Chapter 5

Chapter 5

The next day came quickly and Avon sets his sights opened early as he strolled down the stairs all freshened and dressed up. With no lingering space for breakfast, he opted for a cup of coffee instead before he saw himself himself out of his apartment.

He had with him a briefcase that looked exactly like the one he collected from Damian, Damian who’d left after his thorough narration about all he missed.

Avon showed his appreciation, plain and simple, but beneath his crisp attitude was him joyous and beyond happy that Damien could help as well as be his savior.

He doesn’t seem to know anything about this extraordinary talent so he wouldn’t know how he’s become so empty without them.

His priorities weren’t even to get back his powers, it was to get back his legacy and that is his son, then stop playing around with Richard and his family. It is high time they taste the sour taste of defeat.

He’s tasted it twice and no more, once when he lost his family to the Great Five’s schemes, twice now when he lost his new family to Richard Wilson. Well no more, it’s time to put them all where they belong, and that is at his feet begging for his mercy as he sentenced them all to a brutal death.

Avon sets his path straight for his company first. He knew Richard would still be at home, and that would give him a better chance at infiltrating.

The old friend in the military he’d called for help already have his men out on the road coming to Avon, they were to arrive any minutes from now.

Avon had given him the address to the company he wanted them to storm and dominate in his name before he comes into picture, he’s no longer interested in the tic, tac and toe game he played then with his foes.

This time, he’d decided to play differently and smartly. He had beat around the clock the other time that nearly cost him his life, but costed him his family and his legacy.

Before his return was to have back all that was stolen from him, as well as put all who had a hand in his family’s downfall to ground.

Caston Group will no longer belong to the names of The Great Five, because by the end of today, he would secure legal ownership of his rightful property.

Avon arrived at the company, his aura indifferent and fierce as he stepped out of his black Mercedes and marched towards the slide-in entrance.

The present guard sighted him and instantly shrunk, they recognized his face and realize who he was immediately. They wouldn’t dare stop the Dragon General, talk less try to question him.

As Avon walked his way into the building, followed an elevator that took him up to the director’s floor, and stepped out and continue his strides till he reached the head CEO’s office, nobody dared to stop him or try to assess his presence.

Everyone who saw him or sighted him only shrink into anxiousness and send words to their boss.

Minutes later, Avon’s men, uniformly dressed in military gears descended the company and staged themselves into different corners of the building.

Words were then sent to Avon to inform him of their arrival. Out of the hundreds that stood outside and occupied the area, only three men stayed with Avon at the director’s floor.

Two men at the door, and one inside with him. The one who was inside with him had a wired comm device that’s connected to the remaining men outside, it’s with this device he could relay’s any of Avon’s orders to them for execution.

And though their own comms, they’re expected to report any unusual activity they notice or may encounter.

It wasn’t that long before Richard dropped by in a hurry. Anger scourged his entire features as he stalled through the building and land his way into his office where he met Avon seated on his chair that was turned around.

Avon sensed his presence when the door pushed open with an aberrant force, followed by the stench smell of fraud that hit the air. He turned his chair around to face him, a slick smile on his face.

“What are you doing here? What is all these you’re doing? Huh?” He grilled in a rough pitch, his eyes red while he glared at Avon menacingly.

Avon only responded with another smile, a smile that slowly disappeared as he stood up and left to go closer to Richard.

Each step he took closer and forward, was calm plus equal measure of danger. Richard however, could not help the chills that shot into his system, something about this man is just different, mysterious, and a freak piece of temper.

“You have ten minutes to hand over the documents of ownership, and vacate the premises. Ten more minutes to get yourself separated with my wife and out of my mansion, and ten final minutes to disappear into a hole I won’t find you easily,” he calmly stated, as he leaned his body on the desk, eyes blank and void of any emotions.


“I do not wish to engage in a mindless banter, get on with my words or suffer the consequence,” he added as soon as Richard tries to counter his words.

Albeit his death was inevitable, Avon still didn’t want him to die that easily. He’s caused a lot of pain, damages, and sufferings for death to be a punishment so suiting for his actions.

He is going to die, but he would beg for it. He’s going to go through multiple folds of what he’s brought upon a lot of individuals. Avon was going to make sure of that, and it only after he’s done paying for that would he grant him mercy and end his miserable life.

Richard scoffed and emitted a soft chuckle, “You’re so funny. Who do you think you’re? Waltz in here with bunch of militaries and think to yourself, oh I’ve become a king or a God, whatever sick title you’ve called yourself in a brain. Now you think you can just come in here, make wild demands, and expect me to fucking cave.” He laughed one more.

Avon sighed as he tilted his gaze to meet the guy in the room with him, “Break his arm,” he instructed in a cool yet raucous tone.

The guy nodded and went closer to Richard, before Richard could make out what was said he got his arm stretched out and twisted in a range that his bone popped and fractured.

He yelped loudly as he fall into his knees, “You psychopath! I’m going to fucking kill you!” He yelled out while he was knelt on the floor, holding on to the arm that got handled.

“Now if you fail to do what I ask of you to do in the given time frame, I can assure you a fate so cruel you’d regret the day you crossed me,” he told him as he went around and took his seat back on the chair.

Richard wailed for few more seconds on the floor before he stood up, “If you do this, I will kill your wife and your son. They’re not safe.” He decided to play dirty and sly as usual, cause there was no way he’d brawl strength with Avon.

He’s the Dragon General for Pete’s sake. A man who singlehandledly defeat and dismantle thousands of a led men while he was still on the field.

The mention of his name cracks fear into his enemies, the sight of his presence brings them to cower, and the smell of his wrath turns them into dusts.

Richard has now messed with the man, and he’s a fool to think he has a chance at victory. Even with the double of what he has, he’s nothing and will remain nothing in front of Avon.

“Thanks for that information, but it also reminds me of the thousand ways I know on how to torture a man. Threathen me once more, and I’ll be glad to show you hundred ways I can make a man cry,” His eyes were like ghost, his voice like a stoned ice as he audibly murmured his words.

“And just so you know, the ten minutes you have has come down to eight,” he added simply.

Richard knew he has to make a decision. He was a fool to have come down here after the news he received, he thought they were joking, but he should have known there was no joke to the talks of The Dragon General.

He’d receive a call earlier about Avon gracing the company, however, his belief about Avon’s situation led him to discard the call and come in to call bluff on his assistant message.

Avon was in coma that he was sure he’ll never wake up from, so there was no way he’s seen coming into the company. He had to come confirm himself.

And now, he either give everything up with his life intact but not safe, or lose everything with the pieces of his life scattered like particles thrown out to surface.

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