Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Working on the ideas he had to get himself transported to EastHill’s capital, he visited the city’s bank.

He was vividly recognized, hence them attending to him quickly. Avon spoke to the bank’s manager privately, having him lend to him some cash to aid his transportation to the capital and come back.

Although, Avon’s request came as a shock to the manager. He legit was expecting the known Dragon General to table his notion of investing in his bank, not to lend from it.

He heard about how he went into coma, and now he’s awake. What he doesn’t know about, is how everything has been taken away from Avon.

He agreed to lend him the money, on the agreement that Avon pays double. Avon agreed, and the money was immediately processed and given to him.

Avon was now on his way to the capital, he got himself a phone on his way to the airport. Registered a sim to send and receive calls, then flew to the big capital city.

He arrived at the penthouse, still clothed in his casual outfit. Evening was fast approaching when he arrived at the mansion.

The guard he had keeping the mansion intact was shocked to see him, over the years when Avon never visited with his wife to own the gift he got for her, he assumed Avon died and he was just guarding and waiting for Avon’s family to find out he has a property here in the city.

Avon too on his own was definitely smacked by the guard’s loyalty, he never sold his property or took advantage of his long absence.

He made a mental note in his head to reward him heavily, Avon went into the house, going straight to the locked room. He was the only one who knew the code to opening the door, tapping the codes in, Lorraine’s birthday, the door clicked open and entrance was granted.

The suitcase was exactly where he placed it, and the ribbon decorating it already fusty. He stalked inside to the suitcase, opening it to see the dollars neatly stacked in the space.

Avon closed the case, locking it as he took it with him. He wasn’t planning to spend the night in the capital, he was going back to EastHill the same evening.

“Are you leaving so soon?” The guard questioned seeing Avon depart from the mansion he entered minutes ago.

“Yes, and here.” He stretched to him the keys to the mansion, “The mansion is yours. The house paperworks is inside the master bedroom, get it inside the drawer and change the deed to your name. It’s a reward of your loyalty. Guarding my asset still for years when I wasn’t available to give your mandated monthly payment.” He shoved the keys into his palm, flashing him a genuine smile.

The guard gasped, shocked by the gesture courting him. “General, this is huge. Except you’ve been paying me, I mean I thought you were dead and gone or totally forgot about what you have here. But a month has never passed by without me getting an alert in your name.” The guard responded, his words contradicting Avon’s claim.

Avon furrowed his brows, quite befuddled at the heard of the man’s words. Who was paying him? Cause it wasn’t him. So who was paying him in his name?

“Are you sure?” He quizzed, lifting his left brow.

“Yes.” The man nodded.

“Wow, I don’t know about it. Well it doesn’t matter, the gift is still yours. I’ll be on my way now.” He flashed him a smile, then walked out of his sight.

He had gotten what he came here to get, he just had to book a flight back home. Avon lodged himself into an hotel, where he freshened up himself and his dressing.

He ordered for new clothes to change his outfit, trimmed his beards into stubbles, got a new haircut, and cleaned up his entire appearance.

When his flight back home was preparing to take off, Avon boarded his first class seat looking entirely different and more like himself.

He clad in a well ironed shirt, with the sleeves rolled up and the two top buttons undone to reveal his muscles chest. The shirt was perfectly tucked into a black pants, he had a shiny designer black pair of shoes to match the look.

“Hi!” A voice greeted softly from above.

Avon whose attention focused on his phone while he sipped gently from his champagne forced his head up, pushing down the sunglass covering his eyes.

“How may I help you?” He questioned the smiley lady, staring at him with obvious lust and admiration.

“I’m Vanessa, and I just want to compliment how good you look,” she responded, licking her bottom lip.

“Thanks,” Avon mouthed plainly, resuming his attention back to his phone. He was playing a mobile game.

“Would you mind me sitting down with you? I want to get to know you better, and perhaps know if you’re single?”

“Yes, yes I mind. I’m not interested in whatever you have in mind, so you can kindly walk away. Thanks!” Avon retorted, keeping his gaze locked on his phone rather than study the reaction his words earned on the lady’s face.

The lady rolled her eyes at him before sauntering off and away.

In no time, Avon landed back in EastHill. He existed the airport with his briefcase held firmly, he went straight to the back where he lent a loan, he settled the loan and instantly opened an account, he proceed to deposit the remaining money inside the account and collected a debit card.

Avon left the bank after the manager linked him up with an estate management, who already helped him secured a residence somewhere in the city.

Avon spent the day settling his life, getting a car for transportation purposes, stuffing his wardrobes, and foodstuffs for sustainment.

At the end of the day he was all tired and exhausted, and so he decided to eat out instead of preparing himself a dinner or order in a meal.

He parked at the lot, stepped out of his car and was stalking towards the entrance when someone called his name.

Avon glanced back to get the direction of the voice, but saw nothing. He thought perhaps he heard wrong and his ears were being tricky.

He had turned to continue walking when a figure caught up with him, grabbing his arm.

Avon peered down at this figure to see a familiar face, the face belonging to his wife’s relative, Avon doesn’t seem to remember her name, but he knows she’s Lorraine’s cousin.

“Avon, is this you?” She stared with disbelief, as her hand inspected Avon all over as though his presence cloned the actual Avon.

“It’s me, are you okay?” Avon had to ask, moving out of her reach since she wouldn’t stop touching him to feel him.

“No, because I’m looking at the man said to be dead. I’m literally going crazy. Do you recognize me? Do you know who I am?” She grilled, not convinced that she’s looking at Avon and not someone else.

“I’m starving, please let’s continue this conversation inside with a food on the table,” Avon said to her as he marched off, hoping she would follow.

She followed, and Avon got them settled into a spot while the waiter who ushered them into a seat went away to go attend to their order.

“Now, I want you to calmly tell me everything you know. What happened? Or what did you think happened? What were you made to believe happened?” Avon asked, folding his palms together under his jaw while his elbows came to rest on the table.

“Tell me everything,” he urged.

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