Life After Defeat: The Dragon Lord’s Legacy

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Life After Defeat: The Dragon Lord’s Legacy

By: Snowwriter Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 13 views: 213

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Book 2 of the Dragon Lord Series. (Can be read as standalones, but better yet read the first book so you can have a better understanding of the book’s storyline) Everything was taken away from me, my wife, my son, the few people I care about were all stripped away from my grip. I lost them all. I lost everything, my world was turned upside down. Yet my enemies lived, they doubled and craved nothing more than my downfall, my permanent demise. However, I promise to rise once again and regain my strength, assert my dominion and make them all pay. I will take and have back everything that I have lost. My name is Avon Barksdale. They’re going to come back for me, to usurp my dominance, and to cease the existence of my loved ones. I don’t plan on just giving them a hard time, I intend to give them their hardest time. Because, I’m going to protect what is mine, and mop the ground with those that seek to harm them.

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13 chapters
Chapter Recap Of The First Book…….The Last Chapter…… 167Kory stared with confliction, now that he knows who she is. Was he going to rat her out or is there an agenda to why he kept quiet and gave her a subtle look of knowledge. She approached him with slow cautious steps, “Who are you?” Her head tilted slightly, her eyes squinting obliquely at him. “I’m not the Finn you know, I’m the total opposite.” He responded, bored and typically plained. “Then who are-““It doesn’t matter. What matters is joining hands to achieve our aims. Yours is retrieve the divinity surrounding Avon, while I came to claim his soul. That we should works towards and should matter.” He had cut her off, summing up the base of their plans. “You were going to frame Lorraine for the murder of your body right. I definitely can help with that, I will be the witness and use my abilities to manipulate things into supporting this plan. This would create a rift between them, a dispute you would take advantage of him
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Chapter 1
Chapter 1 (Book 2 of the Dragon’s Lord Return) The Dragon Lord’s Legacies. Avon’s point of view I stood there, regardless of the situation playing out in front of me. My wife, Lorraine holding my son close to her and restricting him from touching me. Amazement shunned through my eyes, and I tried understanding what was going on. I woke up from my five years coma, and my wife was married to a new man.Not any new man, Richard Wilson of all men in EastVille. As if that wasn’t shocking enough, my son has been legally made his son. And all I own belongs to him, his name, and nothing is left for me. How did this happen, what is going on? “I said get out before I have the security do their job.” Her stern voice cautioned, resoluted with her gaze fiery and the least passive. Her index went as much as pointing out the door. What am I missing here? Five years ago, after the mini burial we held for Kory Anders, my wife got sick and we found out the sickness was caused by the life growi
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Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Working on the ideas he had to get himself transported to EastHill’s capital, he visited the city’s bank. He was vividly recognized, hence them attending to him quickly. Avon spoke to the bank’s manager privately, having him lend to him some cash to aid his transportation to the capital and come back. Although, Avon’s request came as a shock to the manager. He legit was expecting the known Dragon General to table his notion of investing in his bank, not to lend from it. He heard about how he went into coma, and now he’s awake. What he doesn’t know about, is how everything has been taken away from Avon. He agreed to lend him the money, on the agreement that Avon pays double. Avon agreed, and the money was immediately processed and given to him. Avon was now on his way to the capital, he got himself a phone on his way to the airport. Registered a sim to send and receive calls, then flew to the big capital city.He arrived at the penthouse, still clothed in his casual out
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Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Avon had settled into a seat with Faye, they’ve conversed about all that happened the past few hours they crossed paths. He learnt of her name during their conversation, and was right about her being Lorraine’s cousin. She had told him how everything began turning from white to black after he went into coma. Richard Wilson started from claiming each and every of the Hales’ wealth, he did it not everything by himself, but with the support of a serpent amidst the Hales; Royce Hales. Avon learnt that the Wilsons were cleansed of their sins the moment he went into coma, they didn’t spend another night in prison suffering for their crimes. And went right back to committing more crimes after gaining their freedom, Richard Wilson worked with his father in sending Lorraine off to some jail time for the murder of Kory Anders that Avon buried and never allowed the news make the public, after which he used the opportunity surrounding her absence to steal every of her husband’s pos
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Chapter 4
Chapter 4 “Damien Barksdale, your cousin….” Avon thought he heard wrong, but the strange eyes of this young man gleamed as a reminder. He did just refer himself as his cousin. Avon looked down at the palm stretched out, hesitant before making contact with him. “I know there’s a lot you have to ask, but I assure you there’s a lot more to share,” he spoke with warmth. “Now I’d be more please if you’d invite me to your home where we can have an actual conversation?” He subtly suggested. Avon weaved no response other than stepped back to open his door wider, the gesture beckoning an invite to him. Damian pasted a warm smile before his feet swung in, Avon led the both of them straight to his living room where there was nothing much to gush at. He had just move in, hence furnishing the house was as fair as the night sky to the night dwellers; he’d redecorate once he’s more settled in and comfortable. The both of them took their respective seat on one of the seaters with Damian on the
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Chapter 5
Chapter 5 The next day came quickly and Avon sets his sights opened early as he strolled down the stairs all freshened and dressed up. With no lingering space for breakfast, he opted for a cup of coffee instead before he saw himself himself out of his apartment. He had with him a briefcase that looked exactly like the one he collected from Damian, Damian who’d left after his thorough narration about all he missed. Avon showed his appreciation, plain and simple, but beneath his crisp attitude was him joyous and beyond happy that Damien could help as well as be his savior. He doesn’t seem to know anything about this extraordinary talent so he wouldn’t know how he’s become so empty without them. His priorities weren’t even to get back his powers, it was to get back his legacy and that is his son, then stop playing around with Richard and his family. It is high time they taste the sour taste of defeat. He’s tasted it twice and no more, once when he lost his family to the Great Five’
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Chapter 6
Chapter 6 There was nothing Richard could do, a move he could pull, a twist he could make, that would work in his favor and totter the Dragon General. “Two more minutes,” Richard forced his feet into motion as he traced his path to a corner of his office, there he made some moves that revealed a secret inn inside the office. He went inside alone, Avon stayed back and didn’t give the order for his man to follow him. He went inside the cubed space room, at the middle was a tall and standing placement that housed a metal safe. He got to the safe and typed in the pin. The safe cracked open and a box came into sight, he brought out the box made of plastic glass. Inside the box were multiple papers neatly stacked in sets. He took the box with him and returned back to the office where Avon was seated, waiting for him. He handed the box over to him by dropping it on the table in front of Avon. “Needless to mention that if any of the documents in here are fake or forged, the consequence
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Chapter 7
Chapter 7 After Avon had finish up at the Caston Group, he got into a ride straight to The Noble House. He’d recall to how it went with his last visit, how Lorraine’s had treated him and threw him out. He was going to lay claim on his son, and offer Lorraine herself an ultimatum so she could stay with him. Long enough for him to figure out how to rid the hex that has hacked her brain and memory. Avon still had no idea what happened to his powers, but that did not deter his will to fight and collect back what was stolen from him. He never needed the powers in the first place, it was just a mere plus. The powers even made him forgot who he was, he is the Almighty Dragon General. The man who had fought thousands of men and came out victorious, the man who’d lead wars into a trapped field and exit with triumph. He is not to be trifled with, he is to be feared and respected. It is high time the citizens of EastHill know once again who the Dragon General is. The Great Five Families has
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Chapter 8
Chapter 8 Avon came to halt with his little replica, who stood at the middle of himself and Lorraine. He shrunk back to hid behind Avon’s legs the moment he saw Richard stepped out. Avon felt the strange reaction, he looked down at Lorraine and noticed the slight difference in her posture, her gaze now held fright as it devour Richard’s appearance. He also noticed how she instantly gripped the sides of her cloth, she held on tightly to it. What was Richard doing to her?His eyes turned cold at the mere sight of Richard, as well as the thriving urge to get violent with him. “Are you here to submit the divorce papers, or to submit yourself to your certain demise?” Avon questioned, the base of his tone stoic as well as the expression smeared on his face. “Neither, I’m here to flip your newly reign over.” He mouthed a dark chuckle. His gaze trailed over to Atlas and Lorraine as he stepped forward, “Get to my side baby, get away from that monster,” he gestured to them, a friendly smile
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Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Five years ago, Lorraine Hales Barksdale leveled her relationship with her husband, Avon Barksdale when she announced to him that she was pregnant. That they were having their own little family. Her husband received this news with great joy, he instantly became more affectionate towards her, showed her great and excessive love and enthusiasm. He made sure she was well fed, always provided for, and never left alone. Lorraine never felt the weight of her pregnancy throughout, her husband made it extremely easy for hera through. After she gave birth to a baby boy, the joy that shrouded the Barksdale family knew no bound. It was like the baby came in to signal a better start since Kory died and was gone, and everything else began to run smoothly. Sooner than expected, darkness descended and she got the news of her husband slipping to coma. As if that wasn’t enough, words got out that Lorraine was behind Kory Anders’ untimely demise and that led to her detainment in the city
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