Chapter 7

Chapter 7

After Avon had finish up at the Caston Group, he got into a ride straight to The Noble House. He’d recall to how it went with his last visit, how Lorraine’s had treated him and threw him out.

He was going to lay claim on his son, and offer Lorraine herself an ultimatum so she could stay with him. Long enough for him to figure out how to rid the hex that has hacked her brain and memory.

Avon still had no idea what happened to his powers, but that did not deter his will to fight and collect back what was stolen from him. He never needed the powers in the first place, it was just a mere plus.

The powers even made him forgot who he was, he is the Almighty Dragon General. The man who had fought thousands of men and came out victorious, the man who’d lead wars into a trapped field and exit with triumph. He is not to be trifled with, he is to be feared and respected.

It is high time the citizens of EastHill know once again who the Dragon General is. The Great Five Families has got to go additionally.

Avon arrived at the Noble House, pleased by the presence of his men that has equipped the compound with their lour and hefty miens.

He marched straight to the mansion, invited himself inside with Castian right beside him. The indoor looked just like he left it or knew it to be, no designs were removed or changed. Everything remained intact except for the liveliness.

“Where are they?” He quizzed at Castian, who immediately looked at one of the guys inside and waved him closer.

The fellow ran to them quickly, leaned in on Castian’s whisper, gave him the answer he demanded then left.

“They’re kept inside the master’s bedroom,” Castian responded after awhile.

Avon propped back to motion, he traced his way through the stairs, hallways, until his feet landed at the foot of the master’s bedroom. Two military men were right outside the door, harmed and on guard.

As soon as they saw Avon, their head lowered in respect. Avon only nodded in acknowledgement, they opened the door for him to walk inside and close it back themselves.

Avon went in on his wife, correction- ex wife. She was laid in bed with her son wrapped in her embrace. Her hand softly massaged his shoulder as she whispered words of consolations into his ears.

She sprang up at the sight of Avon, holding her child closer to herself. “You again, are you behind this? What is it? Please what did we do to you? Why are you doing this to my family?” She questioned in a rasped tone, a glum look expressed through her brows.

Avon stopped walking at the center of the room, everything may not have changed from downstairs and many other things, but his family has definitely changed. He wasn’t looking at his rustic room any longer, it has been switched to something modern and a touch of coastal style.

“That’s my child in your arms, Lorraine. Do you not remember anything at all about me?” Avon’s head fractured slightly to a side, his brows winged up and eyes squinted. “Nothing?” He added.

“I don’t know what I’m suppose to remember about you or why you’re claiming to be the father of my child, but I do know you’re after my happiness and the life I’ve managed to built for myself. Even if you were a good person, right now you’re no different from a monster.”

Avon smirked and scoffed lightly at her response. He couldn’t blame her, even if her words her baiting pure rage out of him. He couldn’t fault her, she was a victim to major schemes aimed against him.

“I’m going to get you back, that’s all I know. I came to let you know that you’re not a prisoner, and that you’re gonna divorce your husband because he’s not your husband, I am. You would also revoke whatever legal rights he has over my child, because Atlas is a Barksdale, not a fucking Wilson. Do you understand?”

“Just let us go please, we don’t know you, this is-“

“Do you understand. Yes or No?” His voice toughened, his expressions stone cold.

Lorraine witnessed the switch and swallowed a hard gulp, “Yes.” She instantly succumbed.

“Good, now free that child and let him come to me.”

Lorraine at the heard of this held on to her child tighter than ever, definite fear on her face as she sprayed her arms around her son to protect him.

“I do not seek to harm him so let him go. Let him go, please do not make this hard. It’s already a twisted situation already,” Avon spoke in a soft tone. He just wanted to talk to his son.

He last saw him when he was an infant, now he’s quite grown and he just wanted to hold him and hear his voice. He was deprived years of connection with his son, that hurts him deep to his core.

Lorraine felt the emotions in Avon’s voice, it was undeniably audible even though his stoic face tried to mask it.

For some reasons, she felt he was genuine and wasn’t trying to harm him so she decided to grant his request. She let go of his little boy and urged him to meet the strange man.

The little boy looked around, hesitated before he jumped down from the bed and stomped over to Avon.

Avon squatted down to his height, his round little face now close to his as he gazed into his lowered eyes. He was so cute, the similarity was sickening. He has his eyes, the shape of his nose, his face structure, he’s like the younger version of himself. The only thing he took from his mother was his hair, soft, long, and brownish black.

“Hey there little guy,” Avon greeted in a tender voice, as a smile cracked open on his blank face. “I’m Avon, your father. What’s your name?” He propped his palm forward for an handshake.

The little boy took his hand, his soft fragile hand met with Avon’s and he felt his heart elevated. He was instantly filled with warmth and joy, and only the thin smile glued to his lips did the job to express it perfectly.

“I’m Atlas Wilson,” he replied innocently.

Avon’s smile faded immediately, and anger surged into his expression. He calmed himself before the kid would look at him and smell negativity.

He carried the child up into his arms. “I’m gonna go for a walk with my child, talk to him and get to know you better. You can order for anything you want, the guards outside are at your service. I repeat, you’re not a prisoner here,” Avon told Lorraine who has sat up on the bed as he made his way out of the room.

Avon and his child went out of the house, he took him to the garden where he sat the both of them down on the wooden bench seated in the middle of the greenish scenery.

“Do you know what flowers are?” Avon asked to kickoff a conversation.

“Mommy said lilies are her favorite so I like lilies, they’re pretty just like my mommy,” Atlas’ tiny voice responded.

Avon smiled because he was right, his mother’s favorite flower was indeed water lilies. They had went on a picnic date when he found out about it, and ever since then he has made sure to randomly gets the flower for the sake of her admiration.

“That’s nice. What’s Richard like? Is he a good person to you?” It’s only he knows the way he was treated by father figure that took his place.

“Daddy is very mean and not nice at all, he used to touch mommy in a very mean way whenever she tries to protect me. He doesn’t let me get cookies, or likes it when mommy takes me out to buy them,” he lamented and pouted his small lips.

Avon understood his words perfectly, and his system roared with anger. He could only imagine what Lorraine had went through in the hands of that bastard.

“You like cookies?” He distracted himself with that phrase, “What do you say we go buy you a bunch? What’s your favorite cookie to eat?”

“Really????” His eyes lit up, as well as his voice as he looked into Avon’s face, purely elated. “Please can mommy come with us? She also likes to eat chocolate cookies with me. Please please please-“

“Fine she can come with us.” Avon chuckled as he grabbed his shoulder and tossed him back into his arms. “Let’s go get your mother.”

The both of them returned back to the room. He dropped Atlas who instantly ran over to his mom, “Mommy, mommy, this man wants to go buy me chocolate cookies. He wants you to come with us, he is so nice, I don’t think he will be mean to you like daddy is.” The little boy tugged on his mom’s hand as he tried to drag her up.

“Atlassss, what did you tell him?” Lorraine’s eyed Avon with suspicions. “Your daddy doesn’t touch me, I told you it’s nothing. And we can’t trust this man right here.” She pointed at Avon.

“But he’s nice and wants to go get me cookies?” Atlas morphed a frown.

“Your dad also promised to bring some when he’s done at work today, he told me that, let’s wait for him.”

“Let’s go Lorraine, the kid wants a cookie, nothing more. And does it seem like I wish to harm you both? No, so get up and let’s go,” Avon chipped in on the argument.

Lorraine for the second time felt moved by his statement, she didn’t argue any further and just stood up to follow them.

She was already dressed, and didn’t bother to change her clothes. She walked behind Avon who held little Atlas’s hand and drag him gently by his side.

Lorraine tried to get comfortable under the gazes of the military men that swarmed every corner of the mansion but it was just too much, it makes her wonder who this man is.

In her hand, she’s married to a Military General, who goes by the nickname Dragon General. That person is Richard in her head, but why does this man fitted the picture in her head but he wasn’t the one in it.

They got outside, and hadn’t made it to the parked car when a car zoomed into view and pulled to a stop in front of Avon, Atlas and Lorraine.

Inside this flashy blue sport car stepped out Richard, with a bandage wrapped around one of his arm.

“Good thing I met you here,” he said to Avon.

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