Chapter 6

Chapter 6

There was nothing Richard could do, a move he could pull, a twist he could make, that would work in his favor and totter the Dragon General.

“Two more minutes,”

Richard forced his feet into motion as he traced his path to a corner of his office, there he made some moves that revealed a secret inn inside the office. He went inside alone, Avon stayed back and didn’t give the order for his man to follow him.

He went inside the cubed space room, at the middle was a tall and standing placement that housed a metal safe.

He got to the safe and typed in the pin. The safe cracked open and a box came into sight, he brought out the box made of plastic glass. Inside the box were multiple papers neatly stacked in sets.

He took the box with him and returned back to the office where Avon was seated, waiting for him. He handed the box over to him by dropping it on the table in front of Avon.

“Needless to mention that if any of the documents in here are fake or forged, the consequence to that would be more dire than I intend to make you suffer.” Avon grabbed the box and dragged it closer.

“They’re legit, none of them are-“

“What in the heaven’s heck is happening here?” A woman’s voice had interrupted Richard’s statement before conclusion, followed by the loud sound of the door slammed open.

The stunning figure of Christina Jones came into picture, heiress and the only successor to the Jones’ empire. One of the top elite figures in EastHill.

“What do you think you’re doing Richard? I just got a call from Beck downstairs, and she said you’re some kind of trouble with the Alpha King?…” She had began to question until her eyes scanned around to see the man seated on a chair, his aura calm and at the same time threatening.

“Is he?… shouldn’t he be?…. What?…” she suddenly lost the ability to form her words coherently as her brows winged up in awe.

“Good of you to join the meeting, Christina. I’m going to need your family to sign out their shares in Caston Group, you’re no longer a co-partner or founder,” he said to her, as he resumed to inspecting the files given to him.

Christina knew too well who the Dragon General is. What he did to the Parkers Family, till now chills still fly around the gossip of how the Parkers had meet their doom.

She had thought the Wilsons had Avon under control, that they’ve taken care of him because for over these years it has been peaceful for them. They were back to running the city, and it’s them over everyone.

So what was he doing alive? Much worse, healthy and laying claim over her family’s one and true legacy. Christina didn’t know much about the scheme plotted back in the past by her family to achieve their level of wealth, she’d thought and believed all was done with honor and integrity.

So to her, Avon is the bad guy, a bad guy that needs to be put down for good. He was trying to take away the heritage her family built on sweats and diligence, she won’t allow that, even if it means lining a war with the Dragon General.

“No!” She let out suddenly, her tone defiant. “No I will not be signing out my shares, my family’s shares of this company. Who are you? You can’t just-“

“Throw her out, her voice annoys me.”

Castian, the military commander in Avon’s service, he walked over to Christina at the sway of Avon’s order. He grabbed her shoulder and gently pushed her towards the exit.

“No, no, no you can’t do this! You can’t just do this! This is not fair, this is unacceptable! You’re a beast!” She hollered as her voice echoed out of the room.

Avon heaved a steady sigh when he was checking out the originality of the files, and it was as legit as Richard claimed.

“Now your ten minutes countdown to divorce my wife starts now. And when choosing a hole to crawl into, chose the darkest one where your existence will be cloaked, because once I begin my search for you, and I’ve gotten you, I will end you in ways humans I’ve never been ended. Goodbye.”

“Castian, kindly see him out please.”

Richard was led outside where he met a flaming Christina who lingered by after being thrown out.

“Care to explain to me what’s going on? Cause I thought we’ve had that guy, why is he back and alive? Also I don’t care who he is or what he’s capable of, I’m ready to fight him with everything I have, but I refuse to succumb and sign my shares off like he’s requested.” She didn’t even wait for Richard to meet up before she roped him into a discussion.

Richard who was still dealing with the effect of his broken arm, an inevitable defeat, and the end of his short-term win. He was too forlorn to chatter some words.

He ignored Christina’s yabbers and walked down to the elevator, she pursued him of course and wouldn’t quit trying to get an explanation.

Richard brought out his phone while he was in the elevator and placed a call directly to Frank Wilson, he was the reason all of this is happening.

“Hello Son, is it true?” Frank’s voice quizzed secods after he picked the call.

“He broke my arm, sweared himself in as the new CEO of Caston Group, said I should divorce my wife, and threatened to kill me once I’m done with it all.” Richard bursted into tears.

“Where is he at the moment?”

“He is here at the company, he’s in my office right now. I left him there, he sent me out after he’s collected the paperworks for the company and order me to go divorce my wife. I hate him so much,”

“Do you trust me?”

“Yes of course,” he responded amidst his wails.

“Then stop crying like a child and act like a fucking man, don’t get that divorce. Go back home and go meet your wife, let me go pay him a visit and fix all these mess he’s done created.”


The phone hanged up before Richard could muster a response.


On the other end, Frank Wilson brought down his mobile device as he glared at the empty view in his front.

“What’s wrong darling?” Kory Anders, however, not in her rightful flesh, but in Melinda’s body came into view as her arm curled around Frank’s shoulder.

“The Dragon General has woken up, and he’s back,” he informed her as he fisted both his palms, angered to his edge.

Kory pulled away in an instant, “That’s impossible, he can’t be back, he can’t be awake. It’s impossible,” she argued, her tone drenched with disbelief.

“Well I just got off a call with Richard, and he confirmed the news I’ve been seeing around to be the truth. I think he’s done enough mess, let’s go gift him a welcome back present, and the present should stick permanently this time.”

“I agree.” Kory curved a devilish smile.

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