Chapter 1

Chapter 1 (Book 2 of the Dragon’s Lord Return)

The Dragon Lord’s Legacies.

Avon’s point of view

I stood there, regardless of the situation playing out in front of me. My wife, Lorraine holding my son close to her and restricting him from touching me.

Amazement shunned through my eyes, and I tried understanding what was going on. I woke up from my five years coma, and my wife was married to a new man.

Not any new man, Richard Wilson of all men in EastVille.

As if that wasn’t shocking enough, my son has been legally made his son. And all I own belongs to him, his name, and nothing is left for me.

How did this happen, what is going on?

“I said get out before I have the security do their job.” Her stern voice cautioned, resoluted with her gaze fiery and the least passive. Her index went as much as pointing out the door.

What am I missing here?

Five years ago, after the mini burial we held for Kory Anders, my wife got sick and we found out the sickness was caused by the life growing in her womb.

I genuinely cared for her, stayed with her and away from anything work. My office was locked up for the whole nine months, I never stepped aside, I was with her, alongside her cousin and her mother.

I abandoned my goal of ending the Great Five Families, although The Parkers were gone already, but the rest are still well and healthy.

However, Finn; my personal assistant, ran away, I have no idea where he went, but the last time I saw him was when I psychically looked for him to see him settled far away from my city. I suppose he wanted a casual and peaceful life.

I was faced with a lot of puzzles, without pieces to put together. I witness Lorraine birth my son, I named him Atlas Barksdale.

It was a month after the arrival of our first baby I decided to reopen my office. I recalled to the moment I sat down, and everything went black.

That was the last thing I remembered. I woke up earlier this morning, literally confused by my existence, I had no idea who I was, what I am, zilch about my existence. I didn’t even remember my name, but gradually things started coming back and my head was spinning with my past and memories.

I asked about my wife, and I was shocked when the doctor informed me she lives with her husband, the husband named Richard Wilson.

I got a hold of her location and instantly rushed to her. I don’t know if she was pretending or anything, but she claimed not to recognize me and is chasing me out.

“I’m going to count to three, if you’re not out by three, then I’m throwing you out.” Her voice made the bid, casting me a deadly look as she began counting down the three seconds she’s giving me.

Not to humiliate myself, I walked out of her mansion, out of her presence. However, couldn’t move past her porch. The reality at hand not fitting well with me.

My wife not only discarded me, she denied ever knowing who I was, who I am. She denied ever having anything to do with me, she denied our past.

And she’s refusing my claim on my son.

What happened while I was in coma? How did a mere passing out pushed me to coma?

Many questions raised above my mind, none of which my head was producing answers to.

I just know that, I’m Avon Barksdale, the Dragon General. A man once pulverized to a twerp, but became a Kingpin. A man wrapped with immense power and strength, almost mutating a god.

I remember who I was, and who I still am. I’m the Dragon General, and my life has been stolen from me. My legacy has been nullified.

I walked off her porch. Not really sure where to go, my mansion was no more, my company has a new name. I have been erased, and my wealth has been stolen alongside my life.

I walked by the street, not sure where I’m headed. Quietly trying to figure out how I’m going to deal with my problems.

Then it clicked!

I was a man of power, I’m not ordinary. But I do feel ordinary, the mystical energy surging through me was no longer active.

I can’t feel anything again. I stretched out my arms, inspecting my body with an inward sense, nothing special was streaming through my blood or body. I was clean, and human.

Which could only mean one thing?

My powers were stolen alongside everything else taken away from me. I’m down being a nobody.

The bright sun shone over me with harsh intensity, doing that to mark how my enemies won against me. To mark their triumph, and my defeat.

They surely were bidding to kill me, but I lived, because coma couldn’t achieve my demise.

I lived because my soul was that relentless, and wouldn’t accept his defeat. I lived because my second chance at life is not going to be taken away. My grandmother didn’t sacrifice herself just so I could lose.

And waking up from that coma is my second chance to attain my permanent victory.

My enemies.

I’m coming for them all.

I’m going to take back everything that was first of all stolen away from me, my family, my wealth, and my legacy. Then I will make each and everyone of them pay for drilling a war with me.

After which I’m going to end their pathetic lives.

I’m coming for all of them.

However, to be able to do that. I’m going to need to gear myself up, I’m going to need to upgrade out of the nobody I am, into somebody at least.

I’m on a casual shirt and pants given to me by the doctor, and he even paid for my transportation fare to Lorraine’s new home.

I have no bucks on me, I have nothing on me.

I sighed, looking straight ahead of me at the quiet road, good thing my brain is well wired to the point of saving me out of this situation.

I have this penthouse in the big city, I bought it for Lorraine to give her on her birthday, we were suppose to go there for some weeks vacation, and it was going to be a surprise.

No one except for me knows about it, not even Finn. And inside the penthouse, in a particular room, was a designed suitcase with red ribbons filled with hundred bucks bundles.

It was another gift for Lorraine to start her business like she told me she wanted to. Now the plan of before was going to help me now.

Except, I don’t know how I’m gonna get to The Big Capital City Of EastVille when I’m a nobody.

To Be Continued.

I’m so sorry for the long wait, enjoyyyyyy

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