First encounter with the demons (3)

The arrow did not penetrate deep into the back of the demon as it had only gone a few inches deep into it's back.

Black blood slowly dripped down from the arrow wound and was dropping on the wooden floor slowly.

Roarrrrrr !! the demon felt a little pain in it's back and it roared out with murderous range. The demon turned towards the direction of it's assailant with glaring killing intent.

It temporarily ignored Vera and Ted who were at one corner.

"Nice shoot !". Vera complimented from her location while raising her clenched fist in the air.

"Oops , I missed ". Nero narrowed his eyes as he lowered his bow slightly.

He had initially targeted the eye of the demon but his shot deviated at the last moment and pierced through the back of the demon.

The back of the demon was covered with hard scales and his shooting power was not strong enough to penetrate through the scales so he was looking for a vulnerable point like the eyes.

Unfortunately , he missed.

That attack also gave away his hidden position and he was about to face the crazy counterattack of the demon.

As a person that was well versed in close combat techniques and rich combat experience , he knew that in order to get another good shot at the demon, he had to create a considerable distance between them and engaging in a close combat with the demon was simply sucidal.

Whoosh!! the speed of the demon was simply too fast that it's figure turned into a blur as it rushed towards the location of Nero .

The back of Nero was soaked with sweat as he tried to calm himself down and be rational amidst his extremely dangerous situation.

He knew that running blindly will make him more exposed and likely to die faster.

When Vera was attacked , she was extremely calm and that's was the reason she was able to apply that feint technique and successfully escape the grasp of the demon.

However, he knew that he could not apply such technique again because he was very close to wall.

The eyes of Nero became extremely sharp and focused as he watched the demon rush towards his direction, destroying everything in it's path.

Roarrrrrr !! the demon immediately swiped his right claw down with immense force that made my clothes to flutter wildly.

The force of the claw broke through the air , carrying immense force that was capable of tearing everything apart.

Tears came out from the eyes of Nero due to the fierce momentum carried by the Claw and Nero immediately stepped back , barely avoiding the claw.

Bang !! debris of broken stones flew into the air as part of the wall that the claw smashed into shattered into countless fragments, leaving five claw like marks on it.

"Watch out for the other claw !! ". The urgent voice of Vera sounded but the claw was already near the face of Nero.

Nero could see the fresh blood that had already coated with pieces of torn flesh around the long nails on the claw of the demon.

The heart of Nero skipped as he could already envision his head being smashed apart by the claw.

"Lie down !, you dimwit !!". The anxious voice of Vera roared out as she rushed forward from her location , grabbing one of the axe of Ted while picking her shield from the ground.

The only thought that came to the mind of Nero was to fall on the ground and start rolling.

Bang !! the body of Nero suddenly fell back and the claw missed.

Due to the immense force carried by the claw , the body of the demon staggered slightly before he could adjust his posture.

Meanwhile , Nero was rolling on the ground while cursing out loudly in his mind.

He did not expect that him that was a close combat expert was instructed by a thirteen year old girl and embarrassment covered his entire face.

No doubt , Vera was a combat genius and she could quickly read the entire situation and come up with a possible solution at the fastest pace.

Roarrrrrr!! the demon roared out in an aggrieved voice as it saw it's prey got away from him again and again.

In anger , he smashed the tables and chairs around him to pieces before his long tail immediately curled and sprang into the air.

"Why is he still rolling on the ground ?". The face of Vera fell because she knew that the demon was about to attack with his sharp tail.

Compared to the sharp claws of the demon , the tail of the demon was very flexible and was difficult to dodge especially now Nero was rolling on the ground, completely oblivious to the incoming attack.

"Demon , take this !!". Vera who was running forward jumped on one of the table and her figure immediately rose up to air.

Holding the shield and the axe , she immediately swirled around and threw the axe towards the demon.

Whoosh!! the axe tore through the air with speed and smashed towards the figure of the demon.

Bang !! the demon waved it's tail and the axe was sent flying into one corner.

The Axe smashed against the wall and fell to the ground with a clatter.

"Nero , grab this shield and watch out for the tail !". Vera landed on of the chairs and threw the shield on her hand towards the figure of Nero.

Whooosh !! Nero hurriedly got up from the ground with dusts all over his body and he stretched his hand , grabbing the shield.

Immediately he positioned the shield in front him , an immense force smashed against tht shield and a dent appeared on it.

"So strong ". Nero exclaimed as he felt his arms vibrating intensely. Immense force was transmitted from the shield to his hands and his body was shaking Intensely while retreating back.

Bang !! bang !! bang !! the tail attacked several times and numerous dents appeared on the surface of the shield and it was on the verge of breaking apart.

Crack ! a crack appeared on the surface of the shield and Nero knew that he had to do something.

His eyes glanced at his bow that was on the ground and he calculated the distance between him and the demon.

After some seconds , he quickly made a decision.

"Vera , help me distract him and Ted ....oh , nevermind !". Nero hurriedly shouted as he retreated frantically from the continuous assault of the demon.

"Over here !!". Vera drew the sword from her scabbard and rushed over again with immense speed.

As for Ted , he was still shivering in one corner, to afraid to move a muscle.

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