Life After Defeat: The Dragon Lord’s Legacy
Life After Defeat: The Dragon Lord’s Legacy
Author: Snowwriter

Chapter Recap Of The First Book…….

The Last Chapter…… 167

Kory stared with confliction, now that he knows who she is. Was he going to rat her out or is there an agenda to why he kept quiet and gave her a subtle look of knowledge.

She approached him with slow cautious steps, “Who are you?” Her head tilted slightly, her eyes squinting obliquely at him.

“I’m not the Finn you know, I’m the total opposite.” He responded, bored and typically plained.

“Then who are-“

“It doesn’t matter. What matters is joining hands to achieve our aims. Yours is retrieve the divinity surrounding Avon, while I came to claim his soul. That we should works towards and should matter.” He had cut her off, summing up the base of their plans.

“You were going to frame Lorraine for the murder of your body right. I definitely can help with that, I will be the witness and use my abilities to manipulate things into supporting this plan. This would create a rift between them, a dispute you would take advantage of him and approach him to meddle with the conflict, smartly doing what you had to do and rendering him powerless for me to come at and finish up.” Finn narrated, briefing out his scheme for Kory firmly as she nodded to each and his every words.

“At the moment they’re in your room. Your body will be teleported to her room.” His fingers snapped, and a tray containing apples neatly placed in a clean ceramic bowl and dining cutlery plus a juice were on the tray.

“You’re going to deliver this. Leave the rest to me.” His said to her, chin tipping upward as he turned around exiting the backyard.

Kory just stood there, still very much confused and letting her silence questioned the insanity.

How can Finn do all he was talking about doing. He sure doesn’t seem like Finn, but looks like him.

And the reason why he would be betraying his boss and trying to kill him is very heinous. Unless he was never Finn and was using the identity.

Kory has no idea what to believe, she went back to check on the body and confirm what he was telling her earlier.

Truthfully, the dead body is gone and it is as though a murder was never committed in the area.

She huffed at the scene, turning around to depart as per their plan, leaving to go find Lorraine.

Lorraine who was still in Kory’s room still unable to comprehend what just happen. Her mother just claimed she was in Kory’s body, meanwhile the original Charlotte was trying to kick Kory away.

Lorraine just wasn’t piecing anything together.

Charlotte returned back to the room with a palm holding her head.

“Mom are you okay?” Lorraine rushed to her side asking about her health after how stressed she seemed.

“I’m fine, but whatever that girl Kory is telling you guys that she is, it is a lie.” She said to Lorraine, coming in further as she approached sitting on the bed.

“We should just go to my room.” Lorraine aided her steps back into movement as they exited the room, going to Lorraine’s.

They arrived in her room in no time and she was about laying her mother on the bed when she saw a leg sticking out below her bed at the other side.

She made sure it settle her mother in before going over to the side to check out whatever was laying down there.

Suddenly her movements still with her eyes bulging out, she stepped forward in a robotic motion under control.

She went over to the side, looking at the dead body of Kory and not even realizing it. She bent down and picked the bloody knife on her body, inspecting it for awhile before stabbing her with it.

At that moment the door opened, and Miranda, Kory disguised as a maid came in holding a tray of apples when she saw Lorraine stabbing her body screamed out frightfully.

The tray in her hand falling to the ground. Her powerful yell waking up Charlotte who was placed to sleep.

Lorraine snapped out of her daze, looking around to sum the situation up. “Oh shit!” She muttered jumping away from Kory’s dead body, dropping the knife to the floor as she tried to remember how she arrived at that action.

“Why are you with a knife?” Charlotte asked, stepping down from the bed and taking cautious steps towards her.

“She killed madam Kory!” Miranda yelled out, sobs breaking through her voice as she broke down by the entrance where she stood.

Avon and Finn arrived soon at the scene, attracted by the loud scream they heard and to see what was going on.

“Oh my God!” Finn gasped with his mouth parted wildly as he viewed Lorraine standing feet away from Kory’s bloodied body with multiple stab wounds.

“I- I- I didn’t- I swear-“ Lorraine stuttered uncontrollably, looking down at her stained palms with blood and over to Kory’s dead body. Still trying to grasp some knowledge on the situation.

Charlotte who had stepped closer came to see the dead body on the floor, eyes paling out with awe clouding her expression.

“What did you do?” She asked her daughter, a bit terrified of her she has to take some steps back away from her.

From behind Miranda and Finn glance at each other with a smirk mounted on their faces.

Avon went to Lorraine, his figure sliding in front of her blocking her view of the dead body.

Lorraine gaze up at him, innocence and guilt twinkling in her eyes with tears piling up the edges

Avon brought up his palm, hanging it around her cheeks as he cupped it gently. “What happened?” Avon looked into her glistening eyes as he asked, appearing the least bothered by the incident.

“I- I don’t know.” She had managed to give him a firm response.

“I do because I had sadly witnessed it. I came to deliver some apples to Misses Lorraine, I had accidentally walked in on her stabbing Ms Kory repeatedly over and over again.” Miranda briefed from behind, coming to the room as she drew herself into exploding into another episode of false emotion display.

Tears already soaked her face, and she sniffed anticipating response to her explanation.

“What are we going to do, Boss?” Finn stepped in too, asking as he came closer to where they were standing.

Charlotte was blown beyond belief, just now her daughter had lay her down to sleep and only to wake up to a murder minutes later.

The murder of the same lady she had told her to be wary of. She can’t help but think, Lorraine resorted to brutal ways of eliminating her.

Avon didn’t know what to believe, the scene in front of him, or the face of his beautiful face that shuns nothing but her innocence.

Yet a witness said she saw her committing the violent act. He was going to trust his instincts, and his instincts was to trust his wife.

If she blacked out and kill Kory, then so shall it be. However it happened that Kory’s death was attained, so shall it be.

“Should I call the authorities, cause I know you can’t handle this yourself.” Finn offered.

“I can’t be here. This is too sad.” Miranda claimed as she turned around and ran out of the room, weeping on her way out.

She glanced at her behind and around her to make sure she wasn’t being followed, the tears wetting her eyes vanishing like they never came.

She ran straight to Avon’s office, bringing out a necklace and going over to his desk where she placed the item on his chair.

A grin morphed widely on her face, “Finally.” She whispered out to herself.

The End Of Book 1.

I never meant to make the book a series, but here we are. I have had the idea since I introduce the supernatural elements into the story.

And now I guess it’s being executed.

I was sick, and nearly died. But now I’m very fine, so expect the second book at the beginning of next month with heavy uploads of chapters to make up for my lost days.

Do not give up yet on this book.

There is a lot to be resolved, a lot yet to happen.

But here is a sneak peek though.

“My name is Avon Barksdale. They’re going to come for me, my loved ones, and all I have built.

I won’t let them, I will protect those that are mine and I will my enemies mop the ground I walk on.”

Nothing will be left untouched and unraveled. Including the Hales’s family subordinate storyline or plotting.

Appreciation to the readers that has followed through thick and thin and to the end of this very chapter.

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