First encounter with the demons (2)

Everyone held their breath as they watched the massive figure of the demon gradually enter the restaurant.

Creak !! fine cracks appeared on the door surface as the blood stained claw that gripped it excerted immense force on it.

Grrrrrrh !!!

The demon roared out with extreme bloodlust as it's massive figure stepped into the restaurant and the restaurant shook Intensely from it's weight.

Standing nearly eight feet tall , the demon was covered with dark scales that glistened in the dark room and it had a reptilian head with massive teeths that were roughly positioned around it's jaw.

It had one huge eyes on the center of it's forehead and it's claws were adorned with long sharp nails that were still dripping with blood.

The demon also had a long tail with that was covered with scales and the tail had a spear like shape at the rear .

The spear shaped tail was also dripping with fresh human blood and the tail was obviously a weapon used for slaughter.

A single hexagonal shape could be seen on the forehead of the demon.

Roarrrrrr!! the demon roared out again and the room shook wildly with it's resounding noise making cracks to appear on the windows.

Extreme killing intent shrouded the entire room and the figure of Nero who was still hiding in one corner of the room shivered intensely.

"So this is what a demon looks like physically ". Nero looked at the figure which reeked of extreme bloodlust and slaughter intent with curiosity.

The creature was simply too ugly to behold !..

"Everyone, we still have a chance to fight our way through. He is just a slave demon !". Vera who saw the rank of the demon said loudly as hope appeared in her eyes again.

As far as it was not a mortal limit demon , they still had a chance to live if they fight hard.

The demons in this world were divided into several classes and according to the knowledge accessible to the commoners like Vera , they knew that the lowest rank of demons were the slave demons and the slave demons could be handled by veteran adventurers who had trained for year.

Mortal limit demons could only be handled by mortal limit warriors of the human race.

The easiest way to identify their ranks was through the number of hexagonal symbol on their forehead.

Slave demons have one hexagonal symbol while mortal limit demons have two symbols.

As for the rank above the mortal limit , Vera and others havr not come in contact with such information.

Perhaps , only those living in the upper district or the adventurers could know such information.

"Ted , you will follow me to engage in close combat with the demon . Nero , you have to provide help from the distance. Help us distract him with your arrows ". Vera hurriedly instructed even though she did not have much hope for the shooting skills of Nero.

She just hoped that an opening will appear and they will escape from the restaurant.

The restaurant only have one door with no back door so they must fight the demon if they want to escape from the restaurant.

"Acknowledged ". Nero nodded solemnly as his grip on the stretched bow tightened.

His aura immediately became sharp as his eyes narrowed , becoming extremely focused.

The tip of his arrow shifted a fraction as he monitored the movements of the demon.

"Engage in...close .... combat ". Ted stammered with nervousness as he looked at the gigantic figure of the demon while looking at his small stature.

His short hands that were holding the two axes could not help but shake intensely.

"Calm down Ted , it's time to showcase your hero skills ". Ted muttered continuously as he tried to gather his courage.

Roar !!! the demon immediately roared out with immense killing intent as he locked on the figure of Ted who was standing beside the wall.

Boooom!! boooom!! the demon took some steps forward and he was extremely fast despite his huge body structure.

Bang !! bang !! the tables and the chairs in it's path was flung into the air with many breaking into pieces.

"Watch out !!". Vera who saw that Ted had freaked out and was standing in one position motionlessly jumped over the reception desk and flung her shield towards the demon.

Whoosh!! the shield rotated slightly around the air as it accurately landed on the head of the demon.

Bang !! the shield smashed the head of the demon before it fell to the ground with a clatter.

Roar !!! the demon immediately became enraged as it looked towards the direction of Vera with rage.

How dare a puny human smash his head with a shield !!! .

Even though the shield did not cause any damage to it , the demon still felt that his integrity was still challenged.

"Come on , what are you waiting for ?". Vera taunted the demon , gesturing it to attack get with the waving of her arms.

"This girl .. ". Nero who was watching the whole scenario from one corner was moved.

He knew that Vera was putting herself into extreme danger in order to distract the attention of the demon from Ted.

"I will wait for the right moment to attack ". Nero briefly glanced at the huge eye of the demon that was rotating around on it's forehead and his arrow shifted it's aim again.

Boooom!! the figure of the demon seemed to have teleported as it only took two steps to appear in front of Vera , swinging it's claws.

The fierce momentum carried by the claws made the clothes of Vera to flutter wildly but her tiny figure seemed calm despite facing a terrifying demon that slaughtered for a living.

Vera gripped her sword tightly and made a dodging motion to the right and the claw immediately followed her figure.

Suddenly her body swerved to the left , immediately leaving the range of the attack and while the demon immediately followed up with another attack with it's left claw , Vera jumped on one of the fallen table and used the force to propel herself to the direction of Ted.

Her figure gracefully flew across the room and she accurately landed beside Ted.

Bang !! the table was smashed to pieces and wooden splinters flew across the room.

Roar !! the demon who missed it's attack was extremely enraged as it turned towards the direction of Vera.

Whoosh!! a sharp arrow suddenly pierced through the air from the back with a whooshing sound.

Poof !! the sound of flesh being pierced sounded through the room.


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