Chapter 8

The man appeared in front of Noah as soon as he ran.

"Stay away from me!" He yelled and ran in another direction but the man appeared in front of him again. Noah was already getting annoyed by now and wished the man would stop appearing and disappearing in front of him.

"Can you stop doing that?" Noah said to the man in annoyance.

"Calm down" He said to Noah calmly but Noah wasn't ready to listen and ran in another direction again.

"I can help you, Noah. Just come with me and I'll teach you how to use your abilities." He said to Noah as he appeared in front of him again.

Noah was shocked when he heard this because he didn't know he had an ability. All he knew was that he had this strange mark on his neck. He didn't know why or how he got the mark. All he knew was that he had a strange mark on his neck.

"What's my ability?" He asked the man as he suddenly calmed down to hear the man out.

The man laughed as soon as the words left Noah's mouth. Noah just stared at him in confusion because he had no idea why the man was laughing. 

Maybe he's crazy. He didn't look like any normal person Noah had met anyway. Noah thought to himself. 

He was tall and dark and had a strange accent Noah had never heard before. His eyes were purple. Noah had never met anybody with purple eyes, so he found it strange. The man's black hair was thick and long and stopped at his shoulders and his canines were unusually long. 

"What's so funny?" Noah asked the man as he wasn't finding his question amusing in any way.

The man suddenly stopped laughing as suddenly as he had burst out laughing.

"Are you surprised? Well, you should be, because even i fear your ability. You're stronger than you think, Noah." The man said to him. His accent sounding thicker than ever as he said the words. Noah wondered what accent that was.

"Do i really have an ability?" He asked the man

"And if i did have an ability? What could it possibly be?" He asked the man.

"I just told you you have a very powerful ability Noah. Do you doubt me?" The man asked him. Noah was interrupted before he could even say anything.

"Where have you been, Noah? We've been looking for you

He heard a very familiar female voice ask behind him. He turned around to see Gemma standing behind him. He didn't hear her coming or know how she even knew she would find him there, so he was surprised to see her and tried to make up an excuse.

"I just came out to pee" He lied and turned to look at the man, but he wasn't there anymore. 

"What are you looking at?" He heard Gemma ask again.

"Nothing. I just came to pee." He repeated, but she didn't buy it.

"This far from the others?" She asked him.

"Do you know it's not safe for you to be out here by yourself? You have no powers to protect yourself from those monsters" She reminded him.

"Yeah, but they don't attack me" He replied cockily as he smirked.

"Stop being so cocky." She replied, rolling her eyes.

"It's best to stay away from them. You said it yourself" She added and squinted as her eyes suddenly fell on his neck.

"Yes ma'am" He replied sarcastically, but she ignored the sarcastic reply he gave.

"What's that on your neck and why does it look exactly like the symbol of the monsters?" She asked without taking her eyes off his neck. 

"The symbol of the what?" He asked, raising his hand to feel the mark on his neck. 

"The symbol of the monsters" She replied 

Noah sighed but didn't say anything because he didn't know what to tell her or where to even start. The whole thing was a lot for him to explain. He ended up telling her everything that's been happening to him and made her promise not to tell the others until they found out exactly what the thing was.

He nodded at her in appreciation as she agreed and promised not tell the others and then turned to go back to the house but as soon as he turned back, he saw the strange man eating something that made Noah want to throw up. It was a human leg. He watched in disbelief as the man munched hungrily on the flesh and tore it with his teeth. 

The man was not holding any leg earlier and wondered where he got the leg from and who it belonged to. He felt bad for the person as he watched this man munch hungrily on the leg.

The man stopped eating and raised his head to look at Noah.

"You won't suppress your hunger forever" He said to Noah with a glint in his eyes.

"No! I'm not hungry and I'll never feel any hunger for something as terrible as this!" Noah yelled at the man as he felt his heart beating very loudly in his chest.

"Noah Noah, who are you talking to?" Gemma asked as she grabbed him gently and tried to calm him down.

Noah turned to her.

"Him! Him! I'm talking to him, Gemma!" He screamed as he pounted at the man.

"Who? There's nobody here" She said as she looked around, trying to find the person Noah was pointing at.

Noah turned to look at the man again but he was gone. He looked around in confusion, trying to look for the man but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Noah, what's wrong?" Gemma asked in concern but he didn't answer and just kept looking around.

Noah felt uneasy because he had no idea what that crazy man was up to.

"Noah!" She shouted, trying to get his attention. Noah turned to face her this time.

"What did you see?" She asked again

"Nothing" he replied and walked away.

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