Online Livestream

Victoria Bell was stunned. Orion Universal Group was a well-established company in Los Angeles. How could someone so young possibly be its owner? However, since Willy Morgan had agreed to a verification, Victoria wasted no time and initiated the background check.

The phone rang in the general manager’s office at Orion Universal Group headquarters.

“Hello, this is Joyce, the general manager’s assistant.”

“Hello, this is Victoria Bell, branch manager at Unity Savings Bank in Los Angeles. I’m calling to verify the identity of someone claiming to be the general manager or a shareholder of Orion Universal Group.”

“Who are you inquiring about?”

“The client’s name is Willy Morgan.”

“What! You mean Mr. Morgan?!”

“Yes, what is his position?”

“He’s our big boss! Do not, I repeat, do not neglect him! He owns 79% of the company’s shares!!!”

Victoria Bell was floored. Most people might not grasp the significance of holding 79% of a company’s shares, but she had been in the financial sector long enough to understand the gravity of such ownership.

She quickly hung up the phone and, with the utmost humility, completed Willy Morgan’s transaction before personally handing him the necessary documents.

“Mr. Morgan, I apologize for the earlier misunderstanding! Please forgive the inconvenience. Our bank offers many high-interest investment products. Would you like to take a look?”

“Not now! I still need to change clothes and pick up my car. Maybe some other time.” Willy could tell from Victoria Bell’s demeanor that she had confirmed his identity with Orion Universal Group.

“Of course, Mr. Morgan. May I add you on LINE? That way, you can contact me directly for any financial or loan-related matters.”

“Sure, add me.”

Victoria Bell watched as Willy Morgan left, marveling at how someone so young could already be at the helm of such a massive, well-established company.

After finishing his banking business, Willy stepped out of the bank just as he received a call from the Ferrari store.

“Hello, sir. Your Ferrari is ready for pickup after repairs. You can come by anytime to collect it.”

“Great! I’m on my way.”

When Willy arrived at the Ferrari store, the customer service representative couldn’t hide her shock.

“Sir! What happened to you today? Why are you dressed like this?” The representative pointed at Willy’s clothes, struggling to believe her eyes. The other customers, hearing the commotion, also cast curious glances his way.

“Oh, this? I was just recording a show, and these are the clothes the production team provided. I didn’t have time to change before getting your call, so I rushed over!” Willy explained calmly.

“I see! Sir, here are your keys. Please follow me to your car. Your Ferrari is one of only two in all of Los Angeles! The other one is a lower-spec grey model, but yours is the top-tier version!” The customer service girl was clearly excited.

“Really? I didn’t realize that,” Willy said, now aware that the system had gifted him a multimillion-dollar supercar.

“Sir, didn’t you know the model of your car? Didn’t anyone explain it when you bought it?”

“Haha, I just liked how it looked and bought it on the spot. I didn’t ask many questions, and I had some other business to attend to that day, so I left right after.”

“Oh, I see.”

When Willy approached his Ferrari, it looked brand new, without a scratch or mark.

“My baby!” Willy exclaimed, kissing the car before pressing the key fob.

“I’ll just drive it away now! Thanks for everything!” he said, getting in and driving off.

As Willy Morgan disappeared around the corner, the customer service girl was left wondering which celebrity he might be, given that she couldn’t think of anyone in the entertainment industry who matched his description.

Willy Morgan drove back to the Universal Shopping Center. As he parked his car, he noticed two people livestreaming, discussing the spending habits and luxury car ownership of wealthy Angelenos.

The moment they saw Willy’s Ferrari, the stream chat exploded.

“Whoa! That’s a limited-edition Ferrari!!! Am I seeing this right?”

“Nope, you’re not wrong! There are only two in all of Los Angeles. The other one belongs to some big boss’s dad, and I heard this one was bought by some mysterious rich guy!”

“Streamer! Get closer and show us the car!”

The two streamers, Mr. Apple and Mr. Banana, were also taken aback.

As Willy Morgan got out of the car, the livestream chat went wild.

“What? Rich people dress this low-key? Look at his clothes—they’re ripped at the armpits!”

“That hat looks filthy too!”

“You guys don’t get it! That’s called ‘vintage distressed’ style! The older and more worn it looks, the more expensive it is! I’ve heard that some jeans are so heavily distressed they can stand up on their own after being taken off!”

“Ew, that’s gross! If jeans are like that, then what about socks…?”

“I’m trying to enjoy my afternoon tea here! Can you guys please keep it clean?”

Thousands of people in the livestream chat began critiquing Willy Morgan’s outfit.

At that moment, Mr. Apple walked up to Willy with his phone.

“Excuse me! Can we interview you?”

“Huh?” Willy was startled, then noticed himself in the phone’s livestream and saw the platform’s layout. His expression immediately turned cold.

He hated being treated like a spectacle, especially by unknown, small-time platforms with their reckless interviews and content that corrupted the minds of today’s youth.

“No, I’m not interested,” Willy said curtly and walked away.

The livestream chat blew up even more at Willy’s response.

“He’s so full of himself just because he drives a Ferrari! Who does he think he is?”

“If you had a Ferrari, you’d be full of yourself too!”

“Maybe he’s just the chauffeur.”

“Not likely! Would you let your chauffeur dress like that and drive your luxury car?”

“He looks more like a mechanic!”



The chat was filled with messages agreeing that Willy looked more like a mechanic than a rich person. The viewers then urged Mr. Apple and Mr. Banana to follow Willy and see what he was up to in such a high-end shopping center.

Willy, unaware that he was being followed, strolled into a Gucci store.

“Sir, may I help you?”

“I’m here to buy some new clothes and change out of what I’m wearing. This is what I wore for a show recording,” Willy repeated the same excuse he had used at the Ferrari store.

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