Chapter 2

"Your precious son raped my sister!" Noah said angrily.

Master Bernard blinked his wolfish eyes. He seemed amused. "Is that why you're disturbing my work?" he asked playfully.

Noah could not believe his ears.

This man was making fun of the situation. This made him even angrier and his muscles tensed as he fought the urge to charge at the master.

"You should be happy that my son fancied your sister." It's her honour to serve our noble bloodline. 

Noah clenched his fists as his teeth clattered in rage, while Lilian tried her best to hold him back. 

"It's okay, it's okay" she recited as though it was a mantra. Noah wasn't sure if she was telling him or if she was trying to convince herself.

"Please let's just leave..." Her voice cracked as she said the words. Something about her tone made Noah to calm down.

"If you have nothing to say then leave my office. You should be punished for bringing this kind of trivial issue before me. the servants these days are so bold." Master Bernard said.

Those words made Noah more furious but he knew there was nothing he could do. He took a deep breath and pulled Lilian away. 

As he left the study, a sense of powerlessness overwhelmed him. 

He was supposed to protect his sister and yet such a thing happened and he could not do anything about it. He could not even demand justice for her. He continued walking until they arrived at a secluded spot. It was a corner around the bend before the intersection leading to their respective quarters.

Before Noah could even say anything, Lilian beat him to it. 

"Noah please don't do anything stupid. Let's just forget about this. You know we only have each other. I don't know what I'll do if anything happens to you."

"If we displease them and get thrown out, we won't last a day in the outside world. You don't have an ability yet and my own ability...You know how it is." She added., trying to sound strong.

Lilian's ability could talk to animals. Of course being able to talk to them doesn't mean that they automatically like you or obey you. It's just simply being able to talk, so Lilian's ability was quite useless in a fight. While the method for awakening was monopolized by the noble families, they often built centres for awakening. 

After slaving away for years, they could finally afford to pay for Lilian to unlock an ability. The problem with this was that the abilities unlocked were often weak, but once in a while a slightly stronger ability might pop up, giving others hope and making them to continue rushing to pay for the awakening hoping that they'll be among the few with powerful abilities.

Noah hesitated but eventually nodded. He knew there was nothing he could do. 

"Okay." He breathed out reluctantly.

Lilian nodded in satisfaction. 

"I'll be fine, don't worry." She said trying to smile but it looked more like a painful grimace because of the hideous bruises on her face. They eventually parted ways and went to their respective quarters with as they agreed to meet again in the morning.

Meanwhile in the study.

Master Bernard scolded his son very severely. The young master was a handsome young lad. He looked very refined but his demeanor was that of a wastrel giving him an air of a useless spoiled son of a rich family. He looked sleazy, while the master was a burly man who had very strong features. He could not qualify as handsome but he looked very manly. The resemblance between the two wasn't really strong but it was easy to tell that they were related.

"Why did you choose to do this and at this time. the timing is too bad." The master said angrily.

"If the Williams house hears of this, they'll call off the wedding. After so long, we finally managed to forge an alliance with them and now, your stupid actions are going to ruin everything!" He yelled.

"It wasn't my fault. the Young master replied. that bitch seduced me. we have to punish her for that. Let's banish her from our divine pocket as a warning to those who want to use us to climb the social ladder and if that pesky brother of hers interferes then we'll kick him out too"

Master Bernard knew that his son was twisting the story to suit him but that was the way of the world. the weak had no say over their lives. Moreover, this matter needed to be handled so he decided to play along.

"Alright, give the order to capture that wench and bring her here" he said. 

Young master smiled. He knew that this matter was going to end here once and for all because no one could stand against the Bernard family.

The next morning.

Noah hurriedly did his morning routine and rushed to find his sister and just like the previous day, he was unable to find her. He immediately assumed the worst and suspected the master and the young master had something to do with it.

His eyes turned red and he raced towards the dining room where they were having breakfast. 

The master looked furious when he burst in.

"What is the meaning of this? I overlooked your impudence yesterday and i refuse to do it again today" he barked.

"Where is my sister?" Noah asked, ignoring master Bernard's statement. 

"Your sister has been banished for her crimes. Don't worry you'll follow along soon enough. Now, kneel!" The master said in a commanding voice

Noah's knees immediately hit the floor. He knew that the master had used his ability on him.

"Noah Wyvern. The Bernard House banishes you from the divine pocket. Leave and never come back." Master Bernard said to him.

Noah looked up at Master Bernard who towered over his kneeling form and looked at him with a contemptuous look. The lady of the house just looked curious, while the young master watched them with a smug look on his face.

He was unable to control himself and struggled with all his strength but his body turned away from them and walked towards the barrier. He kept walking until he got to the barrier and crossed it.

Immediately, he heard a weak voice calling out to him and recognized the voice at once.


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