Return of the half-blood
Return of the half-blood
Author: Lila Moonflower
Chapter 1

"Noah! get the dishes ready, it's almost time for dinner!"

Head Maid seemed even more strung up than usual. 

"The master will be down for dinner soon and the food has to be served. We'll be in huge trouble if the food isn't served by then." She added.

"Lazy slug, Work faster!" She yelled again.

The boy named Noah worked harder to try as much as possible to finish his work but with the head Maid hovering over him, he found it difficult to concentrate.

Dinner time had moved to an earlier time today leaving the entire kitchen a mess. All the workers were panicking and rushing to get the seven course meal ready because the gods forbid that they left their masters waiting. 

He could understand their train of thought. 

In this world where they had to rely on their masters protection to survive, they had to work hard to please them and treat them like they were the center of the universe because there were tons of people hoping to take their place.

The world wasn't always like this. Noah had heard stories of a time when the monsters didn't roam the lands but for some reasons one day, the monsters suddenly appeared. The only safe places where humans could survive were the divine pocket. Like the one Noah was in now. Not everyone had the qualification to live in a divine pocket. 

Only the nobility and the elites could live there. the noble families all had a limited quota for the number of people they could bring along with them because resources were limited, even in the divine pocket. 

Of course, it wasn't just the nobles and their servants in the divine pocket. If a person could be very outstanding, strong enough to get a personal invite from the city lord, then they could come with their own family and friends depending on their quota. The nobles and the elites generally didn't have the same social circle so Noah had never seen such a person.

After the great change, humans gained abilities. special abilities that put them above regular people. 

All humans could awaken an ability but doing so required resources and special opportunities which only the noble families could afford. The elites generally didn't have a noble background but they managed to awaken powerful abilities. 

Noah always wondered how they did it.

The head Maid smacked him on the head for ignoring her and allowing his mind to wander.

After drying the last dish he headed to the cook to receive his meal and as he sat down to eat, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen his sister all day.

"Where could that girl be?" he thought aloud to himself. If she didn't complete her tasks then she wouldn't be given any food. He decided to keep his meal and go look for his sister.

He went to the maid's quarters to look for her but she wasn't there.

He asked all the maids whom he came across but they didn't know where she was.

He was already getting worried by now and felt a pit in his stomach as his heart began fast. Ever since he could remember, It had been just the two of them. They had both matured early because they had to take care of each other. She never went anywhere without telling him.

The Benard House which he served was a small noble family but despite that, their grounds were massive and it took him a few hours to search the grounds. He decided to give up and try looking inside again when he suddenly thought of something.

He turned and ran towards the back of the gardens. He made many twists and turns before finally arriving at his destination. He took deep breaths while trying to figure out his way back. 

He finally smiled as he saw a corner of her dress. She was crouching in a corner. 

Wait! something is wrong. Her shoulders were moving slightly as though she was shivering or crying. 

"What's wrong, Li?" he asked softly as he approched her. As soon as she heard his voice, she stiffened. He finally came in front of her but when he saw her face, he got furious.

Lilian was a pretty girl with long black hair and big bright blue eyes. Noah had the same features. It was obvious that the both of them had won the genetic jackpot. But right now, her pretty features were marred by big bruises on her face. there was an obvious slap mark on her right cheek. Her eyes were swollen and her lips cracked. He could see other bruises that extended into her clothes.

"Who did this to you?" he asked again.

She didn't say anything and burst into loud tears again as he held her in his arms. She was clearly very aggrieved. When she finally calmed down a little, she wiped her eyes and wanted to pretend like nothing was wrong but Noah insisted she told him what happened to her. She finally caved and told him everything.

Earlier in the morning, she had been assigned to collect the dirty laundry from the young master's room. The young master was known to be a womanizer however, he never lay hands on the servants as that would make his family look bad in high society. This morning however, he had forced himself on her.

She sobbed harder as she finished her story.

Noah was furious and immediately stormed off in the direction of the main house. Lilian tried to stop him but he was too angry to listen.

After reaching the study, he was stopped by the two guards.

"Let me in!" he yelled furiously. 

"Who do you think you are?" The guard asked disdainfully. 

"Do you think you'll say something and we'll do it?" The other guard asked in annoyance.

Both guards were adamant about letting him in. The commotion must've reached the master inside because his indifferent voice called out to let him in.

"What's the matter boy?" The master asked.

"Your precious son raped my sister!"

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