The death of the demon (1)

"Why am I so useless ?". Ted clenched his shaking hands tightly. Even the axe he was carrying almost fell from his hand due to extreme nervousness.

"Take this !!". Vera used one of the tables to lift herself up into the air as she slashed her sword towards the back of the demon.

Whoosh!! the tail that was about to attack Nero paused in the air slightly before it turned and pierced towards the figure of Vera.

Clang !! the sword collided with the tail and Vera felt an immense force from the collision.

Bright Sparks erupted from the center of the clash as Vera felt an immense force shudder through her body.

Bang !! the sword was sent flying from her grip and her body was sent flying back , colliding with the tables and chairs on the ground.

Nero used the opportunity to quickly collect the bow on the ground and immediately distanced himself from demon.

He immediately nocked an arrow on his bow and widened his legs slightly , positioning himself for an accurate strike.

Without waiting for the demon to turn , Nero immediately drew the bow with all his strength and released the arrow from the bowstring.

Whoosh!! the arrow pierced through the air in a straight trajectory , aiming for the neck area where there were few hard scales.

Roar !!! the demon seemed to sense the incoming danger and tilted his head , allowing the arrow to pierce through the distance wall.

"Damn !". Nero who missed his target cursed out loudly from his location as he started to retreat back slowly.

Bang !! the body of Nero clashed against the reception desk and Nero discovered that he had nowhere to retreat anymore.

He was trapped and in order to change his position , he needed to fight the demon head-on.

Also , his posture was not suitable for shooting at all !.

Boooom!! boooom!! the demon slowly approached the position of Nero with a sinister expression on his face.

"That fall was really hurtful !". Vera groaned painfully as she pushed the broken chair parts from her body and stood up woobly , feeling quite dizzy.

Her back ached and there were slight cuts in her palm .

The earlier collision with the tail made her finger to tear from the immense force.

"My sword !". Vera immediately turned and looked for her sword.

"Eich ya'azu tmutah lehitgarot bi, ha'sdad ha'gadol !!!". ( How dare mere mortals challenge me, the great demon ).

The demon suddenly spoke in a strange language and question marks filled the face of Nero who looked at Vera for clarification.

"Why are you looking at me , we all skipped the language class ". Vera who had found her sword picked it up from the ground while shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly.

Each child was taught the language of the demons in the school and many children skipped the class because they found the class extremely boring.

Imagine sitting down in a place for hours learning a strange language. That thought frightened alot of children and that made them to skip the language class continuously.

"I think I know what he is saying ". Ted said timidly from the corner.

The attention of everyone immediately fell on him . Even the demon paused and glanced in it's direction.

"He .... said..that ....we are the most difficult opponents he has ever faced in his life and we are considered brave warriors ". Ted stuttered and said.

Roar !! the demon seemed to become more enraged as it heard the words of the human. He could understand human language to a certain extent and the words of Ted made him made.

What difficult opponents ! , what nonsense ! .

The little mortals especially the girl and the boy that shoots arrows were slippery and quite difficult to kill.

If it could corner them to a tight corner , it would rip their throats out and drink their blood.

"Ted , just shut ". Vera rolled her eyes as she slowly approached the figure of the cautiously. She could clearly see that Nero was already cornered and was in a dangerous situation.

"Hey , come here !!". Vera immediately provoked the demon hoping to attract it's attention.

"Hey demon , over here !". Ted braved himself and waved at the demon fiercely with his axe.

"Ted , can just shut up and continue to be useless in that corner ". Vera could not help but glare at Ted who immediately shrank his neck from the fierce gaze of Vera.

Vera was afraid that the attention of the demon would be diverted to Ted who couldn't even wave his weapons currently.

Roar !! the demon roared out again as it's body tensed up.

Crack !! web-like cracks appeared beneath it's feet as it excerted immense force on the ground , preparing to attack.

"Watch out !! , he is about to attack !!". Vera gripped her sword and started to rush forward.

The tail of the demon immediately sprang forward with immense force and smashed the surrounding table chairs towards the running figure of Vera.

The demon had learned it's lessons and it will not allow the tiny human to distract it this time.

Whoosh!! whoosh!! whoosh!! numerous tables and chairs flew towards the figure of Vera who immediately paused in her movement.

Bang !! bang !! bang !! the figure of Vera avoided the various tables and chairs nimbly while cursing inwardly because the tables and chairs had inevitably delayed her movement.

The demon nodded with satisfaction as it's figure vanished from it's location with immense force.

Bang !! the ground that the demon was standing exploded to pieces as splinters of wood flew everywhere.

Even though Nero was already prepared for the attack of the demon , he was still startled by the immense speed of the demon who instantly appeared before him , waving it's the claws together.

By using two claws to close in , the demon completely cut off any possible escape route of Nero and it's tail was already moving in the air with an explosive Force.

At that moment, Nero felt the breath of death watch over his face. He knew that if he could 8 come up with any possible escape solution , he was completely doomed this time.

Watching the claws draw closer to his face , countless of ideas emerged in the mind of Nero as his body tensed up.

The dark claws that was covered with blood glistened with sharp light that was capable of tearing anything apart.

In his vision , Nero saw the claws become bigger and bigger , inching closer to his force with immense force.

His hair blew widly from the force generated from the incoming claws that left explosive sounds in the midair.

Suddenly , Nero who was seemed rooted to his position moved ! .

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