Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Five years ago, Lorraine Hales Barksdale leveled her relationship with her husband, Avon Barksdale when she announced to him that she was pregnant. That they were having their own little family.

Her husband received this news with great joy, he instantly became more affectionate towards her, showed her great and excessive love and enthusiasm. He made sure she was well fed, always provided for, and never left alone.

Lorraine never felt the weight of her pregnancy throughout, her husband made it extremely easy for hera through.

After she gave birth to a baby boy, the joy that shrouded the Barksdale family knew no bound. It was like the baby came in to signal a better start since Kory died and was gone, and everything else began to run smoothly.

Sooner than expected, darkness descended and she got the news of her husband slipping to coma. As if that wasn’t enough, words got out that Lorraine was behind Kory Anders’ untimely demise and that led to her detainment in the city
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