Chapter 10

Noah made his way over to the group in a daze. His hunger scared him and he was scared that one day he would be unable to control himself and he would do something unforgivable. 

He finally joined the group. Very soon, Crane started up a conversation with him and it was as if nothing had changed however, Noah knew that everything had changed. For one , he was now a monster. 

He sighed and decided not to dwell on the negatives. Noah soon noticed that Gemma was unusually quiet. This was very unlike her. she would normally be chatting and laughing with everyone. 

Crane explained to him that it was because they were getting close to where Gemma used to live. Villages and cities outside of the divine pockets were never safe. They could be celebrating today and be dead tomorrow. This was because they did not have a barrier to protect them from the monsters so they were always at risk of a monster attack. 

The group quieted down as they approached the ruins of a village. The village showed signs of being burned. Gemma headed towards a particular house. Noah wanted to follow because she didn't seem to be doing well however, Nicholas held him back with a complicated gaze. 

"She's going to be fine. She just needs some time alone" he said softly. 

After saying that, he turned to the rest of the gang and told them to set up camp. 

The group went into an abandoned house and put down their sleeping bags. It was obvious that this was not the first time they had come to this place. Everyone settled down since it was getting late and then they distributed the food. Mostly dried meat for everyone. 

Gemma walked into the familiar house. The house was just a regular one. It was small but it had a yard and a backyard. The yard that her mother always tried to make as beautiful as she could was overgrown with weeds. There was still dried blood on the ground. 

Gemma went inside the house. Everything was covered in dust. She ran her fingers over the furniture and the walls. The house was still scattered from the struggle and the horrible event that happened in this house. 

She remembered picking up the pieces of her mother's corpse from the house. Her beautiful, kind mother had become no better than a piece of meat. She had her best memories and also her worst memories in this house. She sighed and turned to leave. 

After leaving, she saw Noah standing outside the house with a concerned look on his face. She smiled at him but it was clearly forced. He asked her if she was fine, his question brought tears to her eyes. She was not fine. She hugged him and cried into his arms. 

Noah felt a force pull him away from Gemma and punch him in the face. The force that hit him was actually Nicholas. He looked very angry. 

"How dare you touch my girl?" He asked with an ugly look on his face. 

Noah looked at Gemma but she only bit her lips and didn't deny it. 

"We are not doing anything wrong." Noah replied. 

He did not see Gemma as a potential love interest. He cared about her because she was there when he went through the worst period of his life and she had saved his life. He understood her and she understood him. He didn't think that they could ever be more than just friends. His answer made Nicholas even more angry and before he knew it, he felt something cut into him. He felt a sharp pain in his thigh.

Nicholas was throwing wind blades at him and the worst part was that since air was invisible, he couldn't see the blades and he couldn't dodge either. Another one landed on his chest and he felt more pain as he felt himself losing blood. 

The others tried to stop him but he solidified the air around the two of them so that the others could not get to them. Nicholas waved his hands and Noah felt air leaving his lungs.

Nicholas had used this move on him before but there was no killing intent at that time. This time he could feel that Nicholas would gladly kill him. He could not breathe. The world darkened as he felt himself give in to the darkness that was overtaking him. The world went completely dark. 

When Noah woke up, he saw Matthew sitting beside him, reading an old book. Gemma came in soon after and asked how he was feeling. He told her that he was fine but she still sent a burst of healing power into his body just to be sure. 

Gemma looked like she was about to say something but she hesitated and finally turned around and left. Mathew stayed for a while longer before also leaving. Crane also came to visit with a big basket of fruits and wondered where she got them from because fruits were precious commodity.

After he was left alone, Noah's mind wandered to all the things that the mysterious man had told him before and decided he wanted to see the man again. He then left the room before making his way out of the village while avoiding the others. 

Once he was a bit far away, he paused and waited. Soon enough, the man appeared. His eyes were even brighter than before and his accent was thicker than ever. He also seemed taller and more intimidating. Noah finally asked the question that had been on his mind for ages.

"Who are you and why am i the only one that can see you?" He asked. 

The man gave another wide smile. 

"Don't you already know?" He threw a question back at Noah. Noah's head began to hurt as the familiar image in his memory fused with the image of the man before him. His heart sank as this confirmed what he had already suspected. The man's smile grew impossibly wider. His teeth glinting with a sharp light. 

"That's right" he said. 

"I am your father" he added with a wide grin

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