Return of the half-blood

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Return of the half-blood

By: Lila Moonflower Updated just nowFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 16 views: 54

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In a world where humans are threatened by terrifying creatures that prey on humanity. The rich and their servants are protected from these creatures, while others must fend for themselves. Noah and his stepsister served a wealthy family as a means of protection. However, tragedy strikes when his stepsister falls victim to a heinous crime in the hands of the family they serve and in order to save their status, Noah and his stepsister are sent out of the protective services. Noah's sister died and he is consumed by guilt and promised to avenge her death. As he navigates this harsh reality, unexpected encounters with new allies give him a glimmer of hope. It is during these encounters that Noah discovers a mysterious glowing scar on his neck. A mark that sets him apart and sparks questions about his own identity and destiny. With his life spared during a perilous encounter with flesh-eating monsters, Noah begins to unravel the significance of the enigmatic scar. As he delves deeper into this newfound mystery, he realizes that his journey is just beginning and that he may possess powers beyond his wildest imagination. "Return of the Half-Blood" is a thrilling journey of resilience friendship and unlocking the mysteries of one's identity in the face of adversity.

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16 chapters
Chapter 1
"Noah! get the dishes ready, it's almost time for dinner!"Head Maid seemed even more strung up than usual. "The master will be down for dinner soon and the food has to be served. We'll be in huge trouble if the food isn't served by then." She added."Lazy slug, Work faster!" She yelled again.The boy named Noah worked harder to try as much as possible to finish his work but with the head Maid hovering over him, he found it difficult to concentrate.Dinner time had moved to an earlier time today leaving the entire kitchen a mess. All the workers were panicking and rushing to get the seven course meal ready because the gods forbid that they left their masters waiting. He could understand their train of thought. In this world where they had to rely on their masters protection to survive, they had to work hard to please them and treat them like they were the center of the universe because there were tons of people hoping to take their place.The world wasn't always like this. Noah had
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Chapter 2
"Your precious son raped my sister!" Noah said angrily.Master Bernard blinked his wolfish eyes. He seemed amused. "Is that why you're disturbing my work?" he asked playfully.Noah could not believe his ears.This man was making fun of the situation. This made him even angrier and his muscles tensed as he fought the urge to charge at the master."You should be happy that my son fancied your sister." It's her honour to serve our noble bloodline. Noah clenched his fists as his teeth clattered in rage, while Lilian tried her best to hold him back. "It's okay, it's okay" she recited as though it was a mantra. Noah wasn't sure if she was telling him or if she was trying to convince herself."Please let's just leave..." Her voice cracked as she said the words. Something about her tone made Noah to calm down."If you have nothing to say then leave my office. You should be punished for bringing this kind of trivial issue before me. the servants these days are so bold." Master Bernard said.
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Chapter 3
He ran towards the direction of the voice and there laid his sister on the floor. She looked terrible. Her face was bruised and her dirty clothes were drenched in blood. He almost didn't recognize his own sister and tried to control his tears as he fell to his knees and held her in his arms. She smiled at him weakly with her bruised face and thanked him for always having her back because even though she was just his half sister, he cared greatly for her and always protected her as though she had always been a part of his life. They only had the same mother, but different fathers. Noah's father had died years ago, so Noah's mother remarried. She had Lillian after her second marriage."P-Please, Noah. Promise me you're going to try your best to stay alive," she stuttered weakly."Come on, Li. We're both going to stay alive" he replied with a broken expression."No, brother. My time is up and..." She replied weakly."No! Lillian please, he cut in. You can't leave me" His voice broke as
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Chapter 4
Noah took to his heels as the monsters chased after him. He didn't want to end up like that person they were just feeding on. Besides, he still had to avenge his sister's death, so he kept running even though it felt as if the mobsters were already catching up with him. He couldn't see very clearly because of the fog and didn't notice the log on the floor and ended up tripping on it. He hit his head hard on a nearby stone as he landed on the floor.He lay on the floor as he felt dizzy and watched as the monsters caught up with himHe held his head as he groaned in pain. He was already feeling very dizzy by now and could not continue running again. He saw the monsters staring curiously at him as he felt his eyes close and finally gave in to the darkness.**********************Noah let out a groan as he sat up. He opened his eyes and saw a strange girl around his age sitting next to him. He had no idea who this person was and was startled, so he instinctively threw a punch immediately
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Chapter 5
Noah and Gemma continued their journey in silence. They'd been traveling for hours and were already getting tired. Gemma slowed down and relaxed."We're almost there." She said excitedly. "It's mostly safe here since it's so close to camp. It's been so long, I really miss my bed...a lot..and maybe a bath would be nice too. Speaking of which, you really need to take a bath. You stink really bad." She added. The closer they got, the more talkative Gemma became.They gradually moved further away from the city while avoiding the monsters. "We're here!" She finally said."Where's here?" Noah asked. He looked around but couldn't see anything special. They were in front of an old farm. The farm was protected by a tall brick fence. "This is the camp?" He asked again. Gemma glanced at him again. "Does your brain still hurt?" She asked sweetly. Come on in. The both of them went around the fence till they came across a thick iron gate that was covered in rust. Gemma paused in front of the
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Chapter 6
The sun woke Noah up the next morning. The others were nowhere to be seen but Gemma seemed to be packing up her stuff. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty" she said jokingly. The others will be back soon. "We'll soon set off but before that, how about I give you a tour." She said with a smile.The two left the camp and headed to the nearby woods. The woods seemed scary because it was too quiet. There were no singing birds or rustling leaves and there were no sounds from small animals either. It was dead silent. The both of them headed deeper before finally arriving at a river. The river was crystal clear and cool. Gemma pulled off her boots and socks and then put her feet in the water. Noah followed her lead and did the same."This is my favorite place in the world. It's so beautiful even though there isn't much beauty in what the world has become." Gemma said.Looking at the river brought back memories of his sister. They often played in the water together when they were younger. Lili
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Chapter 7
They resumed their journey the next day with Noah feeling happy that he wasn't limping anymore and that the pain in his leg was gone.Gemma was telling him about how she had learned how to fight when Nicholas came to join the conversation. He asked Noah how he was able to survive out there without any powers. Noah smiled"I'm a very lucky guy, i guess" and they all laughed."How do the monsters not attack you?" Crane suddenly asked"I'm also as surprised as you all are, Crane. I also want to know why they don't attack me" He answered"Hmm...Maybe they're allergic to your blood" Crane replied, trying to think of a good reason why the monsters don't attack him."Monsters don't get allergies, Crane" Gemma said, rolling her eyes.Mathew cleared his throat."Maybe he's a vampire and they know they can't mess with him" He said dramatically but they all laughed at him and asked him to keep quiet."Or maybe that's his superpower" Nicholas said, pushing Mathew out of the way."Not cool, Nick!
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Chapter 8
The man appeared in front of Noah as soon as he ran."Stay away from me!" He yelled and ran in another direction but the man appeared in front of him again. Noah was already getting annoyed by now and wished the man would stop appearing and disappearing in front of him."Can you stop doing that?" Noah said to the man in annoyance."Calm down" He said to Noah calmly but Noah wasn't ready to listen and ran in another direction again."I can help you, Noah. Just come with me and I'll teach you how to use your abilities." He said to Noah as he appeared in front of him again.Noah was shocked when he heard this because he didn't know he had an ability. All he knew was that he had this strange mark on his neck. He didn't know why or how he got the mark. All he knew was that he had a strange mark on his neck."What's my ability?" He asked the man as he suddenly calmed down to hear the man out.The man laughed as soon as the words left Noah's mouth. Noah just stared at him in confusion becaus
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Chapter 9
As soon as Noah turned away from Gemma, he regretted it. She was just trying to help and yet he was lashing out at her for no reason.The two suddenly heard a rustling in the bushes and they both turned towards the direction of the sound. They were both on guard. They were ready to either fight or flee if what was in the bushes turned out to be a monster."Why do the two of you insist on being total idiots?" It was Nicholas and he looked pissed. He turned to Noah and spoke in a very arrogant manner. "Ever since you came along, Gemma has been acting like her brain was eaten by a dog. You. are. weak." He said with an air of superiority. "You'll drag us down. The least you can do is to not cause any problems." Nicholas added."That's not fair Nicholas. I asked Noah to accompany me for a stroll. He said yes because he was being nice to me." Gemma immediately said to Nicholas. Upon hearing her words Nicholas finally seemed to calm down a bit. He then turned to Gemma and scolded her a b
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Chapter 10
Noah made his way over to the group in a daze. His hunger scared him and he was scared that one day he would be unable to control himself and he would do something unforgivable. He finally joined the group. Very soon, Crane started up a conversation with him and it was as if nothing had changed however, Noah knew that everything had changed. For one , he was now a monster. He sighed and decided not to dwell on the negatives. Noah soon noticed that Gemma was unusually quiet. This was very unlike her. she would normally be chatting and laughing with everyone. Crane explained to him that it was because they were getting close to where Gemma used to live. Villages and cities outside of the divine pockets were never safe. They could be celebrating today and be dead tomorrow. This was because they did not have a barrier to protect them from the monsters so they were always at risk of a monster attack. The group quieted down as they approached the ruins of a village. The village showed s
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