Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Avon had settled into a seat with Faye, they’ve conversed about all that happened the past few hours they crossed paths. He learnt of her name during their conversation, and was right about her being Lorraine’s cousin.

She had told him how everything began turning from white to black after he went into coma.

Richard Wilson started from claiming each and every of the Hales’ wealth, he did it not everything by himself, but with the support of a serpent amidst the Hales; Royce Hales.

Avon learnt that the Wilsons were cleansed of their sins the moment he went into coma, they didn’t spend another night in prison suffering for their crimes.

And went right back to committing more crimes after gaining their freedom, Richard Wilson worked with his father in sending Lorraine off to some jail time for the murder of Kory Anders that Avon buried and never allowed the news make the public, after which he used the opportunity surrounding her absence to steal every of her husband’s possessions.

There was no one to stop him, but help him instead. Kory in her new body helped in achieving every of their goals. Royce became a part of the Wilson’s family, he was given a branch of their companies as a token for betraying his family on their behalf.

Each and every single member of the Hales’ family were thrown in jail for no crimes or crimes committed, except for Faye who got under the protection of Jeffrey Wilson.

Lennox died while in prison. Charlotte, Oscar, Abigail, Aidan, and his twin brother remained in custody for the murder of Vance, and an attempted murder on Royce.

Avon came to know about Faye and Jeffrey’s relationship, and how he made sure Faye was never taken away from him.

“How did my wife came to marry Richard then?” Avon questioned seeing she’s yet to give narration to the part that confused him the most.

Faye heaved a long sigh, “Honestly, I’d be lying if I tell you I know something about that,” she answered in a soft voice, unable to match Avon’s gaze that was on her.

“All I know is that Richard bailed her out of jail, and the whole time was taking care of her baby. Public also learnt that Richard has been taking care of Lorraine differently while she was imprisoned, and we were made to believe they fell in love. But I know they didn’t, I know Lorraine. Even after all these years, I still think both of them together is very unnatural. Barely a year after you were hospitalized and bedridden, they announced their engagement, and got wedded a week later. The Wilsons now runs the city, they control every aspect to the city’s apex, rules every nooks and crannies. They’re more powerful than ever now with your wealth combined with theirs, nobody has what it takes to drag a position with them. They want and take whatever it is they want, they made sure everyone here at EastHill lives under their mercy after the humiliation they faced while you were alive. Jeffrey and I had wanted to relocated away from here and to the capital long time ago, but something I can’t explain or pinpoint kept holding me back. Infact we were to finally leave after so much persuasion from my husband, but I postponed till the end of this week for literally no reason, and now I can see why. When did you wake up? I last saw you four years ago, after Richard had you confined to a room and instructed all doctors not to check up on you or try taking care of you if they don’t want to lose their license, he had two guards on your door and also worked against you ever getting a visit from outsiders too. That’s pretty much what happened.” Faye ended her narration.

Avon had lost his appetite, he just couldn’t again after listening to everything that happened. How did the Wilsons came to have so much power? were they able to attain his possessions and exert such dominance?

“I need to see the Wilsons. I’m back, and I will be taking back every single thing of mine in their possession that belongs to me,” Avon worded in determination, the granite decision showing on his face. “I need to meet with Richard Wilson in particular,” he added, the rage and firmness in his voice toning down to a stoic level, his eyes going blank.

“Well as mighty as he is, he still works, just not for anyone. He maintain his regime at the largest and richest company here in the city. You know it, Caston Group.” She replied.

“Thank you so much Faye, I’m really grateful cause without you, I wouldn’t know what happened and where to pick up the pieces of my life left. And congratulations on your marriage, I’m going to support you and your husband’s decision to leave the city for awhile, when everything settles down, you sure can come right back.” Avon stood up, retrieving his wallet as he took out the bill placing it on the table.

“But you’re back now, and I’m sure you’re going to make everything go back to normal. There is no need of me running again, I just want to see my cousin back to her senses and with you. I’m sure that doesn’t put me in danger. Plus where are you going to now? You have no home, Richard has taken that away from you also, maybe you should come scout with us? Our residence is not of the highest level or qualified for your taste, but it’s manageable and can accommodate you for a little while.” Faye glanced through his situation, decided to offer him shelter. That’s the least she could offer or do.

He’s set for a war not even her strongest strength could withstand, she could only wish him victory over his enemies.

“I can sort myself out don’t worry, I will be on my way now.” Avon told her, instantly turning his back around and marching out of sight.

His mind played back on everything Faye shared with him, and he still found it really hard to believe that things has changed that much.

Royce Hales betraying his own family, what could be his own reason?

Avon couldn’t help but wonder the current state of the Hales, a mere guess would state them to be in anguish. Imagine rotting in jail for an offense they know nothing of. Humans can really be so cruel.

Avon was going to pay Richard a visit, but first he needs to get some things done. He needs to get himself back in shape, the shape that jolts fear at the mention of his name inside his enemies, that no one wants to mess with him unless they’re tired of living. Avon needed his reputation back.

Avon got home, his newly purchased mansion, he placed a call directly to his old friend in the military. All thanks to his retentive memory to be able to contact him.

The call rang out without the receiver picking it up, Avon assumed the hesitation is due to his number being stranger so he texted him instead to pick up.

Avon redialed his contact, and he picked right after the first ring. They conversed briefly about Avon’s windy absence from existence, how he has no idea what happened, and to him Avon just vanished.

Turns out he came across Finn on one of his yearly vacation in a remote island, and Finn was all vague about the whereabout of his boss.

Avon dead the pleasantries, tabling the subject that had him contacting him in the first place. He needed his help, to restore his reputation, his reappearance needs to dominate the entire city just like his return then. And only him can help with that.

After a long forth and back discussion, he agreed to help Avon after he promised to come in the war, once he’s done with all he needed to do, he will be retracting his retirement for a short period of time.

Avon was still bading his comrade goodbye when his doorbell ranged, announcing the presence of a visitor. Avon ended the call looking perplexed, perhaps he heard wrong? Cause who could be ringing his doorbell.

Seconds later when Avon gave no response, the door rang out again. Forcing Avon into motion as he went over to check who was ringing for his attention.

He arrived at the door, opening it to face a sturdily built man. He was tall, but inches below him. He housed mysterious features that sampled Avon’s. They looked uncannily similar.

However, he remained a stranger to Avon and unfamiliar. “Who are you?” Avon ignored the glinting weirdness, demanding an introduction.

“It’s so nice to see you finally awake, you have no idea just how glad I am.” The guy smiled, his voice soft like the heavens serenity.

Avon left his gaze dormant, becoming wary of the young man.

“Oh sorry, I forgot you asked for my name. I’m Damien Barksdale, your cousin,” he introduced himself, stretching his palm out for a handshake.

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