have alerted the people around him and the noisy place immediately became quiet.

Nero Aurborn born in Norwood city to a single mother and an unknown father who his mother refused to mention or even talk about. Thirteen years of age and was currently attending the local school located In the lower district of the city.

Even the names were the same except the surname though. He was known as Nero Salvador in his previous world.

He had wavvy black hair and striking blue eyes that seemed to penetrate through the soul. Even though his face was currently smeared with dirt , it could not hide the striking handsome features that were still maturing.

"Wait !, this world is actually invaded by demons !!". Nero screamed as he opened his eyes and he became startled because the number of eyes on him were numerous.

From the outfits of the children in the class and the female teacher who was glaring at Nero with dagger eyes , Nero knew that he had indeed reincarnated into another world and it was not a normal world but a fantasy world filled with demons.

According to the memories of this body , the outer world demons invaded this world that was known as the world of Terra one thousand years ago.

Judging from the memories he inherited , this world was still in the middle age period in terms of technological advancement.

"Nero !!!". The scream of the female teacher awakened Nero from his thoughts and he awkwardly scratched his head while looking at the teacher with an innocent look on his face.

"It's one thing that you were sleeping in the class and of course , I ignored it because you have always been terrible at your studies but it's another thing that you actually had the guts to disturb my class !!". The female teacher slammed her palm on the desk and the desk immediately shattered to pieces.

Gulp ! .

Nero gulped as he looked at the thick wooden desk that an ordinary woman who looked fragile shattered with a slap.

'I better appease her before she slaps me to death '. Nero thought.

Adjusting his brown tunic that was covered with stain , Nero stood up and bowed . "

"Sorry teacher , I just had a nightmare ".

"hehehe !".

The children in the class chuckled softly when they heard the excuse of Nero.

"Such a silly excuse ". The chubby little boy sitting beside Nero rolled his eyes and said.

"You have really gotten bad at lying ".

"Shut up Ted !". Nero glared at the boy. Ted was the best friend of this body and they were often caught many times disobeying the school rules. They were partners in crime.

"Come out here and face the wall ". The chest of the teacher heaved up and down exposing the large cleavage that intended to tear the tied ribbons apart.

Nero could not help but glance at the chest area one or two times before he removed his eyes and slowly walked towards the Front of the class .

He faced the wall with extreme familiarity. From the reflex action of this body , it was something he use to do regularly.

"Let's continue our lesson ". The teacher briefly glanced at Nero from the corner of her eyes before she continued.

"As we all know , it was the raise of the imperials that made humanity to regain some territory from the demons. The darkest age of the humans were over and with the existence of the Imperials , humans started to counter attack the demons .....". The teacher went on to explain the familiar history and everyone listened with extreme boredom on their faces.

Soon , the class finished and the teacher packed her materials and walked out of the class.

"She is pretty hot ". A wolfish grin appeared on the face of Nero as he looked at the receding figure of the teacher.

"You are really acting weird today ". Ted walked up to Nero while holding a sack bag.

"Your guts is getting bigger and bigger. You even dare to admire her figure". Ted smacked his lips and said.

The normal Nero was still afraid of the teacher because they have been disciplined many times by her.

"I heard the awakening ceremony is two weeks away !". Nero put away his playful expression and said solemnly.

From the memories he inherited , the awakening ceremony was extremely important because it determines the future of everyone.

Whether you will become a noble or a commoner in the future depends on the talent you have.

The world of Terra was ruled by the demon king and human Imperials.

The demons had more territory because of their huge number of powerhouses.

Terrifying wars have been going on constantly between the humans and the demons for years and neither seemed to have gotten any upper hand.

"I hope to get a passable talent and become a watcher !". Ted said with a dreamy eyes as he clenched his fist tightly.

"The watchers !". Another familiar word sprung up in the memory of Nero.

The watchers was an organization formed by the six Imperials and they were elites of the human race and their sole responsibility was to fight against the demons.

To become a watcher was extremely hard but becoming one carries extreme glory and honour.

"I intend to become a hero that slaughters all the demons !". The chubby face of Ted puffed up as he boasted with a red face.

"The world hero Ted puffy face ". A voice filled with sarcasm sounded from behind as a young girl with a red head walked up to them.

"Vera ". Nero said slowly as he looked at the girl in front of him.

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